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Jacks And Johns In Los


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Jack and John have the honour of perhaps having the most Homonyms ( words that sound the same but have different meanings) available to them for a variety of uses. No offence to any John or Jack expats in LOS, but maybe its time for some silly sentences in the silly season prior to the tourist "high season"..I'll start a few, and add on if you wish to be silly enough..

1.While attempting to count all the Johns with their new ladies on Walking Street in Pattaya at New Years, John was Johnnie on the spot, as he finally found a 7-11 that sold Johnnie Cat, which is of course a brand of cat litter for John's cat.

2. Jack played the lottery in BKK and had recently won a large Jackpot , so since his toilet was out of order, and his car was broken down, and Jack knew Jack shiiiite about car repairs or plumbing, he decided to phone his Jack- of -all- trades friend John ( who surely had a Floor Jack at his shop) and pay him handsomely to repair his toilet and his car.

3.Jack be nimble Jack be quick..Jack was Jacked-up for a night on the town on Bangla Road, but its cool season, so he grabbed his Jacket, got in his car,and listened to Jack -O ( Michael Jackson) as he drove to the bar.

4. John had his fill of beer at the lady boy bar, so he hit the John before moving on to greener pastures..even John the Baptist couldn't help Johnnie B Goode now..

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Jack got jacked off, jacking off, so went out to hi-jack a car. Finding one jacked up on the side of the road, Jack jacked it, not realising it belonged to Nick the local Knicker nicker, who phoned the local plod. They plodded along, and eventually dragged Jack to the local Nick and nicked him for nicking nicks car.

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John was in the process of getting a girl..but he was put in the nick for drinking too much Johnny Walker, so how can he be a John in the nick?

You need to get out more..

This English man said fab as he saw me leap a hot dog stand.....

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the ex US president..you know.. Watergate.. it was Rick, I mean Richie, I mean Ricky, I mean Ricardo, I mean Dick, I mean Richard...Nixon

the ex US president, you know.."i didn't have sex with that women".. William, Will, Willy, Billy,Bill.. Clinton

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