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Thai Airways Sues Pad For B575 Million


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It appears everyone agrees that the PAD should be punished. I agree too. WELL, Not quite everyone. there is one yellow shirt cheerleader who thinks differently.

I am sure that every country of the free world will be backing Thai Air on this one , as they caused so much disruption to the lives of innocent bystanders. Just to blatently further their own selfish cause with no regard for anybody but themselves.

I say ..............Good on ya THAI AIR and good luck

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I hope Thai Airways wins too.

However, Thai Airways was not the only affected airline. As well Suvarnabhumi Airport could not close itself unless it was the decision of the Director in charge. What is pretty interesting is that the Cargo Department is 2 kms away from the Passenger Terminals but it was ordered closed too.

I think it should be either the Airport Authority or Suvarnabhumi Airport that should have sued PAD for the damages done. There have been very few words from Suvarnabhumi Airport Director about it since then.

Partly "RUBBISH to that" Thai Air just have to look after their own business, what the rest do is up to them !

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I am not sure how much bite this will have but I agree that people should be held responsible for their actions. This being the case shouldn't this also extend to the Red Shirts and anyone else that causes civil dissobedience that leads to lost revenues? If fair is fair then Takki should be on the hook for inciting civil dissobedience as well.....burn em all !!!!

C'mon, why dont you just come clean and admit you supported the Yellow blockage of the airport

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I vote for the CEO of Thai for next PM.

Would that be Executive Board Chairman Wallop Bhukkanasut who, in this morning's Nation, was accused of slipping over 30 bags of excess baggage in through the airport's 'lost & found' in order to avoid excess baggage payments?

Or are you referring to CEO of the same Thai Airways that's losing money, partly by allowing so many VIPs to fly anywhere in the world for free, and which is hemorrhaging money like there's no tomorrow?

Wouldn't get my vote.

Exactly,... is what the Red shirts do at the moment any better than what the PAD did in the past??? IMO Both parties are equally bad damaging Thai society. It"s such a shame that the National security let the situations from the past get out of control and the visctims in the end are innocent people, domestic or International...

Except perhaps the Reds had a valid complaint, the Yellows are just really poor losers?

What have the Reds accomplished? The Yellows, with their more peaceful rallies (keeping with the spirit of civil disobedience), were able to expose Thaksin's crimes (against Thailand and the Thai people) to the extent where he got booted out. Their demonstrations also played a part in ridding Thailand of two of Thaksin's puppets, namely Samak and Somchai. One was a bulldog with a frying pan, the other was a whimper of man.

In the past months, the Reds have done nothing more than threaten violent protests, and haven't had one (violent or peaceful) of any consequence recently.

Back to the OP: If Thai Airlines can sue the Yellows for losses, then that could open the floodgates for lawsuits filed on a daily basis. - by every person, business, entity that's inconvenienced by protests. Civil protests are part of the painful birth process and sustaining of democracy. Protests are viewed subjectively. If the people on this thread thought the Yellows had a strong cause, then they would be against the lawsuit.

France, US, Russia, ....nearly any country you can name, has had its share of protests. Whether you agree with what was being protested is subjective. Yet, imagine if lawsuits were fired off for the Boston Tea Party, The Falling of the Berlin Wall, or The French Revolution - everyone would be spending all their calories on nothing but litigation for their entire working careers. Incidentally, the first court date for proceedings is August 3, 2010. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

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Civile disobedience - PAD didn't "close the airport or shutdown it's operations"!

It was the AOT Management of Suvannabhum!

If the above statement were not so ridiculous it would actually be quite funny. But ... it is tedious!!

Also --- remember it was not the collision with the iceberg that caused the passengers of the Titanic to abandon ship - it was that foolish Captain who gave the order. . :)

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Civile disobedience - PAD didn't "close the airport or shutdown it's operations"!

It was the AOT Management of Suvannabhum!

I was wondering how long before this would start..........

If enough companies/groups etc got together, they could start a class action!

The Airport was closed by AOT as a direct result of PAD demonstrations! Had the PAD not been there, the airport would NOT have had to close.



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Good. Hope Thai Airways wins.

