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The application form lists the required documents.Fill in the form, submit it with the required documents. Simple.

If the Thai person is reasonably satisfactory under the eyes of the NZIS  (job, house, family, money, land, ties to home, education etc...), it should be a no brainer, you may even get a 'wai'  :o

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all of the above is true

be especialy careful if she is a bargirl.

The bitches in NZ embassy do not like them.

My personal experience,last year was ...and she was not a bargirl but a freelancer was as she had no job and no income she was not a good candidate for a visa...they thought she was a potential illegal immigrant.

They wanted to see proof i had known her for 6 mths....ie emails ,phone records etc.

In the end i had to pay a 3k nzd bond.

beware a super b$%^& whose first name begins with J.

I know several friends who have had problems with her.

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The bitches in NZ embassy do not like them.

Easy on, they are just upholding NZ immigration policy.I'm sure most responsible tax paying kiwis would appreciate the strict "filtering"  process.

BTW, you don't deal with the NZ Embassy, you deal with the NZ Immigration Service.Two completely seperate ministerial departments. The Embassy are on the 14th floor of All Seasons Place  M tower, but the Immigration Service are on the 15th floor.

Why does an Aussie know all this, cos I'm half kiwi (shhh..dont tell anyone :o )

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  • 1 year later...

We went throu all this earlier this year . After everything was said and done ,I still had to post a NZ $ 3000 bond ,money that was returned after about a month after showing proof of return.

At least one could talk to these folks .Tried the same last month for Australia -with no success -called Aus off today and told them my piece....

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<font color='#000000'>The bitches in NZ embassy do not like them.</font>

<font color='#000000'>Easy on, they are just upholding NZ immigration policy.I'm sure most responsible tax paying kiwis would appreciate the strict "filtering"  process.

BTW, you don't deal with the NZ Embassy, you deal with the NZ Immigration Service.Two completely seperate ministerial departments. The Embassy are on the 14th floor of All Seasons Place  M tower, but the Immigration Service are on the 15th floor.

Why does an Aussie know all this, cos I'm half kiwi (shhh..dont tell anyone :o )</font>

You can't have a go at the NZ'ers on this one. A few years ago they started letting Thai's in visa free. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to guess what followed and this relaxation of policy was exploited for all it was worth. As a result, they were forced to re-insitgate visas for Thai's to the land of the long white cloud.

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<font color='#000000'>The bitches in NZ embassy do not like them.</font>

<font color='#000000'>Easy on, they are just upholding NZ immigration policy.I'm sure most responsible tax paying kiwis would appreciate the strict "filtering"  process.

BTW, you don't deal with the NZ Embassy, you deal with the NZ Immigration Service.Two completely seperate ministerial departments. The Embassy are on the 14th floor of All Seasons Place  M tower, but the Immigration Service are on the 15th floor.

Why does an Aussie know all this, cos I'm half kiwi (shhh..dont tell anyone :o )</font>

You can't have a go at the NZ'ers on this one. A few years ago they started letting Thai's in visa free. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to guess what followed and this relaxation of policy was exploited for all it was worth. As a result, they were forced to re-insitgate visas for Thai's to the land of the long white cloud.

The NZIS is a joke. How many of their staff have been fired for corruption??

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<font color='#000000'>The bitches in NZ embassy do not like them.</font>

<font color='#000000'>Easy on, they are just upholding NZ immigration policy.I'm sure most responsible tax paying kiwis would appreciate the strict "filtering"  process.

BTW, you don't deal with the NZ Embassy, you deal with the NZ Immigration Service.Two completely seperate ministerial departments. The Embassy are on the 14th floor of All Seasons Place  M tower, but the Immigration Service are on the 15th floor.

Why does an Aussie know all this, cos I'm half kiwi (shhh..dont tell anyone :o )</font>

You can't have a go at the NZ'ers on this one. A few years ago they started letting Thai's in visa free. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to guess what followed and this relaxation of policy was exploited for all it was worth. As a result, they were forced to re-insitgate visas for Thai's to the land of the long white cloud.

To say that the NZIS at the border were/are over zealous towards Thai people would be an understatement. It was only last year that they were made to pay a Thai lady(Who was in her late 40's) NZ$50,000 damages after she had been imprisoned and deported from NZ AFTER she had obtained a visa. (They called her a prostitute at the time)This was after her second attempt to visit her sister.The first time she was put back on a plane as well.She had a good job in Thailand and was a REAL tourist. She was also hit big time with the ugly stick, so i'm buggered if I know why they thought she was a working girl.

