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House Broken Into Last Night - Occupants At Home - Comments, Suggestions


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Friends of mine have just been transferred to Thailand for work and took up residence in Pattaya.

They live at the Paradise Villa 2 on Soi Thung Klom Tan Mun, on the east side of Sukhumvit.

They were robbed overnight.

The worst part is the whole family was at home during the time of the robbery, and this is supposed to be a secure community with security. So they are less than pleased to be sure, having three young kids.

Not to mention his laptop was lifted, and you know how disruptive that is.

Does anyone have information on this place? Is break-in theft a common occurence there? What is the number for the police (tourist) in Ptya? Is it 1155? He is trying to get some authority on it quickly to try and get the laptop - for the data obviously, the unit they can have.

Also, can anyone comment on where is a decent place to go for enhanced home security systems in Ptya? I think the first move they will want to make after getting things sorted with the embassy (Passports stolen also) and police is invest in some perimeter security of their own.

Of course, anyone with possible information about this can feel free to PM (had to add that - regardless of how slim the chances are)


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On the occasions Ive called the Tourist Police Ive never managed to get anyone to answer.

Best bet is to head into the Soi9 Police station (beach road end) and report the break-in directly, there will be a counter there manned by an Tourist Police officer, he will be able to help from there.

Good luck on getting the laptop back.

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We live in Phuket in a fairly safe area but had a break-in several months ago. Fairly trivial losses but huge feeling of violation and concern about future events. Got the local cop shop to come over, total waste of time. We wound up "donating" an envelope to the cop shop benevolent fund, hoping they would provide a bit of patrolling and response. Waste of money. We got local (fareng own/operate) security firm to install wireless sensors with central control, fairly upscale system. Cost about 80k baht and worth it in my opinion. Now awaiting for arrival of my new biosecurity unit: Rottweiler puppy. I have trained dogs for home guard and think this will be a key addition to our feel-good factor when in full operating status i.e. about a year from now.

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kuma, i too live in the Toongklom Taanman area, generally very little problems here.

A freind of mine got his house broken into and it turned out to be the brother of one of the so called "security guards" patrolling his estate!!!!! Caught the bastd though!

Dogs are by far the best deterrent, dont necissarily need to be special breeds, just loyal dogs that will bark and alert the owners and neighbours to an intruder or anybody that should not be in the area.

I always know of dogs that are looking for good homes, if anybody is interested PM me.

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Sorry to hear about your friends burglary. I'm afraid the laptop is probably already reformatted and sold off. Yes, police here is useless, do not expect they will find anything.

As for dogs, as Andre from Master Safety always says: "Anything with a stomach is corruptable". Give a dog a meatball and it's your friend for life. Give Andre a call, google thaisecurity for his website/tel. nr.

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Thanks for the replies

Reformatted and sold would be a great outcome actually - certainly hope thats the case!

Appreciate the comments, suggestions and contacts re security as well.

Cheers and happy holidays

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I'm in Bangkok for a spell and the place is well guarded . . . . . we thought.

Yams at the main entrance, yams at each building and a yammette wandering

around the pool checking out everyone who goes for a swim.

Well, a month ago one of the ground floor units had a break-in and off went

quite a bit of gear - along with one of the yams (a supervisor to boot). Then

a couple of weeks ago another ground floor unit was burgled and once again

a yam has since been reported missing. Seems they enjoy nicking what they

should be protecting.

We are quite worried as we're on the ground floor, but there's an elastic band

round the doberman's willy to keep him awake at night and the wee sh*thawks

out of our pad.

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Isn't it great to be in a place where one relies on local "security"? The old adage is, "You pay them peanuts, you get monkeys". It holds, oh so true, in Thailand and the rest of the world where one has to depend upon others to "protect" you and your property. The criminals' worst enemy is the barking-dog that knows when to bark. Ask any perp and you will hear that they most fear an armed target and next it is the alert dog. Being that one is not supposed to be armed in Thailand, the best bet is the alert dog. Good luck to you in your endeavor to secure yourself and your property.

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A burglar broke into a house one night. He shined his flashlight around, looking for valuables when a voice in the dark said,

'Jesus knows you're here.'

He nearly jumped out of his skin, clicked his flashlight off, and froze.

When he heard nothing more , after a bit, he shook his head and continued.

Just as he pulled the stereo out so he could disconnect the wires, clear as a bell he heard

'Jesus is watching you.'

Freaked out, he shined his light around frantically, looking for the source of the voice.

Finally, in the corner of the room, his flashlight beam came to rest on a parrot.

'Did you say that?' he hissed at the parrot.

'Yep', the parrot confessed, then squawked, 'I'm just trying to warn you that jesus is watching


The burglar relaxed. 'Warn me, huh? Who are you?' 'Moses,' replied the bird.

'Moses?' the burglar laughed. 'What kind of people would name a bird Moses?'

'The kind of people that would name the Rottweiler Jesus.'

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Must have been one of those nights. Someone tried to break into our house last night, but failed. At least for the time being. They were able to get the wooden door open (while we where home) but the inner steel bar door was padlocked shut. This is the 2nd time this has happened.

