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I say we all concentrate on our own country's politics, try to make things better, respect each other, and go back to talking about THAILAND and how great it is...

Anything else is just an exercise in hatred and high blood pressure--and is unnecessary!

Make Love, Not War!  Here's to World Piece!   :o


That would be great Membrane in an ideal world of non-aggressive, benevolent nations (a genuine UN), but trouble is your country's politics are now interwoven in my country's politics and just about every country's on earth. We're all feeling the US military, cultural and economic stranglehold come closer to our homes every day, whether we like it or not. Some people might like it or even welcome it, others with an ounce of political savvy in their bones, I suspect do not. That is perhaps why a good Thai friend of mine, even way before 9/11 called his big Alasatian dog "Bin Laden". I personally thought it was a bad choice, given Bin Laden's violent personality and philosophy, and would much rather he'd chosen a peaceful critic's name  for his mutt (say, Chomsky).

But it was my friend's call and the wet-nosed Bin Laden is a big softy at heart, despite his menacing exterior. But deeper than that, it reflects a dislike and distrust of the US's foreign policies by ordinary folk in even (relatively) apolitical Thailand. Imagine what it must be like in Indonesia, Malaysia or countries in the mid-East that have felt the wrath of the US military machine on their heads and homes in recent years. How do they feel about just sticking to their own countries politics?, when they have an aggressive invading army on their doorsteps, who was sent there for one reason and one reason only : FOSSIL FUEL ADDICTION IN THE US!

So yes, it would all be nice and cushty to pretend that the US and Americans are just poor misunderstood wretches in the tumult of history, and we all return to our patches and pretend that everything's fine with the world (it's just Johnny Foreigner that goes and spoils it for the rest of us, eh, ITMan?), but that would be a gross neglect of duty, for those of us that use the path of words, reason and intellect, rather than bombs and bullets to get our way. Get my drift?

By the way, it was a well-chosen quotation by Indo-Siam and I take my hat off to you for your sound reasoning in that post.

And by the way Membrane, now we've sorted out what "pubic money" in, I'm just curious what "world piece" is. Is that like in piece-work, cod piece or "put your piece on the table and come out with your arms in the air, you sonofabitch"?

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"Man, I have no quarrel with them VietKong"

Muhammad Ali got a 5-years jail sentence for follo0wing his conscience. He said recently he would repeat the same thing for not going to the Iraq, never mind the consquences.

I don't care for boxing as a sport, but he got my respect for standing up to his mind.

Guy's put the global shoe on another foot say Hitler or slalin. I agree GWB's heels must be worn out by now, But it's ok, There will be the opportunity too change them. Long live democracy free beer and gum to all i say.
sigh...  Bitterfly, you still don't get it, do you?

blah blah

blah blah

blah blah

blah blah

blah blah

blah blah

blah blah

blah blah

hahahahahaha !!!!! Did you forget again to put back your brain this morning ?  :laugh:

yeah yeah I am Osama Bin Laden and you are the second coming of the Christ with GW Bush  :o

You keep distorting your stories with half truth and history revisions. You also lack the capability to see any shade of truth and everything for you is either black or white. You question Israel ? you are an anti-semite. You question the US ? you are anti-american. I have heard those kind of arguments before and it was from the Nazis and their like. Same methods. How is that for "getting it" ?

You are just another fraud. And btw, the election was indeed a fraud because the "grand electors" always vote with the majority. The fact that they couldn't get the number straight thanks to Bush little tricks in Florida forced some "grand electors" to take a wild guess. Only months after the election, we knew that Gore had more than 500,000 votes in lead over Bush. The US "collegial" electorate system (electorate is not a system of election, dim-witt, everything is electorate when it comes to an election system, do you know what "electorate" means ? go google it now !!! I can't believe I have to reply to such a dumb question) is total fraudulent system and should be revised.

Now go back to your dreams of a "perfect" little America.


No one asked but.... see the bottom of my earlier post.

Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam


I have a catapult. Give me all the money, or I will fling an enormous rock at your head.


Uncommon Latin Phrases




For you Bush lovers: It IS like deja vu all over again...

