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Avatar Psychology

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The term 'AVATAR' means one who was descended, but descended from where and to what? It means descended from Godliness to human form.

Avatar means those who descended to Earth from the Spiritual world for the establishment of Dharma, preservation of the human race and promulgation of Sastra.

Avatar means the person who descends, as a fully or partially empowered incarnation of Divine Mother Adhiparasakthi, from the spiritual realm for a particular mission.

An Avatar is also called a Savior, that is a person who saves or rescues mankind from the danger of deterioration. When a savior appears on this Earth all are saved through his grace.

Explorer :o

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Isn't your 'transvestite' none other than Vampirella, Kitty? Reminds me a Wonder woman a bit too.

Maybe, I admit I took it off an avatar site knowing only it was from some comic. :D

How about a quick shave then  :o for your Avatar. :D

Those fur balls must be giving you a “meow attack”  :D

Looking at your other post about "Shaving" that is. :D

Or better still, keep eating your "Whisker”  as you show yourself, me think. :D


By the way, here's my dancing kitty back, for you guys who missed her :D

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While doing research, thought I’d look up the amount of articles that sited “avatar”. Unfortunately on the psych databases there were less than thirty articles that sited this term (and others in this area) and none had anything to do with personality. Off the tip of my head I can think of two reasons for this:

(1) Firstly , the procedures involved, ethics approval, representative sample, collation etc, would all be too burdensome and complicated to consider, especially where funding was an issue. Basically it would just be too hard for any researcher to conduct and for a reliable and valid study to be conducted in this area.

(2) Another reason is that it’s possible to apply existing personality theories to the new arenas (cyberspace). For example, Jung used the terms “persona” and “mask” to refer to the “public self” we present in the (virtual) world, ie avatar. We can use psychotherapy to analyse the members, but that would just take away all the fun.

Don't think there's any need to make the members "think" about the images they chose to represent them - it just complicates things :o

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