Whether or not you agree with the PAD cause, effectively closing an international airport wasn't the right way to go about it and the leaders should face the consequences.

Yeah right on! Maybe they should also file a lawsuit against the authorities who allowed it to happen. I mean it's not as if thousands of yellow shirts marching towards the airport could have gone unnoticed by the security forces and just slipped by. I know in the UK or any other country in Europe you'd have 4000 riot police miles before the airport with the message, "turn away or face the consequences!" Sounds a bit facist but I always thought the security forces were here to uphold democracy and support the elected government. Holding airports to ransom is a breach of national security and should be treated as such. Good luck Thai Air, your gonna need it especially if the case is on a Monday and the judge is wearing yellow?

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Civile disobedience - PAD didn't "close the airport or shutdown it's operations"!

It was the AOT Management of Suvannabhum!

If the above statement were not so ridiculous it would actually be quite funny. But ... it is tedious!!

Also --- remember it was not the collision with the iceberg that caused the passengers of the Titanic to abandon ship - it was that foolish Captain who gave the order. . :)

Ridicule my point of view, the justice system will decide, it's my humble opinion and I am allowed to express it!

And you're not wrong, not to accept my point of view, but this situation surrounding this occupation, that none, nothing had been done, to move the demonstrators out of there, not to mention preventive measures.

It did look very much as it was meant to happen... didn't it?

Have you been one of the thousands directly affected?

The captain doesn't have to have the qualities to know the dangers of an iceberg... that famous "tip of the iceberg", so the iceberg is "responsible" how ridiculous is that?

It's like the tree on the roadside wouldn't have been there, the crash wouldn't have happened...

The authorities, ehem' the police where were they then and what is their job, usually...

Was the crowd who occupied Stansfield/England sued by the airlines too?

The train/public transport strikers in Europe?

Maybe you have to review your point sir, not to appear ridiculous.

But this is simply not the point here - I am afraid!

Edited by Samuian
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If people in this country were held accountable more often, there wouldn't be such a blatant disregard for people and their lives.

Completely agree. A greater accountability across the board would help Thailand to reach developed nation status faster. They clearly want development and attempt to show, "We've arrived!" (as a developed country) :) , but constantly fail to really be at this point by the standard indicators for such. Taking on greater social and political responsibility by a complete revamp of the education system is what is truly required for long term societal improvement and long term development.

This is a step in the right direction. :D I hope that Thai airways DO have luck. I'm certainly not against protesting but this act was totally despicable and occurred through incompetence of security personnel and corruption by senior bureaucrats that knew what was about to occur! If it had been the DAAD (Red Shirts) at the time I'm sure the outcome may have been a lot more violent. :D

Let's hope this is a wake up call for those that feel the end justifies the means by hitting their back pocket in a huge way! Good luck Smooth as Silk! :D

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One would assume, or at least hope, that any monies gained from this action would be immediately passed on to the passengers and other people who have experienced loss or damage as a result of that disruption.

....or is it just a malicious roundabout attempt to penalise political dissent in Thailand?

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Civile disobedience - PAD didn't "close the airport or shutdown it's operations"!

It was the AOT Management of Suvannabhum!

I was wondering how long before this would start..........

If enough companies/groups etc got together, they could start a class action!

The Airport was closed by AOT as a direct result of PAD demonstrations! Had the PAD not been there, the airport would NOT have had to close.


I can't agree with you more. But why has there not been any move by AOT about this?

Gutless management.

I rather think that this action reflects the fact that a new man is in control at Thai - and one that seems willing to make the hard choices and (if he lives long enough) to take on the vested interests (corruption in equipment purchases, backhanders on catering etc, nepotism in recruitment aka hiring daughters of senior airforce officers etc). I hope he succeeds as what was once a rather good airline is now a shadow of its former self.

Ref the legal action, the point is accountability rather than money. At best Thai will have the satisfaction of bankrupting those primarily resposible (although I am unsure what the consequences sre in Thailand). More importantly, people would have to factor in such consequences before they make massive disruption - and that includes those running the lads in red!

