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Increased Penalties Proposed For Sex Crimes Against Youths


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Increased penalties proposed for sex crimes against youths

By The Nation

Published on December 12, 2009

Increased penalties proposed for sex crimes against youths

A legal amendment has been proposed that would see heavier penalties for gang rapes and other sex crimes committed against young victims. Penalties include life imprisonment in the event of a gang rape or if a weapon is used.

The amendment would also help protect 1315yearold victims from forced marriages with their attackers arranged by parents of the latter to avoid criminal penalties - a loophole in the existing Criminal Code.

The amendment proposes the Family and Juvenile Court thoroughly scrutinise such marriages and grant final approval only after it is satisfied victims will be treated as real wives.

The amendment, which was proposed by the Council of State and will be submitted for Cabinet consideration on Tuesday, also suggests another loophole be voided, one that allows an offender to claim ignorance of a victim's age.

The maximum sentence for rape of a boy or girl younger than 15 regardless of consent will also lengthened, to four to 20 years in prison and/or a fine of Bt80,000 to Bt400,000. If the victim is younger than 13, the maximum sentence would be four to 20 years in prison and/or a fine of Bt100,000 to Bt400,000.

Offenders would also be subject to life imprisonment if they gangraped boys or girls under 13 or used a weapon during the individual rape of a young victim.


-- The Nation 2009/12/12


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The amendment proposes the Family and Juvenile Court thoroughly scrutinise such marriages and grant final approval only after it is satisfied victims will be treated as real wives.

What about whether or not the victim wants to be married to her attacker? :) There must be something lost in translation here.

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good! The earlier allowance for forced marriages (which also exists in some South American countries) is so archaic - it actually encourages rapes, and here's how:

A man lusts after a girl. He can't get her by courting, because she has no interest in him, probably mocks any attempts. So, by raping her, there's a likelihood of forced marriage - then he can abuse her every day, and of course, she's miserable throughout.

Similarly, there should also be some laws instated for deadbeat dads. If there is any law in Thailand on that issue, I've never heard of it, and certainly it's not enforced. It should have tangible consequences and be vigorously enforced. Suggest: a boot camp for men who won't or can't fulfill their obligations. The monthly amounts should reflect the man's ability to pay. In other words, a poor laborer would be expected to fork out 500 baht/month, whereas a well-off businessman 25,000/month, and so on. The laborers at the 'boot camp' would earn 160 baht per day, the going minimum rate. One half would go directly to the single moms for their abandoned kids, and one half kept by the men. There would be a wide array of work available, from infrastructure to ....you name it, all supervised. Payment for the program would come from taxes, as the problem of half Thailand's children being fatherless is an issue that affects all citizens.

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how about banning the most stupid rolemodel soaps in Thailand where.....

Women? the falser the better

man? wimps

How about banning ALL Thai songs where the song is of no importance but the butt shaking and poledancing girls at the background is what thai people want to hear and see.

How about educating chhildren about the (most) importent thing in life?

Family as the cornerstone of thai society?

how about reducing the Fatherless familys where the women "has" to go and "work" in pattaya or phuket and leave the children behind without any decent upbringing opporrtunitys?

How about??????????????? Love!

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how about banning the most stupid rolemodel soaps in Thailand where.....

Women? the falser the better

man? wimps

How about banning ALL Thai songs where the song is of no importance but the butt shaking and poledancing girls at the background is what thai people want to hear and see.

How about educating chhildren about the (most) importent thing in life?

Family as the cornerstone of thai society?

how about reducing the Fatherless familys where the women "has" to go and "work" in pattaya or phuket and leave the children behind without any decent upbringing opporrtunitys?

How about??????????????? Love!

They get all of this from white trash hollywood, this is off topic in my opinion.

All pedophiles should get the death penalty. That would seem like the Thai way but for some reason in isn't.

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Well it's a step in the right direction but let's see them actually implement it before getting too excited., and implement it fairly without bias according to the ability of the guilty party to pay off his accusers. :)

That's a good point. Anyone familiar with Thai law knows that those who have the means and willingness to pay their way out of trouble, often have no trouble doing so. Let's see more 'pastry-gates' where the pay-off is refused and the bribers fully exposed, and penalties applied accordingly. Similarly, anyone, no matter how high up in the hierarchy, who is found accepting a bribe, should be subject to the strictest discipline. Some suggestions; rewards for whistle blowers, and cc cameras throughout the halls of justice.

Edited by brahmburgers
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... how about schools not encouraging little girls (sometimes as young as three) dressing up with faces loaded with makeup and strutting around to slutty music at school concerts... how about parents and others not sitting there saying, "oh that's so cute".... how about schools beginning at a very young age to 'encourage' boys to treat girls with respect, not push them around, poke them and prod them etc... how about schools teaching girls to stand up for themselves when boys bully them rather than put their heads down and put up with it all?

How about guys getting arrested for peeing on the side of the road when there are bathrooms nearby?

There are more problems than rape when so much rape is a problem....

I didn't know that victims could be made to marry the person who raped them.... I think I'm going to feel a bit sick about that for quite a while...

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... how about schools not encouraging little girls (sometimes as young as three) dressing up with faces loaded with makeup and strutting around to slutty music at school concerts... how about parents and others not sitting there saying, "oh that's so cute".... how about schools beginning at a very young age to 'encourage' boys to treat girls with respect, not push them around, poke them and prod them etc... how about schools teaching girls to stand up for themselves when boys bully them rather than put their heads down and put up with it all?

How about guys getting arrested for peeing on the side of the road when there are bathrooms nearby?

There are more problems than rape when so much rape is a problem....

