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Evening 'entertainment' In Cr

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Is a man who pays a woman for sex and promises her nothing less worthy than one who preys on receptionists and shop girls,

promises them love, or even marriage, and eventually gives them nothing?

This is really where it is all about.

Of course there are in Chiang Rai and 'the rest of Thailand' many girls outside the sex-trade that want

to marry foreigners! In many cases however also these contracts are based on inequity.

There are many young ladies having low paid jobs hardly offering perspectives for career development and thus improvement.

Indeed like those that work as receptionists, shop girls, waitresses, etc. etc.

They are easily charmed by the slimy kind of foreigner as they are not always treated respectfully by Thai customers.

On top of that don't have time and/or the financial space to go out and meet potential candidates for friendship and marriage.

They think they see the light at the end of the tunnel when an obese, pimply foreign young man, well in his thirties, smiles to them.

There is also the category of a little bit better educated young ladies.

Also for them it isn't easy to find a husband as marriage in Thailand generally takes place at a relative young age.

And they 'lost' years during their studies and the first years of their careers.

Their education makes them a little bit more critical as well and this often leads to the situation that they

still aren't married when they are approaching or even passed the magical age of 30 (for most Thai considered 'over the top').

In this category we find nurses, secretaries, teachers, low ranked civil servants etc. etc.

Also their alternatives are limited. Also they are open for the overtures made by foreigners, especially if these pretend to be

honest, well to do and fairly educated (one of the reasons that many of the 'gentlemen' suddenly seem to have academical


Yes, Thailand is paradise for instance for NGO workers, temporary teachers and tourists who do the empathic

'you can trust me' approach. The cultural difference makes that this trick works much better here than at home.

The members of the first category often get a 4WD from the boss (developmental work can not be done in a 2WD)

and blow up their ego's to a degree that one sometimes has to fear that they sooner or later will explode.

At home they might not be very succesful with the ladies but here they suddenly are, turning them into self-proclaimed

Adonises ('Thai girls don't mind when you are obese' they repeat until they believe it themselves).

They are often not honest to the girls, accept all the gifts and dedication, yes, even their love, untill

'sorry my dear, but I got a new job in Laos".

One of these 'I never would pay for sex'-types teached me in his enormeous generosity one of his tricks:

"The best thing", he said, "is that you wear relatively transparent shirts. In your breastpocket you put a bundle of

bank notes with a thousand note at the outside. You will see, it works!"

This is my personal answer to your question.

Limbo :)

Wow, have we met? Or maybe you've seen me driving around in my 4x4 with pockets full of cash! Or perhaps you were the old guy stroking the teenage girls leg in the 'entertainment' area and wondered why you were getting so many disapproving looks? But obese I'm not, big-boned is how my Mother describes me and they're not pimples, it's an allergy. But who cares, I'm glad that finally someone is brave enough to admit that this is what's it all about, and by giving this personal answer it gives us an insight as to how Limbo and his clan form their opinions on this subject. Often when a man is of an age that he can no longer physically attract members of the opposite sex, especially the younger ones, then out comes the wallet.

But what he is now doing is frowned upon by the vast majority of the population back home so he ups sticks and moves thousands of km's away to somewhere like Thailand, Cambodia etc and then tries to justify it by saying it's normal here or accepted or that he's actually helping these girls which is then made easier as there are plenty of other guys here doing just the same. And then when someone asks a question like the OP did then all the old guys who have done the same come out and pat each other on the back while mocking anyone else that thinks differently.

I understand it must be difficult for you when you see a young western man in, what's generally considered, a normal relationship with a Thai girl but you should try not to be bitter and angry about it, just be happy. And there are plenty of us here in Chiang Rai and elsewhere in Thailand so get used to it and also the fact that there are many others who don't think the same as you and won't all joke about such a serious problem.

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And I understood perfectly the op's 2nd post which tries to justify his query, they are not sex tourists just tourists who are happy to pay for sex while holidaying here, no difference really.

Where did they say they were happy to pay for sex?

Sorry, you have some reading/understanding disorder so discussing with you leads nowhere or maybe down to your level and I don´t want to be there!


For someone who considers himself a blog critic, you'd be a lot easier to read if you learned the art of the paragraph sausage.

Yes it probably would, apologies, I'm still young so plenty of time to learn. I heard you were Australian so shouldn't it be learnt, which is the British English version, rather than the American English of learned? If you enjoy correcting English you should spend a few hours checking out your friends blog :):D:D

This is so much fun, I wish I'd joined this forum years ago!

