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Condo In Pattaya

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I have a condo in View Talay building A registered in my name. My Thai wife and I were legally married in the USA but not here in Thailand. Our house here in Bangkok and two cars are in her name. All my other assets, (investments) are in the US and I have a will made in the US distributing them to my wife and son. What do I need to make sure she wont have any problem inheriting the condo? I could just transfer it now to her name but I think its resale value will be more if it's in foreign name. Any suggestions?

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Get wills drawn up for both yours and your wife's assets here in Thailand.


Good advice, its not impossible that she could pre-decease you! so you both need wills for your assets here in Thailand plus of course wills in your home country for any assets there.

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"I could just transfer it now to her name but I think its resale value will be more if it's in foreign name"

Surely if you die she will have to put it in her name first before selling it? And then it'll be in the Thai quota again anyway?

Yes, good point.

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"I could just transfer it now to her name but I think its resale value will be more if it's in foreign name"

Surely if you die she will have to put it in her name first before selling it? And then it'll be in the Thai quota again anyway?

Yes, good point.

There must be a period of amnesty as there is for westerners "owning" land after their Thai spouse dies and they inherit. 12 months in that instance I believe.

As for a condo, no-one in their right mind would transfer it to a Thai name and lose XYZ% of its value. Maybe a foreign company could own it. A UK company costs about £20 a year to run.

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