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I leased a piece of land several years ago and recently we went through the process of upgrading the land from Nor Sor Sam to Chanote.

The land office came down to the land and also the owne of my land and the two other owners of the bordering plots. Boundries were agreed and markers were placed. A reason for the upgrade was because the leasee of one of the bordering plots had built over the boundary into my plot so I wanted the land back.

Now they are refusing to go along with the land offices border markers and maintain the markers are wrong. It has been to court and the court has ruled that the land office will come back to the land and re-check to make sure the markers were in the right place.

Previously the owners of the problem land agreed the border, now their leasees have pressured them into refusing to acknowledge the agreed boudries. The reason is they have constructed a restaurant and all the sewage and water systems are on land which acording to the new chanote markers belong to me.

As they have built a wall and planted flowers and built on the land I can do nothing but wait as removing or damaging anything would be a criminal act by me.

These are really bad people, I previously let them use my plot to store equipment and place cranes to aid with building, they were supposed to do certain small building jobs in return, they have done none of the things promised.

I can't see how the land office should have to come to the land again when previously both owners were there and agreed the boudries. There is also a tree near the border which is inside the wall they have built, this tree was planted some 10-15 years ago by the previous tennants of the plot I have leased, so that shows that the border should at least be pst the tree.

In all I stand to lose 3m X 20m, not a huge chunk, but to them it could mean loosing the restaurant, toilets and of course where do they move all the water works to.

Anyway I can't see why the land office would need to come a second time, and the leasees of the plot are very rich and have built a big flash resort, I am worried they will pay off the land office to rule against us. The land owner of my piece is a from a pretty powerful local family though and vowed that they will do everything in their power to keep the land, it is their afterall.

Just wondering if anyone has had similar disputes and what the outcome was. In an honest land this should be an open and shut case, they should be moved to behind the border and we should be compensated, however anything is possible in LOS.

I am keeping out of it and leaving it to the Land owner to sort out, fully aware of the dangers to farang who meddle in issues such as this.......


I think you are right to stay out of it. At the end of the day, you do not have any standing and it is upto the owner of the land to fight, comrpomise, or roll over and play dead.... it is their land after all.

  • 5 weeks later...


Land office came down for the second time and re-measured everything. Their conclusion is everything was done correctly the 1st time. So I guess a minor celebration is in order although this is just one battle won in the war.

Apparently we now have to go back to court in order to get them evicted from the land.

Previously I tried to negotiate a price for them to keep the land, but they were insistant it was theirs.

Anyway it must be a foregone conclusion that they will be told to move off the land and hopefully pay damages. Then of course there is the matter of the waterworks under the ground, so I would expect any sane person to try to negotiate without this going to court, but going by their past actions I expect the last thing they want to do is have to negotiate a deal with dirty farang!

Anyone know what the next court case will entail and what the likely outcome will be?



Congratulations. Nil carborundum illegitemi.

P.S. Not from SW19 by any chance?

God old stilwell! :D:)

Having just read a biographical account of Vinegar Joe, good is not an adjective that I would employ. It seems that he was rather like my Uncle Charlie who fought with the 51st Highland Division, the entire US 8th Army Air Force and the French 1st Army. He couldn't get on with anybody.

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