Depends who you consider to be primarily responsible....We'll never be told, all smoke and mirrors, bread and circuses. Assuming someone ever stumps up the cash for this national carrier they would probably prove to be a major investor in the airline. It's a game for players only. Expect the public players to receive token punishment. Or maybe they'll hang Sonthi out to dry since he's fulfilled his function?

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Civile disobedience - PAD didn't "close the airport or shutdown it's operations"!

It was the AOT Management of Suvannabhum!

If the above statement were not so ridiculous it would actually be quite funny. But ... it is tedious!!

Also --- remember it was not the collision with the iceberg that caused the passengers of the Titanic to abandon ship - it was that foolish Captain who gave the order. . :)

Ridicule my point of view, the justice system will decide, it's my humble opinion and I am allowed to express it!

And you're not wrong, not to accept my point of view, but this situation surrounding this occupation, that none, nothing had been done, to move the demonstrators out of there, not to mention preventive measures.

It did look very much as it was meant to happen... didn't it?

Have you been one of the thousands directly affected?

The captain doesn't have to have the qualities to know the dangers of an iceberg... that famous "tip of the iceberg", so the iceberg is "responsible" how ridiculous is that?

It's like the tree on the roadside wouldn't have been there, the crash wouldn't have happened...

The authorities, ehem' the police where were they then and what is their job, usually...

Was the crowd who occupied Stansfield/England sued by the airlines too?

The train/public transport strikers in Europe?

Maybe you have to review your point sir, not to appear ridiculous.

But this is simply not the point here - I am afraid!

Hi Samuian

My post was not intended to insult you (although obviously it did so) --- but it most certainly was intended to totally ridicule the really amazing suggestion that PAD was not the direct cause the closure of the airport.

It was the AOT Management of Suvannabhum!

In all the somewhat pointless back and forth between the opposing camps re this entire matter there has not been a more fallacious argument presented. It is truly deserving of ridicule.

I have little confidence that Thai Airways action shall be successful ..... not because it is without merit ... but rather because of the ongoing perversion of legal process.

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Good. The only way out of the poltical mess is to punish all on every side who have broken laws and not give amnesties and pardons to encourage the yellow and red elite to do it all again some time. Punish them and punish them hard.

That would seem logical. Only problem is TIT.

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Ha, if it were not for PAD's protest I would not have found or joined this forum, or had such a grand week long full expense paid vacation at a nice 5-star hotel, compliments Thai Airways. I also understand this was not the case for many travelers that week. But what I noticed the most was that most tourists/business people that come from a "democratic" country, is how intolerant they are were when faced with democracy in action. I guess freedom is only for those that already have it, and for those that do, they can't be inconvenienced when others want it. Just my opinion:)

That's a funny definition of democracy. Are you saying that any minority group can go and close down government houses or airports to get what they want? I thought that was called anarchy.

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Ha, if it were not for PAD's protest I would not have found or joined this forum, or had such a grand week long full expense paid vacation at a nice 5-star hotel, compliments Thai Airways. I also understand this was not the case for many travelers that week. But what I noticed the most was that most tourists/business people that come from a "democratic" country, is how intolerant they are were when faced with democracy in action. I guess freedom is only for those that already have it, and for those that do, they can't be inconvenienced when others want it. Just my opinion:)

That's a funny definition of democracy. Are you saying that any minority group can go and close down government houses or airports to get what they want? I thought that was called anarchy.

Have you ever been to France?

Closing down roads is an annual sporting event for farmers there.

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Good. The only way out of the poltical mess is to punish all on every side who have broken laws and not give amnesties and pardons to encourage the yellow and red elite to do it all again some time. Punish them and punish them hard.

That would seem logical. Only problem is TIT.

TiT??? I don't see much happening regarding the crimes committed by Bush, Cheney, Rove, etc, in America.

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Ha, if it were not for PAD's protest I would not have found or joined this forum, or had such a grand week long full expense paid vacation at a nice 5-star hotel, compliments Thai Airways. I also understand this was not the case for many travelers that week. But what I noticed the most was that most tourists/business people that come from a "democratic" country, is how intolerant they are were when faced with democracy in action. I guess freedom is only for those that already have it, and for those that do, they can't be inconvenienced when others want it. Just my opinion:)

That's a funny definition of democracy. Are you saying that any minority group can go and close down government houses or airports to get what they want? I thought that was called anarchy.