It's a personal decision, I prefer the sound of learned to learnt so that's what I write.

I find VillageFarang's blog very readable regardless of what you consider to be grammatical flaws. He has spent his entire working life in Thailand amongst sophisticated, well educated Thais and on retirement made the decision to live among simple villagers who, much to his horror, don't speak Thai.

This is a different scenario to many of us, who only holidayed in Thailand before deciding to retire here. His experience in things Thai is almost beyond the comprehension of someone like me, but it's amusing because he's placed himself in a similar position, (in some ways) to myself.

If English is your first language, which I suspect it is, then there's no excuse for the way you write. You're much closer to the source of your education than we are, as you keep drawing our attention to the difference between your youth and our geezerhood.

VillageFarang and myself probably haven't written a recreational word since we left school many years ago, and it's a skill that has to be relearned.

I heard you were Australian so shouldn't it be learnt, which is the British English version, rather than the American English of learned?

According to the Oxford Advanced Dictionary it is the other way round:-

learn / Ñ l3;n; NAmE Ñ l3;rn/ verb (learnt, / Ñ l3;nt; NAmE Ñ l3;rnt/) or (learned,)

For someone who considers himself a blog critic, you'd be a lot easier to read if you learned the art of the paragraph sausage.

Yes it probably would, apologies, I'm still young so plenty of time to learn. I heard you were Australian so shouldn't it be learnt, which is the British English version, rather than the American English of learned? If you enjoy correcting English you should spend a few hours checking out your friends blog :):D:D

This is so much fun, I wish I'd joined this forum years ago!

It's a personal decision, I prefer the sound of learned to learnt so that's what I write.

I find VillageFarang's blog very readable regardless of what you consider to be grammatical flaws. He has spent his entire working life in Thailand amongst sophisticated, well educated Thais and on retirement made the decision to live among simple villagers who, much to his horror, don't speak Thai.

This is a different scenario to many of us, who only holidayed in Thailand before deciding to retire here. His experience in things Thai is almost beyond the comprehension of someone like me, but it's amusing because he's placed himself in a similar position, (in some ways) to myself.

If English is your first language, which I suspect it is, then there's no excuse for the way you write. You're much closer to the source of your education than we are, as you keep drawing our attention to the difference between your youth and our geezerhood.

VillageFarang and myself probably haven't written a recreational word since we left school many years ago, and it's a skill that has to be relearned.

I heard you were Australian so shouldn't it be learnt, which is the British English version, rather than the American English of learned?

According to the Oxford Advanced Dictionary it is the other way round:-

learn / Ñ l3;n; NAmE Ñ l3;rn/ verb (learnt, / Ñ l3;nt; NAmE Ñ l3;rnt/) or (learned,)

This is just one of many sources that confirm what I already knew.

'Originally, in British English, everyone would have spelt the past tense of learn with T – I learnt to drive, I learnt to cook, but you’ll find more and more people in the UK now using the ed ending.

The same is true of verbs such as spell – as in I spelt it incorrectly – with a T at the end. But now you’ll find more and more people using - I spelled it incorrectly – with an ed at the end. This is probably due to the influence of American English coming into Britain because in the US the ed is used for learn, for spell, for dream for example - I dreamed it with an ed at the end. And you’ll find that this US spelling is starting to replace the original British spelling in British English.'

Svenivan, suits me just fine, I'd rather not have discussions with people who try to justify, condone, promote and encourage the 'entertainment' industry in Thailand so lets just agree to disagree.


Sorry 3", been away on Jedyod road the last couple days bonking girls that were sold by there families, so havn't kept up with your dribble. Have you thought of starting a "mission" , cuz i want to join-easier for the visa thing. You just got on this thread to boost your post count-right. Merry X-mas :)


Been off having a life today and just look at what all of you have gotten up to. I thought this thread would have died an ignoble and deserved death by this time.

This strikes me as a stereotypic case of the 10 minute Thai Expert (or in this case, perhaps 30 minutes) lecturing and denigrating others with no wit, humor or class. Coarse, abrasive and seriously under-informed.

The truth is we can all come up with anecdotal evidence to support whatever position we choose to take. Neither the unfortunate and downtrodden, nor the Gucci toting elite, with incomes far greater than the prime minister of this lovely country, can be generalized to represent the whole of this ancient profession.

