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What Turns You Off?


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OP by Eek

"For me, i get the "ughh" factor when i see men leave the gents pulling up their flies. Maybe they are just double checking, but the thing that comes into my mind is that they didnt wash their hands."

Toilet actions are pretty automatic so I had to think about this one while in action.

1) have a wee

2) wash hands

3) do up zip

Personally I wouldn't leave the toilet without 3), but I can see some chaps being a bit impatient, so it might not be such an "ughh" after all.

Then, of course, did not do the dishes....

Sorry, only dating Thai ladies means I am not permitted to wash the dishes or do what they consider "their work". I would be happy to do such things but can't face the resulting screams, shouts and tears.

I realise this one is may be tolerated by many, or even found as funny, but for me its a passion killer: Farting in bed. sick.gif At least try to be discreet about it fellas..farting is not something to be proud of! (which i think some men still have a teenage fixation about and find hilarious..thankfully not any that i have shared a bed with!)

I agree with this one, but try telling the Thai gf not to do it when she considers it hugely amusing. Not to mention nose picking, using the toilet when I am in the bathroom, etc.

I think we will just have to accept that not everyone in the world can live up to out high western values of hygiene and etiquette.

Edited by pjclark1
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My ex bf alwasy had really long toe nails and if he ever by chance scratched them against by leg in bed it would make me shudder. In a very bad way.

Body hair...actually not all body hair, but in random places. Same said ex had 'wings' of hair on his lower back. And his body hair was strangley straight, so he kind of resembled a wolf. I don't actually mind a hairy chest as long as it is evenly spread out and not too excessive...long and straight was just weird. Bless him, he was actually a lovely boyfriend...but it did make it easier to get over him when we broke up!

Current bf has a delightful habit of cleaning his ears out in bed so I am constantly finding yellowy/orange cotton buds in weird places. That doesn't give me sexy thought towards him. He also often takes great pleasure in farting not just in bed, but on me. But weirdly I find farting less offensive than smelly burps. They REALLY gross me out.

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I think we will just have to accept that not everyone in the world can live up to out high western values of hygiene and etiquette.

The comments were men related, not asian/non-western specific. All that I and others wrote were general "uggh" factors. Even what you mentioned about Thai women happens in the west too, so not just a Thai thing. Many of the things mentioned are just general and fairly basic hygiene and etiquette comments that most are aware of and educated about across the globe. If people were truly unaware they would be openly farting on each other and using the public toilet with the doors open and other things. Personally I dont think its a overly high standard of expectation, nor a western value thing. Anyway...i was of the understanding that Thailand has higher expectations of personal hygiene than the west.


msabbai...fart ON you...omg... :)

..geez ..maybe my expectations ARE too high then, there is no way i would put up with a guy doing that! :D


When reading this and realising that my comments on simple hygiene and basic etiquette is considered by some to be high expectation of others....quite simply im gobsmacked. Oh and ive live in other parts of the world too...not only "western" countries. Oh well..learn something new everyday.

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msabbai...fart ON you...omg... :)

..geez ..maybe my expectations ARE too high then, there is no way i would put up with a guy doing that! :D

Yeah it's an amusing sunday morning joke he has started to play. I think it may be a new tack at foreplay?? Needless to say it is very unsuccessful!

Oh and to whoever thought this was about asian people...I must say, especially in Thailand...it tends to be the wetsern make who can make me go "ewww" much more than the Asian men....I think you got the wrong end of the stick. I often wonder why some of these people don't take more notice of the Thai standards of hygiene (two showers a day etc)

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I have been thinking, and smoking my B and H. I loved him at the time. So i put up with his foiblesm as he did mine. And we had a laugh, and that was wot counted.

All the rest just went into silly stupid arguments and ended up in wife battering, which was not so good.

But you get over it and get on with your life.

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Table manners.

I have a friend who is 56 years old and pushes his food onto his fork with his fingers. I left a restaurant once because of it. I love to cook and take timeto make good meals - my ex would shovel the food down his gullet even before I had sat down to eat, not tasting it or even commenting on how good it was. Then, of course, did not do the dishes....

The hawking in the morning - another friend's hotel room bathroom was just in front of the balcony of my room. Every morning I was subjected to the hawking and coughing.... I was getting up earlier and earlier to avoid that!!!

Wow, thats really bad. I was brought up in a strict family, fooling around at the dinner table would almost mean certain death. Thats something that has stuck with me since & watching people shovel their food almost inhaling it grosses me out too :) Having said that, I always enjoy a well cooked meal, take the time to appreciate it and pass on the compliments, why, because im an aweful chef and really appreciate those who can chern out a decent feed.