Have you ever been to France?

Closing down roads is an annual sporting event for farmers there.

Which means they are blocking the whole world towards free trade reforms. Can it get more undemocratic than that.

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Good. Hope Thai Airways wins.

Whether or not you agree with the PAD cause, effectively closing an international airport wasn't the right way to go about it and the leaders should face the consequences.

Wish there was a way we, as passengers, could sue Thai Airways for their dilapidated seats and poor service. They are the most overpriced airline there is for what you get. We fly LA straight to Bangkok and last July was the hottest and most uncomfortable I have ever been on an airplane. We only fly Thai because it is the only straight shot from LAX to Bkk. We don't like the layovers in Taiwan, Seoul or Narita so we fly Thai. Each trip we have taken on Thai was worse than the one before. They overcharge and need an opportunity to line the bigwigs in the Thai Government who fly free all over Thailand and the world to get back some of that money. Sure, the PAD was stupid for closing the airports but I will not be taking the side of Thai. But with the Government officials that fly Thai sitting as judge and jury I would put my money on Thai.

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Ha, if it were not for PAD's protest I would not have found or joined this forum, or had such a grand week long full expense paid vacation at a nice 5-star hotel, compliments Thai Airways. I also understand this was not the case for many travelers that week. But what I noticed the most was that most tourists/business people that come from a "democratic" country, is how intolerant they are were when faced with democracy in action. I guess freedom is only for those that already have it, and for those that do, they can't be inconvenienced when others want it. Just my opinion:)

That's a funny definition of democracy. Are you saying that any minority group can go and close down government houses or airports to get what they want? I thought that was called anarchy.

It happened in the Southern United States in the 1960s.

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Suing in Thailand is as redundant as a glass door on a <snip>

What needs to happen is more "ordinary people" (tourists) make comments about Thailand from within their own countries. An example headline could be something like;

"Imbeciles, please grow up.

This is what some tourists from <insert country> said after experiencing the airport shutdown in Thailand. They also said......"

So much for wishful thinking :)

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Suing in Thailand is as redundant as a glass door on a shithouse.

What needs to happen is more "ordinary people" (tourists) make comments about Thailand from within their own countries. An example headline could be something like;

"Imbeciles, please grow up.

This is what some tourists from <insert country> said after experiencing the airport shutdown in Thailand. They also said......"

So much for wishful thinking :)

well over all Thailand is still a good country.

When I read about the checks for foreigner at US airports, than I see the inconvenience about the airport shutdown 50 % easier.

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What have the Reds accomplished? The Yellows, with their more peaceful rallies (keeping with the spirit of civil disobedience), were able to expose Thaksin's crimes (against Thailand and the Thai people) to the extent where he got booted out. Their demonstrations also played a part in ridding Thailand of two of Thaksin's puppets, namely Samak and Somchai. One was a bulldog with a frying pan, the other was a whimper of man.

In the past months, the Reds have done nothing more than threaten violent protests, and haven't had one (violent or peaceful) of any consequence recently.

Back to the OP: If Thai Airlines can sue the Yellows for losses, then that could open the floodgates for lawsuits filed on a daily basis. - by every person, business, entity that's inconvenienced by protests. Civil protests are part of the painful birth process and sustaining of democracy. Protests are viewed subjectively. If the people on this thread thought the Yellows had a strong cause, then they would be against the lawsuit.

France, US, Russia, ....nearly any country you can name, has had its share of protests. Whether you agree with what was being protested is subjective. Yet, imagine if lawsuits were fired off for the Boston Tea Party, The Falling of the Berlin Wall, or The French Revolution - everyone would be spending all their calories on nothing but litigation for their entire working careers. Incidentally, the first court date for proceedings is August 3, 2010. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

So let me get this straight, it's all about results? The reds are wrong, because their demonstrations have not been as effective as the yellows?

So following your logic, the attacks of 9/11 were good, because they were extremely effective?

If every politician and civil servant in Thailand guilty of a crime were kicked out of the country, there wouldn't be enough seats to fit them all on planes.

Perhaps we should take a look at what you're smoking instead.

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