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Police From Outside Town


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Seems that there have been a lot of external police force raids into Pattaya recently. It may always have been this way, or it might just be better quality reporting these days now that the "Press Barons" have access to Soi 9s inner Sanctum. By this I mean Howard and Niels's respective Foreign Legion Police Volunteers

Maybe I am reading too much into this, but are the local cops overstretched , undermanned, or just under suspicion from outside? However we look at it, they may even be skint very soon

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Its getting near Christmas , So the outa town police need the money for the wifes presents. :)

I would think an opposite - because local cops, after some time, become corrupted and inefective, the cops from outside are ordered to sort out raids. They are less likely to be offered bribes or ask for them, as they don't know the situation.

a healthy development

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Its getting near Christmas , So the outa town police need the money for the wifes presents. :)

I would think an opposite - because local cops, after some time, become corrupted and inefective, the cops from outside are ordered to sort out raids. They are less likely to be offered bribes or ask for them, as they don't know the situation.

a healthy development

I assume that the Bangkok and Chonburi police must have a greater influence than the Pattaya guys. They appear to just appear. Would they have their own network of spies, informants etc. to help them along? And what would the local guys think of it all. I assume some of the places recently raided would have their own arrangements with the chaps from Soi 9

Turf wars between the cops isn't a nice prospect

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those cops are not coming to pattaya on their own accord, but have orders from above.

the intelegence is passed to them beforehand, but as well they might be raiding at random places, which were braking rules before.

thai autorities should change every single cop every single year, to prevent corruption - it was done in the past in some countries

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Thai police are corrupt across the board. It is a multi-billion baht industry. Notice how district police chiefs are switched around regularly. This is due to internal auctions taking place for control of individual districts. The highest prices are paid for areas such as Patpong in Bangkok and obviously Pattaya. Encroachments on other people's territory occasionally happen, all due to financial requirements. Personally have been stopped just outside Pattaya by Bkk traffic police and 'fined'.

Have some pity the next time some brownshirted bonehead stops you on your bike or for being in the 'wrong' lane whilst driving. The money you pay over will probably not be burning a hole in his pocket and will go up the foodchain. Eventually a small percentage might get back to the initial bonehead. The brass demand 'honesty' from the rank and file to pass the money up the chain. Those deemed guilty of transgressions are dealt with severly and sometimes pay with their life and act as an example to others. A sad but true state of affairs concerning policing in the LOS.

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those cops are not coming to pattaya on their own accord, but have orders from above.

the intelegence is passed to them beforehand, but as well they might be raiding at random places, which were braking rules before.

thai autorities should change every single cop every single year, to prevent corruption - it was done in the past in some countries

I can understand your theory, but the practicalities would stop it at birth. Unless every policeman was a single man and didn't have to move a family round with him.

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Its getting near Christmas , So the outa town police need the money for the wifes presents. :)

I would think an opposite - because local cops, after some time, become corrupted and inefective, the cops from outside are ordered to sort out raids. They are less likely to be offered bribes or ask for them, as they don't know the situation.

I thought it was common knowledge that all establishments involved in the sex trade (and some other businesses) make monthly payments to the police. No cops becomes corrupted, it's an established business and they're involved from their very first day of duty.

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same in UK..call for a copper in your local town and they will probably send one from a town 60 miles away, if they can find one.

went into my local copshop in UK on a Sunday morning, just around the corner, to discuss previous nights lack of attention to call-out request - area with population of 20,000+++ - and there was nobody there except a cleaner.

wouldn't surprise me if they are now using call centres in Bangalore with disembodied voice: "If you are being chased around the house by a mad axe man, please press 1 etc.........!"

Maybe they should have telephone auctions for emergency calls: "What am I bid for a policeman? Fifty quid from Nancy in Southampton being raped?" "Sorreeeee caller, Sue in Worthing being gang banged is offering 55 quid. Do I hear an advance on 55 quid etc etc!!!???

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Just had to part with 200 baht AGAIN on Sukhumvit for "Driving in the wrong lane". It's the second time recently that I've been 'done' for the same so called offence. Both times I was making a legitimate overtaking manouvre. The first time I just handed over the money, this time I argued till I was blue in the face but it made no difference, it was their word against mine. So rather than give up my license and make a trip to some obscure police station, I paid up. If I'd been in the inside lane, they'd have invented another offence, so what's the answer? I know I'm encouraging them by paying the bribe, but I also know that if I go to the police station, without proof of my case, I'll end up paying double. The little git that stopped me won' get the majority of the money, it'll go to his inspector for his Xmas booze. I hope it chokes him.

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Just had to part with 200 baht AGAIN on Sukhumvit for "Driving in the wrong lane". It's the second time recently that I've been 'done' for the same so called offence. Both times I was making a legitimate overtaking manouvre. The first time I just handed over the money, this time I argued till I was blue in the face but it made no difference, it was their word against mine. So rather than give up my license and make a trip to some obscure police station, I paid up. If I'd been in the inside lane, they'd have invented another offence, so what's the answer? I know I'm encouraging them by paying the bribe, but I also know that if I go to the police station, without proof of my case, I'll end up paying double. The little git that stopped me won' get the majority of the money, it'll go to his inspector for his Xmas booze. I hope it chokes him.

If I am that annoyed I will refuse to pay point blank, and say let's go to the police station where I will dispute your account of what happened (not speeding, legitimately overtaking etc) and want to see your evidence.

At this stage the robber usually thinks "God this is serious. I will waste an hour down there when I could be out here making more money by holding up other people" and I have been let off. But once outside Laem Chabang, earlier this year, I really did think there could have been a gun pulled on me, as the cop was so incensed that I was so incandescent! It probably wouldn't be worth getting shot for 200 Baht but sometmes, in the heat of the moment, it really is the principle, no matter how stupid it seems afterwards.

If I am guilty as charged I will of course haggle, pay and drive off.

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those cops are not coming to pattaya on their own accord, but have orders from above.

the intelegence is passed to them beforehand, but as well they might be raiding at random places, which were braking rules before.

thai autorities should change every single cop every single year, to prevent corruption - it was done in the past in some countries

Seems strange to me, are you suggesting in some countries Police only work for one year, then are replaced by new Police? There would be a huge cost with training and of course then there goes all the problems with having an entire rookie police force with absolutely no experience.

Ive never heard of this before.......can you supply the details of the countries that have implemented such a thing? :)

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those cops are not coming to pattaya on their own accord, but have orders from above.

the intelegence is passed to them beforehand, but as well they might be raiding at random places, which were braking rules before.

thai autorities should change every single cop every single year, to prevent corruption - it was done in the past in some countries

Seems strange to me, are you suggesting in some countries Police only work for one year, then are replaced by new Police? There would be a huge cost with training and of course then there goes all the problems with having an entire rookie police force with absolutely no experience.

Ive never heard of this before.......can you supply the details of the countries that have implemented such a thing? :)

I do now that if one joins the RCMP. Graduates from the training college are never posted to their home town or province for duty.

That's the reason my daughter didn't join.

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are you suggesting in some countries Police only work for one year, then are replaced by new Police?

no, they are moved around.

I have read on this forums, that back in 1920-ties entire police force in australia (or n zealand) was moved around to stop corruption

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