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Best Physical For The Baht


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BUPA gives me 700 baht towards a yearly physical and my policy runs out on 12/31 so I need to get one soon. I know they cost more than that but it's better than nothing.

Can people please give best recommendations for place to get a physical that isn't too expensive, but does a thorough job? I want to get an HIV test as well. I know will be over 700 baht and I don't paying more but it the quality/expense ratio that I'm after.

Thanks in advance.


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Funny, I read Pounds and not Baht, we'll let it stand for entertainment value and to give UG an edge, for a change.

Not sure of your age because that determines the scale and cost of these things, but reckon if you are over 50 then Baht 15,000 for a comprehensive physical at Bumrungrad in Bangkok, plus say another Baht 10,000 for any further bits and pieces then you've spent your budget and had a first rate physical to boot. You can get it all done much more cheaply but BUPA is not likely to give you a refund on the money you didn't spend!

Edited by chiang mai
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Dr Morgan at a relatively new clinic on Hang Dong Road, 400 m south of Tesco, opp side.

Dr Morgan speaks excellent English and her caring and professional attitude and knowledge is gaining her an excellent reputation.

I have had a full health check there recently, at a very reasonable price, and a 30 minutes consultation after for her to explain results .

Telephone 053 804 405.

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I would recommend the Physical Check up at The Check Up Clinic - Special Medical Services Centre ( SRIPAT) Suthep Road. They have programmes rangeing from 860 baht for a few minimal tests up to 4,590 baht for the lot. Far, far cheaper than Chiang Mai Ram where I think its about 15,000-but can't be sure. Its mostly just blood analysis with an electocardiogam and chest x-ray thrown in.But maybe the above clinics do the same for less. Sripat have a very useful leaflet with all the tests listed and prices. You could get hold of one and see how it compares with the others.After the tests Dr. Gregory ,an American Doctor discusses the results

Edited by Asmerom
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I would recommend the Physical Check up at The Check Up Clinic - Special Medical Services Centre ( SRIPAT) Suthep Road. They have programmes rangeing from 860 baht for a few minimal tests up to 4,590 baht for the lot. Far, far cheaper than Chiang Mai Ram where I think its about 15,000-but can't be sure. Its mostly just blood analysis with an electocardiogam and chest x-ray thrown in.But maybe the above clinics do the same for less. Sripat have a very useful leaflet with all the tests listed and prices. You could get hold of one and see how it compares with the others.After the tests Dr. Gregory ,an American Doctor discusses the results

I had the same checkup at Sripat and wasn't thrilled. there was no Dr Gregory, just a Thai doctor who couldn't really explain much. Still it's very inexpensive and pretty good value. But if you know what tests you want and know you can skip some others depending on your health, you can probably get just as much value from a slightly lesser exam for half the price.

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I too would recommend Dr. Morgan at her clinic on the Hang Dong Road. I've had complete physicals there and at Sripat. Dr. Morgan is much more thorough and you get more tests for the money. It will cost you more than 700 Baht but her prices are about the same as Sripat and she leaves no stone unturned. When I had a "physical exam" at Sripat, the doctor never got out of his chair!

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I too would recommend Dr. Morgan at her clinic on the Hang Dong Road. I've had complete physicals there and at Sripat. Dr. Morgan is much more thorough and you get more tests for the money. It will cost you more than 700 Baht but her prices are about the same as Sripat and she leaves no stone unturned. When I had a "physical exam" at Sripat, the doctor never got out of his chair!

"A physical examination is the process by which the doctor investigates the body of the patient for signs of disease."-Wikipedia. Maybe "Clinical" would be a better word to use, Physical suggests the doctor should be pressing and probing all over the body looking for signs and symptoms whereas of course, the answers are not to be found there but in the blood, bones and internal organs. I recently fractured my collar bone and was surprised I never even took my shirt off for the doctor. "He never got out of his chair." He just studied the x-rays. I took it off for the nurse to fix the shoulder sling.

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I too would recommend Dr. Morgan at her clinic on the Hang Dong Road. I've had complete physicals there and at Sripat. Dr. Morgan is much more thorough and you get more tests for the money. It will cost you more than 700 Baht but her prices are about the same as Sripat and she leaves no stone unturned. When I had a "physical exam" at Sripat, the doctor never got out of his chair!

"A physical examination is the process by which the doctor investigates the body of the patient for signs of disease."-Wikipedia. Maybe "Clinical" would be a better word to use, Physical suggests the doctor should be pressing and probing all over the body looking for signs and symptoms whereas of course, the answers are not to be found there but in the blood, bones and internal organs. I recently fractured my collar bone and was surprised I never even took my shirt off for the doctor. "He never got out of his chair." He just studied the x-rays. I took it off for the nurse to fix the shoulder sling.