My fear is they will come through the roof. I assume it's only a matter of time. I can only hope when it happens, I can get the upper hand and get my hands on the punk. I have a lot of built of frustration to let loose.

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On the occasions Ive called the Tourist Police Ive never managed to get anyone to answer.

Best bet is to head into the Soi9 Police station (beach road end) and report the break-in directly, there will be a counter there manned by an Tourist Police officer, he will be able to help from there.

Good luck on getting the laptop back.

If on the East side, Banglamung Station would be in charge.

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I feel sorry for your friend at least he or any of his family were not assaulted in the breakin on same point what do you recond the police would have done if the burglar was armed and threatend his family and he fought back seriously injuring the burglar. A case in the uk last weejk the house holder got 30 months for chasing a burglar down the road and giving him a good hiding

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Thanks for the replies

They have made a police report and now are engaging the security system that the place came with but they did not use when they were at home thinking it would not be necessary....

Not a great introduction to Thailand and makes it tough to sleep I would imagine for the next while til they feel comfortable they do not have people wandering the house.

Something to be said for condos - not immune but my impression is they are less susceptible to intruders (save for being on the first floor maybe) - I personally would not go to the bother of owning a home and property here - seems to be too much risk and hassle

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Why did Willy Sutton rob banks...the same reason thieves are attracted to posh developments like Pattaya Paradise Villa...that's where the money (or expensive goods) are. Pattaya Paradise Villa moobaan is also well away from town in a relatively isolated area.

My advice would be to move into a posh condo like Royal Cliff...easier to secure a condo than a large house and better outside security as well.

Of course, they could also give up their hi-so pretensions and live in a mixed Thai-farang moobaan like me, pay 10k baht a month (instead of 150+ at PPV), have neighbors who are always out and about (watching what's going on), and never have a problem. (Lived here 3 years, no security, and never a problem).

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Why did Willy Sutton rob banks...the same reason thieves are attracted to posh developments like Pattaya Paradise Villa...that's where the money (or expensive goods) are. Pattaya Paradise Villa moobaan is also well away from town in a relatively isolated area.

My advice would be to move into a posh condo like Royal Cliff...easier to secure a condo than a large house and better outside security as well.

Of course, they could also give up their hi-so pretensions and live in a mixed Thai-farang moobaan like me, pay 10k baht a month (instead of 150+ at PPV), have neighbors who are always out and about (watching what's going on), and never have a problem. (Lived here 3 years, no security, and never a problem).

Spoken like a true uneducated fuc_kwit, obviously no knowledge of what you speak, <deleted>!

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Why did Willy Sutton rob banks...the same reason thieves are attracted to posh developments like Pattaya Paradise Villa...that's where the money (or expensive goods) are. Pattaya Paradise Villa moobaan is also well away from town in a relatively isolated area.

My advice would be to move into a posh condo like Royal Cliff...easier to secure a condo than a large house and better outside security as well.

Of course, they could also give up their hi-so pretensions and live in a mixed Thai-farang moobaan like me, pay 10k baht a month (instead of 150+ at PPV), have neighbors who are always out and about (watching what's going on), and never have a problem. (Lived here 3 years, no security, and never a problem).

Spoken like a true uneducated fuc_kwit, obviously no knowledge of what you speak, <deleted>!

Yes, a bawbag of the first rank

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Of course, they could also give up their hi-so pretensions and live in a mixed Thai-farang moobaan like me, pay 10k baht a month (instead of 150+ at PPV), have neighbors who are always out and about (watching what's going on), and never have a problem. (Lived here 3 years, no security, and never a problem).

Seems quite sensible to me, but maybe I just struck it lucky to move back to the old apartments I started out in four and a half years ago - still 4,500 p/m and the local constabulary make a point of basing themselves down in the lounge morning and night, so the biggest fear I have is getting nabbed for riding back from the minimart sans helmet or redlining it on the way back home from the karaoke bar after a few too many beers. (I reckon if I ride real slow in the sidelane, they wouldn't mind too much as long as I don't make a nuisance of myself, ever. )

I don't reckon anyone's gonna try knocking this place off with half the Nikhom Pattana police force downstairs watching television most of the day or night, but it has a certain way of making sure that I behave myself by the same token.

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In these troubled times, personal security is becoming more of an issue for everyone.

Andre from Master Safety once gave a talk to the Pattaya City Expat club (he was Chairman one year) and pointed out the difficulties of securing any house in any location. He regarded condos as a much safer, more secure option.

Some hi-rise condo buildings which have restricted access and lifts that are overseen by security personnel claim that no one has ever been burgled in those buildings. The problem for the potential thieves is that they couldn't get the stuff out even if they successfully broke into a unit.

On the other hand, there are lo-medium-rise condo buildings which are every bit as insecure as anywhere. The steel door plates and padlocked iron gates over the outer door tells you all you need to know about the occupants and security. You tend to get what you pay for.

I know of three people currently trying to sell Farside houses in order to locate in beachfront condos for many reasons including a feeling of general security.

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