I always do the dishes, I find it rather therapeutic & of course it keeps the chef happy :D

As for that other disgusting habit you mentioned at the end of your post patsycat :D ....disgusting.

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Crotch-scratching. Are you a monkey? Do you have bugs? I understand that you may feel itchy from time to time, but clawing at your nether regions makes me wonder (and worry) what the hel_l is going on down there!

Reminds me of an old joke.

Why do women rub their eyes in the morning? Because they haven't got any balls to scratch.

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My mother brought us up to eat at the table correctly and she still pokes her finger in my back to make me sit up straight at the table t and i am 46 years old..... so goes to show i never learnt, if she is still doing it after 46 years!!!

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Right then, so dont pick your nose at the dinner table, no farting in bed (awww - i like doing that!), no hacking up some lung-butter in the mornings, shower twice a day, keep our body hair in check, dont scratch our balls... and all is good?

Seems fairly straight forward to me! :)

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My mother brought us up to eat at the table correctly and she still pokes her finger in my back to make me sit up straight at the table t and i am 46 years old..... so goes to show i never learnt, if she is still doing it after 46 years!!!

Perhaps she should move from poking you (pardon the pun) to some more severe form of punishment, sitting incorrectly at the diner table should at least earn you a couple of head slaps :D .

I remember when I got my first place, all on my own and I kicked back and had a TV dinner, I had to make sure the doors were locked and the curtains drawn shut, just incase the oldies decided to drop by. :D Fortunately they are dead now so I can eat where ever I like. Bad eating habits are repulsive though, I recently saw a guy at a restuarant trying to eat and pick his nose at the same time :)

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I wash my hands after every visit to the gents. I trim my snout and I am clean shaven.

Hairy legs on women make me shudder and anybody that chews with their mouth open makes me want to duck tape them closed.

Then you must hate it here then mate? :)

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I wash my hands after every visit to the gents. I trim my snout and I am clean shaven.

Hairy legs on women make me shudder and anybody that chews with their mouth open makes me want to duck tape them closed.

Sometimes i think my bf does some "eww" factors, just to get a rise out of me. He seems to relish chucking his underwear at me after removing it (and nearly wet himself laughing when i threatened to chuck them over the balcony one time). If we are out eating and I ask him a question, if he doesnt want to talk about the subject matter, he will take a big mouthful of food, then restrain himself from laughing as he starts to respond only to have me give out a cry of asking him to wait till hes finished what hes eating. I know at that time im beat, cuz unless i change the topic hes just gonna do the food shoveling in mouth thing. He loves to gross me out with yum yum sounds when he has bought some of that black jelly stuff at the market that he knows makes me shudder. As well as trying to give me a kiss on the rare occasion hes bought a bag of bugs! :)

You guys love it, im sure! Trying to gross out girls for fun is something youve never grown out of!

^What is 'publiç hair' ?? :D

Hair seen in public - that shouldnt be :D

:D !! (but omg..blow drying the nether-regions..ive never ever heard of that one ..EVER!)

Edited by eek
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I wash my hands after every visit to the gents. I trim my snout and I am clean shaven.

Hairy legs on women make me shudder and anybody that chews with their mouth open makes me want to duck tape them closed.

Sometimes i think my bf does some "eww" factors, just to get a rise out of me. He seems to relish chucking his underwear at me after removing it (and nearly wet himself laughing when i threatened to chuck them over the balcony one time). If we are out eating and I ask him a question, if he doesnt want to talk about the subject matter, he will take a big mouthful of food, then restrain himself from laughing as he starts to respond only to have me give out a cry of asking him to wait till hes finished what hes eating. I know at that time im beat, cuz unless i change the topic hes just gonna do the food shoveling in mouth thing. He loves to gross me out with yum yum sounds when he has bought some of that black jelly stuff at the market that he knows makes me shudder. As well as trying to give me a kiss on the rare occasion hes bought a bag of bugs! :)

You guys love it, im sure! Trying to gross out girls for fun is something youve never grown out of!

^What is 'publiç hair' ?? :D

Hair seen in public - that shouldnt be :D

:D !! (but omg..blow drying the nether-regions..ive never ever heard of that one ..EVER!)

OMG indeed - unfortunatley i kid you not :D And it is not just one individual.

Oh, and lets not even mention a more common habit of people walking barefoot to the urinal :D

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mmmm interesting topic. Thanks Ladies for all this insight into personal grooming and hygiene.

But the one thing that realy annoys me, is that every time I go to piss in the sink, it's full of dirty dishes! :)

Merry Christmas all.

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