It is a very old and complex issue, that was present long before modern day farangs arrived and will be here long after we are gone. It can hardly be discussed intelligently and inclusively in a forum such as this.

It is my opinion that our diminutive friend is not deserving of the attention he has received in these pages, and our efforts to educate and enlighten, fall on deaf ears.

Been off having a life today and just look at what all of you have gotten up to. I thought this thread would have died an ignoble and deserved death by this time.

This strikes me as a stereotypic case of the 10 minute Thai Expert (or in this case, perhaps 30 minutes) lecturing and denigrating others with no wit, humor or class. Coarse, abrasive and seriously under-informed.

The truth is we can all come up with anecdotal evidence to support whatever position we choose to take. Neither the unfortunate and downtrodden, nor the Gucci toting elite, with incomes far greater than the prime minister of this lovely country, can be generalized to represent the whole of this ancient profession.

It is a very old and complex issue, that was present long before modern day farangs arrived and will be here long after we are gone. It can hardly be discussed intelligently and inclusively in a forum such as this.

It is my opinion that our diminutive friend is not deserving of the attention he has received in these pages, and our efforts to educate and enlighten, fall on deaf ears.

Morning my fellow forum members, hope you are all well and you enjoyed having a life yesterday VF, look forward to the update on your blog. This has reminded me of watching wrestling as a kid and the tag-teams, but in this case it's been about 10 against one, not two against two. First we had villagefarang backed up by sceadugenga and will27. Then the virgin wavejumper felt he just had to join up and let his opinion be known as it was such an important topic! We then had a two-pronged attack by VF and sceadugenga which caused beacher to submit followed by a bit more support by kitsch22 and will27 again. There was then a few blows below the belt by VF and sceadugenga by making up lies about non-existent threats and moaning about the tactics of team sausage even though it was the same as what team blog had done. Finally, with the crowd swaying towards team sausage, svenivan, mumojumbo, lannaman and limbo join in too. Referees decision.....draw.

I'm actually surprised there is so much support and strong feelings about this subject, but also very sad that so many of you are happy to justify and encourage the 'entertainment' industry in such a lovely place as Chiang Rai and bemoan and ridicule anyone who dares to say that paying young girls for their time and company is maybe, just maybe, wrong. Wrong not just because the girl is selling herself but wrong because of everything else that is associated with this industry like the drug/drink addiction, abuse and girls being forced into it.

Yes, maybe it was here before any of us were here and will be here for a long time after but is that a reason to just accept it and join in with it? I guess if you are one of the patrons of these entertainment areas then you won't want anyone to offer any help and support to these girls but how can there be so much objection to people wanting to help? Do you really all think working in a bar and being groped by old, drunk men is what all these girls want from life? And when I say help I'm not talking about the extreme measures that Limbo mentioned but if a girl gets a better education, and the communities many of the girls come from get support too, then they may have different options instead of the 'entertainment' industry.

And I've spent a lot more time here in Thailand working and studying than you like to think in many different areas and am very well informed. But thank you anyway for trying to educate and enlighten me further and explain why girls who work in the entertainment industry should be left well alone and continue to offer a much needed and valuable service to the male community. It is not me with deaf ears, it is you guys who choose not to listen as that may spoil your fun. Happy Christmas everyone.


I was the one who raised the threat issue, so if you consider it lies, I'm the liar, not villagefarang.

You can dish it out but you can't take it VF but you'd best get used to it because if anyone clicks on the link you've posted to your blog you may get some more feedback that you aren't too keen on.

I construed this as a threat. If it can be taken any other way I'd be curious to hear it.

Thank you for the paragraphs.

Thank you for awarding us a draw, most magnanimous of you.

Congratulations on your well informed status, personally I think I could be here another thirty years and still find Thailand a wondrous and amazing mystery.

Edit: And another thing....

When you've finished ranting about drunken old men groping young girls why don't you ask your father in law how old his mia noi is? :)


"wondering about the places to head for entertainment of the female variety" could be interpreted in many ways. To me, that sounds pretty much like asking for girly bars.

If this is the intention of the OP, then I believe he is coming to the wrong place. I would hate to see Chiang Rai degrade into a Pattaya kind of city. I wouldn't want my kids to be raised in such a place - where people have morals, where the concept of right and wrong are thrown out the window.

I like Chiang Rai the way it is.


As do we all toyits, as do we all.