Maureen Dowd in the Times:

The more Americans, Iraqis and aid workers who get killed and wounded, the more it is a sign of American progress. The more dangerous Iraq is, the safer the world is. The more troops we seem to need in Iraq, the less we need to send more troops.

The harder it is to find Saddam, Osama and W.M.D., the less they mattered anyhow. The more coordinated, intense and sophisticated the attacks on our soldiers grow, the more "desperate" the enemy is.

In a briefing piped into the Pentagon on Monday from Tikrit, Maj. Gen. Raymond Odierno called the insurgents "desperate" eight times. But it is Bush officials who seem desperate when they curtain off reality. They don't even understand the political utility of truth.

After admitting recently that Saddam had no connection to 9/11, the president pounded his finger on his lectern on Tuesday, while vowing to stay in Iraq, and said, "We must never forget the lessons of Sept. 11."

Mr. Bush looked buck-passy when he denied that the White House, which throws up PowerPoint slogans behind his head on TV, was behind the "Mission Accomplished" banner. And Donald Rumsfeld looked duplicitous when he acknowledged in a private memo, after brusquely upbeat public briefings, that America was in for a "long, hard slog" in Iraq and Afghanistan.

No juxtaposition is too absurd to stop Bush officials from insisting nothing is wrong. Car bombs and a blitz of air-to-ground missiles turned Iraq into a hideous tangle of ambulances, stretchers and dead bodies, just after Paul Wolfowitz arrived there to showcase successes.

But the fear of young American soldiers who don't speak the language or understand the culture, who don't know who's going to shoot at them, was captured in a front-page picture in yesterday's Times: two soldiers leaning down to search the pockets of one small Iraqi boy.

Mr. Bush, staring at the campaign hourglass, has ordered that the "Iraqification" of security be speeded up, so Iraqi cannon fodder can replace American sitting ducks. But Iraqification won't work any better than Vietnamization unless the Bush crowd stops spinning.

Neil Sheehan, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of "A Bright Shining Lie," recalls Robert McNamara making Wolfowitz-like trips to Vietnam, spotlighting good news, yearning to pretend insecure areas were secure.

"McNamara was in a jeep in the Mekong Delta with an old Army colonel from Texas named Dan Porter," Mr. Sheehan told me. "Porter told him, `Mr. Secretary, we've got serious problems here that you're not getting. You ought to know what they are.' And McNamara replied: `I don't want to hear about your problems. I want to hear about your progress.' "

"If you want to be hoodwinked," Mr. Sheehan concludes, "it's easy."

more here if you now how to click on a link: http:// www.nytimes.com/2003/10/30/opinion/30DOWD.html


Companies awarded $8 billion in contracts to rebuild Iraq and Afghanistan have been major campaign donors to President Bush, and their executives have had important political and military connections, according to a study released Thursday.

THE STUDY of more than 70 U.S. companies and individual contractors turned up more than $500,000 in donations to the president’s 2000 campaign, more than they gave collectively to any other politician over the past dozen years.

I guess it pays to liberate third world countries  :D

yeah, it was not about the oil but the whole country resources :o



Guys, Guys, Guys

Gee come on now, I think this whole thing has gone on enought, your disturbing my sex life, I'm loosing sleep, can't shave because of my shaky hands, unable to hold a beer.

I'm a mess cause I started all this s..t

Can we just say that we all respect each other opinions right or wrong, who cares

Grab a girl and do the horizontal tango

Okay any one who keeps going on about respect, has no repect for love, or he is a guy to far gone to experience it any more.

So lets start a new topic, look at my avatar and think of better things


Yeah, you're right OzzieMan... Enough's enough. ..

This back and forth stuff could go on forever.  I could dig up articles on the web to make rebuttals, but what's the point?  I know I've said it before, but everyone here has their own opinions and nothing I say (especially since I'm an American) is going to change anything.  

So... as a "Peaceful American", I think I'm gonna "peacefully withdraw" from this thread.   ...I may be back sometime, somewhere else, but for now, I've got better things to do that to try to change the world's opinion.    ::o:



Guest IT Manager
However, would be nicer to see a strong guy leading the US and not this ....(explecit edited)

expletive, not explicit enough?