A physical exam for a male in their 50's or more should include at leat listening to their ticker and checking the prostate. Anything less is unacceptable for anything labeled a check-up, physical exam, or whatever...

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I am also a fan of Sripat / Special Medical Services. I have done their package last year and am planning to do it again in about two weeks.

I have been to Bumrungrad and have had the same service for 4x the price (and a nicer looking building). However; since at least 50% of all medical tests are bloodwork, there is no reason to pay such high prices unless you know that you have something unusual.

I have been to the Loh Kroh guy. I did not find him to be anything special or better than what I've found at Sripat. In such a small clinic, I would question the accuracy of their lab capabilities but I have not actually seen the lab so this is probably not a fair judgement.

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A physical exam for a male in their 50's or more should include at leat listening to their ticker and checking the prostate. Anything less is unacceptable for anything labeled a check-up, physical exam, or whatever...

"listening to their ticker" will be covered with the Electocardiogram and "checking the prostrate" is covered with the blood test for "prostate specific antigen". No need for the doctor to put his finger up you know where.

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A physical exam for a male in their 50's or more should include at leat listening to their ticker and checking the prostate. Anything less is unacceptable for anything labeled a check-up, physical exam, or whatever...

"listening to their ticker" will be covered with the Electocardiogram and "checking the prostrate" is covered with the blood test for "prostate specific antigen". No need for the doctor to put his finger up you know where.

They have this test in Thailand now ...Yipee...does this mean that my system of picking a doctor not on english language proficiency, medical skills, or costs but rather on the size of his index finger is now a thing of the past in all cases?

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They have this test in Thailand now ...Yipee...does this mean that my system of picking a doctor not on english language proficiency, medical skills, or costs but rather on the size of his index finger is now a thing of the past in all cases?

Not in all cases. Some people may prefer the old ways. A little intimacy goes a long way. :)

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A physical exam for a male in their 50's or more should include at leat listening to their ticker and checking the prostate. Anything less is unacceptable for anything labeled a check-up, physical exam, or whatever...

"listening to their ticker" will be covered with the Electocardiogram and "checking the prostrate" is covered with the blood test for "prostate specific antigen". No need for the doctor to put his finger up you know where.

Can't hurt to be careful. :)

I actual have my doctor at Loi Khroh Clinic do the rectal exam. It is an additional check for the physical condition of your prostrate and there is no extra charge (or thrill, at least not for me). :D

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For Visa related medicals I use the clinic on Soi 11 (next to the Pickled Liver Pub). It's dirt cheap, but as in all things, you get what you pay for… the good doctor need merely wave his stethoscope over you to declare a clean bill of health.

If it’s simply for visa purposes this is a good deal. If you have genuine concerns, maybe not so good.

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I was born with a heart defect that was corrected surgically at age 2, but the surgery damaged an heart valve -- one that normally isn't damaged due to heart disease or other birth defects. Thus, I have to have an annual cardiac physical and my condition "followed" with a view to eventually, maybe, having heart valve surgery.

As a child, during these annual physicals, the docs would spend much time listening to my heart, from various locations on my body, trying to devine what was happening. They'd call in their associates and everyone would have a good listen. I had to sit still for this listening even if I went to a doctor for something totally unrelated to my heart, because the sound is unusual and the docs wanted to learn about it. In this era my annual cardiac physical consisted of bloodwork, a chest xray, an EKG and lots of time with the docs listening to my heart. Every few years I had to undergo a cardiac catherization.

Now the annual cardiac physicals include a treadmill "stress" test, cardiac ultrasound, something called a TEE, which is a "down scope" echocardiogram where I "swallow" the scope so they can see the back of the heart, plus the bloodwork and EKG of course. Over the years, the docs have spent less and less time listening to my heart. I haven't had to undergo a cardiac cath for a couple of decades. During the most recent cardiac physical no doctor touched me. I asked and was told the tests have progressed to the point that they don't really learn much in listening to the heart. Last year I didn't have to endure the TEE, because they said the normal cardiac ultrasound permits them to see my valve now. (Yeah!)

So, yes, it probably is possible to get a perfectly good physical without a doc touching you!

Incidentally, Bumrungrad is one reason we moved to Thailand. When we were considering retiring here, I had an annual cardiac physical at Bumrungrad and decided I liked it better than my cardiac care in Ann Arbor, Mich (considered one of the best cardiac care locations in the U.S.) The Bumrungrad doc showed up to cheer me on during the treadmill test and spent about two hours after all the test results were in explaining my condition and prognosis. I left with a much better understanding of my condition than I'd ever had from a U.S. doc.

