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Is It Possiply To Get A Falang Expeled Out Of Thailand.


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Why do you suspect they have done nothing?

Is it really that easy for farangs to assault Thai women in public, put them in hospital, and carry on living in Thailand as if nothing has happened? Something is not right here.

I agree. farang has given his police version and he is still walking around. Obviously your wife has photos of the bruising and witness statements Right?

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We know the Thai way and it can be done in Phiphi some gays like to make some extra, but better to follow the law first.

Follow the law first? No; expensive and not much fun. I think your idea of setting the gays on him is much better. Make his eyes water and teach him a lesson he will not forget. Indeed, it might prove to be a life-changing experience for him.

I hope that’s a mis spell, “send around the gays?” That’s never going to work, They will just criticize his shoes and hair… and get him very angry. Joking aside, I hope you wife feels better soon and you can get this sorted out.

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Payment of compensation does seem to bypass the legal system

Many years ago I had a motorcycle stolen.

It was trashed and then the frame dumped in a reservoir.

The cuplprit was caught.

His family offered to replace the bike with a new one, which I accepted

and that was the end of the matter.

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It makes me laugh all these pussy farangs who spend a few years in Thailand, they read something on a web forum and they insinuate to "pay to get him done over" or "get the police to do him for you".

Im willing to bet 100% of you back in your home countries have never gone out and got revenge on someone in a violent way, yet you seem so happy to let someone do the dirty work for you over here.

If you cant do violence yourself then go the legal route OP, only a pussy gets someone to fight their battles for them.

Too many cowardly farangs in LOS these days, who think theyre Al Capone!


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I know what I'd be doing quick sharp if someone knocked my missus about, no matter what their size, power, status... where are you in all this?

It would not be a case of what I would be doing

It would be a case of what would have already been done

Be a man and stand up to this person.

You cannot let someone manhandle your wife, period!!!

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And another one deleted.

next post promoting violence will earn a vacation.

Sorry, my bad. Should not really mention violence. Can you also delete the posts that partially quoted my post?

Using violence is likely to cause more problems to OP then solve.

You will have to find a way to encourage the police to do their job. Things will not move along unless you do that. I will have to insist that you want to go to court. Or you can just hire a lawyer and take him to court yourself. If you can take him to court, he will almost definitely get deported.

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Some drunk puts your wife in the hospital, spits at her each day, and yells foul language ? How about growing a pair and standing up for your wife like a man ? If you don't it will probably get worse.

I think you are being quite unfair now Mr. Macho Man.

What if the husband try this, just to be honorable, but end up badly injured in a hospital?

What would he actually prove by that?

Sometimes there are other ways to deal with these types of problems.

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