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Why bother?...as long as you know your numbers and a few verbs to get by...there's no incentive to learn the language. Unless, you like to gossip...

That's ridiculous. It's imperative to be able to speak a little Thai or it would be close to impossible to take care of some daily business.

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ive used it and am still currently using it, and to be honest its probably the best self learning thai product i've ever tried. it taught me to read and write thai fairly quickly, which i found very difficult using the other ones like the Thai for Beginners by Benjawan Becker. U never really realise how much of a difference it makes being able to read, until u can, and then u wonder how u lived without it.

Also the vocab lessons are made quite well, and i found it really easy to pick up new vocab quickly AND still be able to remember it later.

Anyway, thats just my 2 cents.

Also i completely agree with most the posts above, that if ur planing to be spending more then few months in thailand, to at least make an effort to learn thai. It really makes a huge difference with daily life and ur interactions with others.

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On a more proper response.

I went out and bought the Rosetta stone package for Thai and hated it. I was going to sell it and get my wasted $200 but then someone stole my CD's while in Thailand...

Rosetta stone would be fine for a romanized language, but they throw you in will full words and pictures.

I will check out the above, I need to work on my writing and reading :/

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  • 2 weeks later...

It doesn't easily let you learn to understand and speak Thai without learning the grammer rules and such... I wanted to speak Thai - not worried about reading and writing - looks very professional and Vincent replies very quickly - BUT the course is a 1000 word PDF and not Indexed well at all... so I cannot get to the bits I want easily... I have suggested they break it down into sections - in different folders -

Personally I would put any media files pertaining to that section WITHIN the folder - I have only just received it so I may be missing something...

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If it's as ChiangMaifun says, a PDF file can be opened on any OS.

A simple insertion of chapters/bookmarks would solve the mentioned problem.

Exactly... why they have not inserted hyperlinks I do not know - the index is plain text - they should have indexed more thoroughly

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  • 2 weeks later...
If it's as ChiangMaifun says, a PDF file can be opened on any OS.

The reason I asked if it only runs on Windows machines is because of the following from a different thread:

What you get: a 1000+ page ebook, accompanying practice lessons with full audio using a program called ANKI, this software basically allows you to drill the practice lessons, and schedules the drills according to how well you are progressing, but this is completely flexible and you can schedule as you wish.
(Emphasis added.)

So, do the lessons with full audio using ANKI only run on Windows?

I wrote the author of the system (Vincent?) an e-mail asking the same question, but never got a reply.

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Another question for someone who's purchased it:

I tried to buy it with PayPal, but I got a message from PayPal saying:

Our system does not allow you to ship to these countries.

[My Address], Nakhon Ratchasima, Nakhon Ratchasima, 30000, Thailand

So if PayPal won't let me enter my Thailand address, how do I order?

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hi There,

Here are the answers to the questions.

"I tried to buy it with PayPal, but I got a message from PayPal saying:"

If you pay via PayPal. Just send me an email saying that you want it shipped to an alternate address.

"abut 150 US but for me it is too much... i just want to speak it not learn grammer rules etc. i have bought it but havent really attempted it yet as its a Rolls Royce and I want a mini"

The program does not really teach the rules - It explains a rule and has you practice using that rule. The first section explain the basics about how Thai sentences are structured so one has a good idea of the concepts before starts learning the vocab. The section is only about 10 pages long and is just an overview it does not attempt to teach anything. The program does not focus on teaching you complex grammar rules as I believe this is an ineffective way to learn.

In terms of not wanting a Rolls Royce. The program aims to teach one the fundamentals of the Language. That includes getting one to a point where he can pronounce words correctly and form sentences to communicate in a basic manner.

If one was to want a "Mini", he could go out and purchase a phrasebook. The problem is that it is unlikely he will be understood when reading words from the phrase book. As Thai is a tonal language one needs to try to get a handle on this before he learns vocab. One also needs to ensure he pronounces the vowels and consonants in the correct manner.

"So, do the lessons with full audio using ANKI only run on Windows?"

The system works on both Mac and Win.

"I wrote the author of the system (Vincent?) an e-mail asking the same question, but never got a reply."

I am not sure where that message went, I process emails twice a day. Sometimes I am not accessible on the weekends. My skype is listed on the website. Feel free to add me.

"Exactly... why they have not inserted hyperlinks I do not know - the index is plain text - they should have indexed more thoroughly"

Good point. I have just updated the system. It now uses bookmarks so one can easily browse though the program. In terms of opening files. Please see the attached imaged. This is how your screen should be set out. This way you will find it quick and easy to browse though the files and play them while you have the e-book open. The reason why earlier versions did not have this is because the compilation and watermarking tool did not support it. I have now figured out a work around.


The program is designed to be completed from front to back. This ensures you develop the skills you will need for the next section. For the average learner he should start and the beginning and slowly work his way to the end. He should not need to skip sections.

The updates will be available on the website in the next few weeks I hope. I still have to create an online application which re-compiles the ebooks to watermark them. This is proving to be a time consuming task.

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  • 10 years later...
Greetings Everyone,
I would like to take this opportunity and post my positive reflections about the High Speed Thai Program. I have been studying a little bit more than one month now, and The High Speed Thai Program has been great so far. Actually, The High Speed Thai Program has been Phenomenally Superb so far! I actually Learned the Thai written system and how to read Thai in 21 days. Of course, as of now I don't  read fast all the time. Especially not when it comes to more complex multi syllable words or words with complicated consonant clusters. When confronted with more complex Thai Language structure I have to think a lot some times. But after reflecting for some time I mostly get it right or at least understand why my thought was wrong so that I easily can correct myself. I improve fast with practice.
I get the tones right in the non multisyllable words with very few mistakes. And because of the intelligent teaching methodology and the fifteen lesson content and structure there is no need to take notes when studying the HSTP Program. The tone rules, the consonants, the vowels, the tone markers, the consonant cluster rules, the special characters and other special rules, - the whole, the lot, - is taught in such a pedagogical way so that everything easily transfers from short term to long term memory. An very important aspect of learning to read Thai this fast is of course having the insight about how to move facts from your short term memory into your long tern memory. For this to happen repetition is of essence. To continuously review accomplishments and work done is very important. And what ever you do, don't give up! Just keep at it, keep going. In time your reward will come.
For me, everything is now stuck in My long term memory (forever), and if I continue to practice I know that I will improve and lodge everything more and more firmly into my long term memory. And as I said, due to the intelligent teaching methodology, I didn't have to pick up a pencil and make notes even ones during these 21 days. Where else, In what other language course is it possible to learn the alphabet, all vowels and consonants, pronunciation, tone rules, special rules, special characters and other grammatical rules without making one single note? I would say, nowhere. 
I believe I spent an average of 4 - 4,5 hours every day on studying during these 21 days. 
I have now moved on completing the time lessons in a day or so. I knew the weekdays, the months and some of the telling time in Thai from before I started the High Speed Thai Program. Now I am on the vocab lessons, and I am enjoying every second. Of course, some days are more tough than others, but still very enjoyable. What I am enjoying most is that I actually can read Thai, and can understand the vocabulary spelled in Thai being taught to me.
Also, when I had initial problems getting the Language Course installed to run on My Platform, Vincent was very helpful resolving some of my computer issues so that I could get started. That was really Great!
If People want to learn Thai Properly, The High Speed Thai Program has both the teaching Methodology and the Tools. The High Speed Thai Program is worth every penny. I would Recommend the High Speed Thai Program to Anyone. 
Best Regards
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