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Yes, You Sure Can Find Good Thai Women Online, 3 Rules


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NOTE: (For newbies, NOT old hands that already know the ropes) : Someone was asking if you can find good Thai women online. YES!!! you can. However, for farang that want to go from farang land to LOS, you don't need to find them online. In a land half the size of the Canadian province of British Columbia, with twice the population of Canada, Thailand literally has MILLIONS of good women, unlike the oft-tired cliches to the contrary on TV, complete with the slippery sloped-arguments to support the erroneous claims. This thread is NOT about why that perception is so common. That would be a thread that would prompt many flames, torchings and verbal razor-sharp knives, wielded by skilled artisans in wordly tongue-lashings.

However, flames and naysayers aside, Thailand has a bevy of worthy females. Should one want to find a worthy Thai mate online, there may be only three simple rules..communication, honesty, and not spreading yourself too thinly. Any decent looking farang with a recent ( RECENT) picture and a good heart will attract many, many responses on sites like Thai love links. The trick is to be quickly selective, and not to get overwhelmed. Each female Thai respondent will usually want you to ONLY write to them, so you may want to limit your mailings to a very select few, or preferably ONE. If it doesn't pan out, try try again, but you will probably find yourself overwhelmed if you are writing to several.

You may want to have some GUIDELINES..if all you want is a stunner, well they will be in high demand. If you can "settle" for an attractive one, you may want to consider one with a college education. Many of the smart ones are AWARE that farang may be scared off if they ask for money too quickly. Don't delude yourself.. rich, middle class or poor, they will eventually want tangible proof that you can support them and that you are jai dee ( kind hearted, and not a cheap charlie). Many farang can attest to the fact that their Thai gf/ wife DID NOT turn out to be after their money. After all, do the majority of western women not also feel the need to see that you can support them in some fashion, or at least to see that you don't have short arms and deep pockets??

Good communication will be at the heart of your internet relationship. Many farang, like me, spent some months communicating with ONE during the bonding process prior to actually travelling to LOS. In general, "good ones" will make you wait for sex, as easy come, easy go works in Thailand as well as it does in the west. Many of us farang have found great Thai women online, so don't let negative stories stop you from trying. Perhaps the best way to meet Thai women is to just go there and meet them anywhere, but online is convenient from the comfort of your home in farang land. Good luck, happy "hunting", and God bless. :)

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I would recommend meeting the Thai girls. Their eyes are hide nothing but sadly photos are not so honest..

and its easy. You tell someone local that you are available and job sorted.

Every time I have a friend visiting the girls/women are lining up and making plans. Do you want a resort proprietor, a pharmacist, a fried chicken sellor..... ( I am talking rural Thailand; in the resorts its rather more predictable; short time and about money). Come and visit rural thailand...........as I said job sorted!

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Go ahead and believe that you can find a good girl on line. Afterwords contact me I have a bridge to sell you.. :)

I used to be as sceptical as you, however I did try it, met (electronically) many, many ladies, most of who appeared to be decent and honest, including the lady I'm with now (been living together 2 years, actually getting married in a few days time). Never once has she asked me for money, and she has a level of integrity and honesty that's rare in any society.

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I am still sceptical as to which women choose to put up a profile on a dating site, which basically says "I can't meet a guy in real life - I am desperate", "I want a foreign husband to pay my bills" or "I want attention".

You may have more luck with Facebook, Hi5, Tagged, Camfrog or other social sites, that's not 'dating sites'.

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I am totally with OP on this one. I met my wife on TLL as well. Never asked for money or any of the other red flag crap.

I would say the rules are:

1. Honesty, from both sides obviously

2. Clear Communication

3. No sexy talk online until you have met in person and are up for this.

Worked for us! :)

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