I didn't know that victims could be made to marry the person who raped them.... I think I'm going to feel a bit sick about that for quite a while...

You had me until the peeing by the side of the road bit. I fail to see the reasoning. I find it horrendous that you would want to remove the last act available to differentiate a man from a woman in the modern world. :)

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Well it's a step in the right direction but let's see them actually implement it before getting too excited., and implement it fairly without bias according to the ability of the guilty party to pay off his accusers. :)

Totally agree.

But if I am reading this bit from the OP right;

"The maximum sentence for rape of a boy or girl younger than 15 regardless of consent will also lengthened, to four to 20 years in prison and/or a fine of Bt80,000 to Bt400,000. If the victim is younger than 13, the maximum sentence would be four to 20 years in prison and/or a fine of Bt100,000 to Bt400,000."

The law seems to be actually condoning 'paying off' victims, even younger than 13! Rape is rape, however rich you are, these law makers have an opportunity here to make it a mandatory jail sentence, why don't they take it?

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I vote for Life for 60 70 years old farangs with underage bar girls also :)

File a petition I will sign it

any way, true. What happend with all the sugardaddys and there 40 years younger ladies which love them soooo much?

Rapists and child molesters belong to jail for sure. If it makes anyone of these creatures better to sit in for 30-60 instead

of 4-10 is a matter of opinion, I personally thing jail makes noone better!

btw. in my youth there was no gang rape or not so often like these days...HOW COME? ....American Pornindustry?

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There's a difference between rape and prostitution.

...unless it's forced compliance in a house of ill repute, in that case the proprietors should get busted. BTW, no whore houses are run by farang (unless you call a beer bar a whore house) - instead all are run by either Thai or Chinese-Thai men and women. Recruiting, coercing and misleading the girls to get entangled in those type of businesses is 100% done by Asians.

For those who are bothered by seeing older farang men in arrangements with young Thai women. That's tough, but that scenario is also considerably different than rape.

If you want to criminalize that, then go ahead and start/join a campaign. But, unless you myopically choose to target farang, you'll have to arrest a whole heck of a lot Thai and Chinese men, as they're the ones most often partaking is such arrangements - though they're more discreet and blend in a lot better here than farang. I've seen 70-something Thai-Chinese men walking around with girls who looked pre-pubescent, hand in hand. The unwary observer might think it's grandpa with granddaughter. Sometimes it is, but often times it's an arranged scenario for money.

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good! The earlier allowance for forced marriages (which also exists in some South American countries) is so archaic - it actually encourages rapes, and here's how:

A man lusts after a girl. He can't get her by courting, because she has no interest in him, probably mocks any attempts. So, by raping her, there's a likelihood of forced marriage - then he can abuse her every day, and of course, she's miserable throughout.

Similarly, there should also be some laws instated for deadbeat dads. If there is any law in Thailand on that issue, I've never heard of it, and certainly it's not enforced. It should have tangible consequences and be vigorously enforced. Suggest: a boot camp for men who won't or can't fulfill their obligations. The monthly amounts should reflect the man's ability to pay. In other words, a poor laborer would be expected to fork out 500 baht/month, whereas a well-off businessman 25,000/month, and so on. The laborers at the 'boot camp' would earn 160 baht per day, the going minimum rate. One half would go directly to the single moms for their abandoned kids, and one half kept by the men. There would be a wide array of work available, from infrastructure to ....you name it, all supervised. Payment for the program would come from taxes, as the problem of half Thailand's children being fatherless is an issue that affects all citizens.

I think your proposed solution is ambitious to say the least, but I agree with you that this is a big problem for Thai society. I have noticed a dearth of Thai male role models in the community and it seems that the majority of my Thai friends did not have a father around when they were growing up.

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I vote for Life for 60 70 years old farangs with underage bar girls also :)

But then Pattaya would be a ghost town. :D

I was told, by someone with 20 years that the age of consent ;

Thai on Thai for kids is 13+ for doing Adults 16+

Not the 18+ or USA or many EU countries.

I personal find 25 year olds a bit young for anything resembling a pleasant evening.

But certainly others have more arcane tastes.

So I doubt based on seeing Pattaya that many are illegally on the game there.

Average age seems about 21, they just look young having Thai genes.

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I vote for Life for 60 70 years old farangs with underage bar girls also :)

File a petition I will sign it

any way, true. What happend with all the sugardaddys and there 40 years younger ladies which love them soooo much?

Rapists and child molesters belong to jail for sure. If it makes anyone of these creatures better to sit in for 30-60 instead

of 4-10 is a matter of opinion, I personally thing jail makes noone better!

btw. in my youth there was no gang rape or not so often like these days...HOW COME? ....American Pornindustry?

I agree with you but what don't you understand ?

If a girl is under age working in a bar then she is considered a child and would fall under the already existing law.

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how about banning the most stupid rolemodel soaps in Thailand where.....

Women? the falser the better

man? wimps

How about banning ALL Thai songs where the song is of no importance but the butt shaking and poledancing girls at the background is what thai people want to hear and see.

How about educating chhildren about the (most) importent thing in life?

Family as the cornerstone of thai society?

how about reducing the Fatherless familys where the women "has" to go and "work" in pattaya or phuket and leave the children behind without any decent upbringing opporrtunitys?

How about??????????????? Love!

Here, here ! The most sense I have seen written on this forum for a long time. So, how about it ???

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I vote for Life for 60 70 years old farangs with underage bar girls also :)

But then Pattaya would be a ghost town. :D

...and wouldn't that be a vast improvement ? Good bye Cess Pit City.

Its a nice place, you just have to turn a blind eye to some of the stuff that is out of your taste.




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