The girly bars here are few and well concealed, none of want to see it turned into another Pattaya and with sausage to watch over our morals it's not likely.

I'm looking forward to him posting on other subjects actually seeing he's just informed us how well informed he is on Thailand.

Still being well informed is hardly a qualification to posting on this forum... :)


Morning my fellow forum members, hope you are all well and you enjoyed having a life yesterday VF, look forward to the update on your blog. This has reminded me of watching wrestling as a kid and the tag-teams, but in this case it's been about 10 against one, not two against two. First we had villagefarang backed up by sceadugenga and will27. Then the virgin wavejumper felt he just had to join up and let his opinion be known as it was such an important topic! We then had a two-pronged attack by VF and sceadugenga which caused beacher to submit followed by a bit more support by kitsch22 and will27 again. There was then a few blows below the belt by VF and sceadugenga by making up lies about non-existent threats and moaning about the tactics of team sausage even though it was the same as what team blog had done. Finally, with the crowd swaying towards team sausage, svenivan, mumojumbo, lannaman and limbo join in too. Referees decision.....draw.

I'm actually surprised there is so much support and strong feelings about this subject, but also very sad that so many of you are happy to justify and encourage the 'entertainment' industry in such a lovely place as Chiang Rai and bemoan and ridicule anyone who dares to say that paying young girls for their time and company is maybe, just maybe, wrong. Wrong not just because the girl is selling herself but wrong because of everything else that is associated with this industry like the drug/drink addiction, abuse and girls being forced into it.

Yes, maybe it was here before any of us were here and will be here for a long time after but is that a reason to just accept it and join in with it? I guess if you are one of the patrons of these entertainment areas then you won't want anyone to offer any help and support to these girls but how can there be so much objection to people wanting to help? Do you really all think working in a bar and being groped by old, drunk men is what all these girls want from life? And when I say help I'm not talking about the extreme measures that Limbo mentioned but if a girl gets a better education, and the communities many of the girls come from get support too, then they may have different options instead of the 'entertainment' industry.

And I've spent a lot more time here in Thailand working and studying than you like to think in many different areas and am very well informed. But thank you anyway for trying to educate and enlighten me further and explain why girls who work in the entertainment industry should be left well alone and continue to offer a much needed and valuable service to the male community. It is not me with deaf ears, it is you guys who choose not to listen as that may spoil your fun. Happy Christmas everyone.

G'day sausage.

Let me say firstly, In my first post I was not adding support to anyone.

I was just saying, "if you don't like the entertaiment area, fine, don't go".

But it's not up to you to lecture peope who may have a different opinion

than you.

Secondly, what I find interesting, is that in your first post, you advised the op

to go to Pattaya. So what you're saying is that it's ok to do it there but not

in your backyard?

Does sound a little hyprocritical.

Anyway guys and girls, have a good Chrissy and NY.




interesting..I side with..those that don't like women being abused..This thread has taught me well..no more pissing contests for me! signed: one was 2 many

Congratulations on your well informed status, personally I think I could be here another thirty years and still find Thailand a wondrous and amazing mystery.

That's a wisdom that enriches life in Thailand :)

It took me roughly five years.

Several months a year here and, what also strongly contributed to the misunderstanding:

joining a Thailand research group at a faculty of non-western sociology at a western university.

Then I really started to believe that I could peep into the black box that was hiding the secrets of Thai culture.

And fortunately the developement didn't stop there!

It continued after that, but in opposite direction: After another five years I realized that I still didn't have the faintest notion.

Now, after another fifteen years, I am not much further.

That's what I learned and it feels great :D

Limbo :D

I was the one who raised the threat issue, so if you consider it lies, I'm the liar, not villagefarang.

You can dish it out but you can't take it VF but you'd best get used to it because if anyone clicks on the link you've posted to your blog you may get some more feedback that you aren't too keen on.

I construed this as a threat. If it can be taken any other way I'd be curious to hear it.

Thank you for the paragraphs.

Thank you for awarding us a draw, most magnanimous of you.

Congratulations on your well informed status, personally I think I could be here another thirty years and still find Thailand a wondrous and amazing mystery.

Edit: And another thing....

When you've finished ranting about drunken old men groping young girls why don't you ask your father in law how old his mia noi is? :D

The way you interpreted that comment says more about you than me Sceadugenga, you were scraping the barrel looking at ways to discredit me and my opinions and stain my unblemished character and still are now. People have accused me of not understanding the original query as part of the anti-sausage campaign even though it was blatantly obvious as highlighted by toybits earlier.....