Guest IT Manager
Imagine what it must be like in Indonesia, Malaysia or countries in the mid-East that have felt the wrath of the US military machine on their heads and homes in recent years. How do they feel about just sticking to their own countries politics?, when they have an aggressive invading army on their doorsteps, who was sent there for one reason and one reason only : FOSSIL FUEL ADDICTION IN THE US!

I am frequently confronted by this exact feeling among correspondents and wonder what level of truth there is in it? I am beginning to see how the view is arrived at though.

However, would be nicer to see a strong guy leading the US and not this ....(explecit edited)

expletive, not explicit enough?

Explecitive Deleted!

######, you got me there, THREE TIMES.  :o

I dropped the "ive" in my anger.

Guest IT Manager
You keep distorting your stories with half truth and history revisions. You also lack the capability to see any shade of truth and everything for you is either black or white. You question Israel ? you are an anti-semite. You question the US ? you are anti-american. I have heard those kind of arguments before and it was from the Nazis and their like. Same methods. How is that for "getting it" ?

Beating the messenger, or worse, shooting, has no place in a politically liberal domain.

Make a point but why bash someone personally for what may be long held political views? Nothing is gained by dispute. Debate works.

You keep distorting your stories with half truth and history revisions. You also lack the capability to see any shade of truth and everything for you is either black or white. You question Israel ? you are an anti-semite. You question the US ? you are anti-american. I have heard those kind of arguments before and it was from the Nazis and their like. Same methods. How is that for "getting it" ?

Beating the messenger, or worse, shooting, has no place in a politically liberal domain.

Make a point but why bash someone personally for what may be long held political views? Nothing is gained by dispute. Debate works.

Agree but in this case the messenger can't even debate properly, so you have to shoot at something :o


We come in peace !!!

"Soldiers stretched concertina wire around the perimeter of the village and established checkpoints. Residents over the age of 18 will be required to have registration cards to move in and out of the village, U.S. officers said. "


Sometimes words like "Liberation" have all other meanings. Must be a translation thing  :o

did someone mention something about 'bush supporters/enthusiasts'?

Something to think about outside of the political domain...

Yep, I'm all for small case bushes, Tuts. In fact, I'm having sleepless nights picturing those bush fires in California. (I have no TV at home you see). Sounds a really cruel twist of nature to me. Let's hope Arnie is up to the task.


plachon...I've seen it now and I believe it. As we were returning home from Tesco on a small rural road we were behind an over loaded truck carrying tanks of fish. The truck hit a bump and a fish plopped onto the road. My eagle-eyed wife and her brother who was at the wheel immediately saw the offering. My wife got out and retrieved the fish and bounced its' head...got back in the car and displayed it to me. I said pla...they said pla-chon!!!!

A big fish...about 2-3 pounds...cooked it up and it was good eatin'...

road kill adventures in the hinterlands (the foregoing is true...I kid you not)

best regards

<font color='#000000'>plachon...I've seen it now and I believe it. As we were returning home from Tesco on a small rural road we were behind an over loaded truck carrying tanks of fish. The truck hit a bump and a fish plopped onto the road. My eagle-eyed wife and her brother who was at the wheel immediately saw the offering. My wife got out and retrieved the fish and bounced its' head...got back in the car and displayed it to me. I said pla...they said pla-chon!!!!

A big fish...about 2-3 pounds...cooked it up and it was good eatin'...

road kill adventures in the hinterlands (the foregoing is true...I kid you not)

best regards</font>

Tuts, you bar steward you, that was my little Central cousin you snaffled. But he has a big brother whose got his evil eyes on you now, so don't go swimming in any of those ponds you're gonna dig, ducks or not...........the Nakhon Nowhere Snakehead is what you need to worry about now dude.

Actually, you're right we're a tasty bunch of slimy critters, who put those Pacific finny things to shame - try 'gaeng som paesa" in a fish shaped bowl and all the trimmings for a culinary delight you won't forget, if you haven't yet had it.

I've never had a plachon off the back of a lorry, but I've picked them off the road in the rainy season when they have a funny habit of going walkabouts on rainy nights, looking for a new home to spawn in. So you better warn your Mrs too!

You better watch out, there's a snakehead about!

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