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Who's Taking The Cup

Who do you pick to take the cup, Arsenal or Man U?  

13 members have voted

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Gunners will avenge the league defeat, that was embarrasing for them to loose 4-2 at home.

Having seen both teams in action over the weekend Arsenal had the harder game, but came through by the same margin without Henry so they must be favourites. However Nisltlroy seems to have found his touch again even though they were up against weaker opponants, it should be a great game. My prediction is 2-1 Arsenal But who kwows what injury problems both teams might take between now and the final?

Its gonna be a close one

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It's hard to choose between a jumped up,bad tempered Scotsman and an ignorant, bad mannered Frenchman.

For once in my life I'm going with the Scot.

Should be a smart,suave,sophisticated Portuguese though.

No, seriously I don't care. I would just like to see a cracking game of football.

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I did something I'm not very proud of...........................I voted for Man U. However after watching Chelsea-Arsenal this morning, I will change my mind. What a terrific game. Pure football was played out there. Shame there was no goals though.

The Gooners played at times like Chelsea at thier passing best,and Chelsea were as resiliant as Arsenal of old. I don't think Man U could live with either of them. I might be wrong of course,but I think Manchester have got the Dutch syndrome; a team full of fantastic players that cannot,or will not play as a team.

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One thing is for sure there will be a lot of passion and yellow cards on show. United's forwards will do it for them, their midfield will kick shit out of Arsenal's soft underbelly as well. Players like Pires and Reyes are very talented but just not hard enough for the premiership. Only magic from Henry can gain Arsenal some silverware this season.

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I think the ref will have a big outcome on this game...step forward Mr. Rob Styles. looking at his record he likes his cards, both yellow and red. He also tends to give decisions against any London tems that are playing...maybe he hates Londoners so i reckon down to him the cup is going up North!

Unitl next year when it will be coming to WHL!!

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