"wondering about the places to head for entertainment of the female variety" could be interpreted in many ways. To me, that sounds pretty much like asking for girly bars.

However, the quote you highlighted to me above was misunderstood and incorrectly interpreted as a threat by you but I don't see how it could have been seen as one! The VF wasn't too pleased with my honest opinion of his blog and I just pointed out that, as he had created a link to his blog, more people may make similar comments that I had made as more people will read it. Threat? If you say so.

Thank you for your thanks and congratulations, it means a lot and makes me feel a part of the community.

ps...No father-in-law so I can't ask about a mia-noi, how's yours though? :)

pps...I also hope to enjoy Chiang Rai for 30+ years and I'm certain it will remain wondrous and amazing for me too, but I hope Chiang Rai does not change too much in that time and the 'entertainment' industry does not grow as much as you guys would like.

pps...I also hope to enjoy Chiang Rai for 30+ years and I'm certain it will remain wondrous and amazing for me too, but I hope Chiang Rai does not change too much in that time and the 'entertainment' industry does not grow as much as you guys would like.

I don't recall anyone mentioning the growth of the industry, as much as us guys would like----???? Cities grow, and all industries grow with it. Fact.


Of course! Cities grow and other sectors grow with it as well. However, there are cities like Pattaya where the sex industry is disproportionately large. There are cities like Las Vegas, Atlantic City, or Macau where gambling is the main attrraction. As Chiang Rai grows, I just wish that the sex industry does not overwhelm the pleasant nature of this fine city.

pps...I also hope to enjoy Chiang Rai for 30+ years and I'm certain it will remain wondrous and amazing for me too, but I hope Chiang Rai does not change too much in that time and the 'entertainment' industry does not grow as much as you guys would like.

I don't recall anyone mentioning the growth of the industry, as much as us guys would like----???? Cities grow, and all industries grow with it. Fact.


I'm sure it wont toybits, there's too much alternative work available for young women.

The greatest threat to the prostitution industry in Thailand are the customers who marry the bargirls. Not only does it effectively remove that woman from the industry it gives her future generations financial security.

The do-gooders may talk a lot about the awful effects of prostitution but do little to help end it.

It's the elderly punter who deserves all the credit here. :)

The do-gooders may talk a lot about the awful effects of prostitution but do little to help end it.

It's the elderly punter who deserves all the credit here. :D

That's what I also miss.

Does anybody of us prevent the person (where the sausage is attached to) to do anything to improve things?

Maybe finally, after I don't know how many postings with accusations, he can give us an idea about his plans.

I am absolutely sure he might get some support.

But so far he silently went on teaching kids his English...

Some of the parents might not like the way he is presenting himself.

So, big hero, tell us what you actually are up to.

Just offering us hollow phrases?

You are suggesting to have seen me with young girls on my lap.

If you want I could show show pictures here of you ...

You want?

Limbo :)


Oh! Now I get it. You believe that the elderly punter are doing good by taking these girls out of their misery and that they allow the girls to have a better future - financially.

How many threads have I read about farangs complaining about being scammed, or cheated upon by their tilak who call their male partners - nah ling (monkey face)?

I also have my doubts about do-gooders - especially those faith-based types like IJM. Because I believe they really do not solve the problem. If they want these women to stay away from the red light district, they must go to the root of the problem - which is poverty and lack of opportunity.

Some of the women say they were abused by their husbands and had to run away. The only way they could support themself was to become a bargirl or CSW. They can survive because there are alway buyers.

Just as with the WWF advertisements, When the buying stops - so will the killing.

I'm sure it wont toybits, there's too much alternative work available for young women.

The greatest threat to the prostitution industry in Thailand are the customers who marry the bargirls. Not only does it effectively remove that woman from the industry it gives her future generations financial security.

The do-gooders may talk a lot about the awful effects of prostitution but do little to help end it.

It's the elderly punter who deserves all the credit here. :)


A person that marries a bargirl to rescue her from that situation is INDEED a noble person. And I hope that he has a loving, lasting and happy relationship with his partner.

But that does not stop other young girls from filling her position at that bar. Many others will be lining up to take her place.

So okey...one girl was rescued. You did your job. Its time for others to do the rescuing...

And the situation is no better than before.

So you can look at it using small picture eyes or big picture eye.

And who is more noble, or less honoured in his own lifetime than such a person?

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