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I'll bet the blood test is more accurate.

Just a brief postscript. "PSA blood tests and False Positive results."

According to US The National Cancer Institute most men with an elevated PSA level turn out NOT to have cancer ; only 25/35% of men who subsequently have a biopsy actually have cancer.

It seems a biopsy is the only sure way of finding out. And if you're over 65( I think) or thereabouts they recommend not to bother, as its usually so slow gowing the patient will probably outlive the cancer' Not too sure about that age threshold.

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I'll bet the blood test is more accurate.

Just a brief postscript. "PSA blood tests and False Positive results."

According to US The National Cancer Institute most men with an elevated PSA level turn out NOT to have cancer ; only 25/35% of men who subsequently have a biopsy actually have cancer.

It seems a biopsy is the only sure way of finding out. And if you're over 65( I think) or thereabouts they recommend not to bother, as its usually so slow gowing the patient will probably outlive the cancer' Not too sure about that age threshold.

I doubt the PSA test is intended to be a definitive diagnosis for prostate cancer. A finger in the rectum, even less so.
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Another Dr Morgan recommendation she is very thorough and you will not find a more caring Dr in Chiang mai.

I just had a cyst removed from the top of my left ear at Dr Morgans clinic today. Not the easiest place to have any surgery done. It took,all up, about 45 minutes with a local anesthetic, stitching etc. It was completed in a very professional manner and the cost including pain killers and anti biotics was 870 baht.

I had something similar done recently at a local hospital and the charge was nearly 5,000 baht. Slightly off topic I know but further evidence of a welcome new addition to the Chiang Mai medical scene.

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Having picked up some kind of Black Plague on my very recent flights back from the U.S., I was this week in need of medical intervention.

Tired of the impersonal nature of the docs and atmosphere at CM Ram and having had two very serious medical mistakes made at Loi Kroh Clinic a while back, I yesterday headed for Dr. Nisachon Morgan's Health Care Clinic on Hangdong Road.

Wow.. Like many others above, I am very impressed indeed. The cleanliness of the clinic itself, the genuine welcoming attitude of Dr. Morgan and her staff, her expertise and willingness to discuss diagnosis and treatment WITH the patient rather than talk down to you (more pokes at Loi Kroh Clinic), excellent English, on and on..

Dr. Morgan spent a full hour with me, was incredibly thorough in her 'hands on' examination, and presented me with a bill for only 490 THB which included three very effective medications.

I seem to have found my and my family's new medical clinic of choice.

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We're sold on Dr. Morgan and her clinic as well. She is extremely thorough. Like Dustoff said, her examination is totally "hands on". No sitting across the room in a chair looking at a file and giving a diagnosis! She also does not automatically prescribe medications like most doctors in Thailand who give way too many medications when they are not necessary.

Her fees are totally reasonable and she is the most pleasant person. She always follows up with a telephone call and an email to see how you are feeling.

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I'll bet the blood test is more accurate.

Just a brief postscript. "PSA blood tests and False Positive results."

According to US The National Cancer Institute most men with an elevated PSA level turn out NOT to have cancer ; only 25/35% of men who subsequently have a biopsy actually have cancer.

It seems a biopsy is the only sure way of finding out. And if you're over 65( I think) or thereabouts they recommend not to bother, as its usually so slow gowing the patient will probably outlive the cancer' Not too sure about that age threshold.

I doubt the PSA test is intended to be a definitive diagnosis for prostate cancer. A finger in the rectum, even less so.

PSA is, as you said, not a definitive diagnosis for prostate cancer. PSA is intended to use to evaluate if prostate biopsy would be appropiate.

Normally if PSA is more than 4 ng/ml, prostate biopsy is recommended.

About 20-30% of the cancers whose PSA is less than 4 ng/ml. How do they know if those who have cancer without Digital Rectal Examination(DRE).

Just a link here for more information: http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/457394-overview

Apart from checking you know where, DRE is sometimes used to detect colorectal cancer too.

Is that off topic?? back to topic then.

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Dr Morgan at a relatively new clinic on Hang Dong Road, 400 m south of Tesco, opp side.

Dr Morgan speaks excellent English and her caring and professional attitude and knowledge is gaining her an excellent reputation.

I have had a full health check there recently, at a very reasonable price, and a 30 minutes consultation after for her to explain results .

Telephone 053 804 405.

Does anyone know if Dr. Morgan is in the BUPA network? I know their network is fairly large.


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