There have been 95 allegations of misconduct towards immigration officials this year alone. Not bad for a country with only 4 million people.

From the sound of a couple of posters here, they may well have close connections to either the Embassy or NZIS.

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sorry chuckcok (is that supposed to mean flush the loo?)

Wasn't trying to sound like an apologist for NZIS, nor the embassy. I know no-one who works for either. Just making simple point about policy over the past couple of years.

I am guessing though that NZIS get their training from OZ immigration, so no need to get me started on those pricks. Re-entering Australia, on an australian PP, has very rarely been a hassle free experience for me.

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sorry chuckcok (is that supposed to mean flush the loo?)

Wasn't trying to sound like an apologist for NZIS, nor the embassy. I know no-one who works for either. Just making simple point about policy over the past couple of years.

I am guessing though that NZIS get their training from OZ immigration, so no need to get me started on those pricks. Re-entering Australia, on an australian PP, has very rarely been a hassle free experience for me.

chuchok was a rather large nasty chap that died from over eating...ask you significant other about the story..quite amuzing. The wife gave me the name after my "girth" started to increase directly proportional to the amount of beer that ws consumed.

Now I only have the odd wine :o

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sorry chuckcok (is that supposed to mean flush the loo?)

I am guessing though that NZIS get their training from OZ immigration,

Most western immigration services have similar policys. NZIS policy is mandated by the NZIS operations manual (which is availble online), and training is provided by NZIS staff.

Whether NZIS policy is mandated by the operations manual, is of no consequence. It is the interpretation of the manual where many NZIS staff show their bias towards Thai people at times.

I could give some glaring examples, but to do so would be identifying certain individuals. I am not prepared to do this.

Having 95 allegations of misconduct in the NZIS is a very worrying sign. Even if only a quarter of these allegations turn out to be 100% correct, then it is a sad indictment of this department.

I would normally be the first to ridicule other countries and Thailand for their corrupt practices, but I suppose I should be looking at my own backdoor first. :o

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sorry chuckcok (is that supposed to mean flush the loo?)

I am guessing though that NZIS get their training from OZ immigration,

Most western immigration services have similar policys. NZIS policy is mandated by the NZIS operations manual (which is availble online), and training is provided by NZIS staff.

Whether NZIS policy is mandated by the operations manual, is of no consequence. It is the interpretation of the manual where many NZIS staff show their bias towards Thai people at times.

I could give some glaring examples, but to do so would be identifying certain individuals. I am not prepared to do this.

Having 95 allegations of misconduct in the NZIS is a very worrying sign. Even if only a quarter of these allegations turn out to be 100% correct, then it is a sad indictment of this department.

I would normally be the first to ridicule other countries and Thailand for their corrupt practices, but I suppose I should be looking at my own backdoor first. :o

I can't really comment.All the thai folk that I know who've needed visas have obtained them quickly and easily.

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sorry chuckcok (is that supposed to mean flush the loo?)

I am guessing though that NZIS get their training from OZ immigration,

Most western immigration services have similar policys. NZIS policy is mandated by the NZIS operations manual (which is availble online), and training is provided by NZIS staff.

Whether NZIS policy is mandated by the operations manual, is of no consequence. It is the interpretation of the manual where many NZIS staff show their bias towards Thai people at times.

I could give some glaring examples, but to do so would be identifying certain individuals. I am not prepared to do this.

Having 95 allegations of misconduct in the NZIS is a very worrying sign. Even if only a quarter of these allegations turn out to be 100% correct, then it is a sad indictment of this department.

I would normally be the first to ridicule other countries and Thailand for their corrupt practices, but I suppose I should be looking at my own backdoor first. :D

I can't really comment.All the thai folk that I know who've needed visas have obtained them quickly and easily.

How quickly and how easily. I got an Australian one in 5 days quite easily but my New Zealand Application receipt say expected processing time 30 - 45 days. Ain't that quite a long time? Any idea why such a difference?

Just wondering :o

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sorry chuckcok (is that supposed to mean flush the loo?)

I am guessing though that NZIS get their training from OZ immigration,

Most western immigration services have similar policys. NZIS policy is mandated by the NZIS operations manual (which is availble online), and training is provided by NZIS staff.

Whether NZIS policy is mandated by the operations manual, is of no consequence. It is the interpretation of the manual where many NZIS staff show their bias towards Thai people at times.

I could give some glaring examples, but to do so would be identifying certain individuals. I am not prepared to do this.

Having 95 allegations of misconduct in the NZIS is a very worrying sign. Even if only a quarter of these allegations turn out to be 100% correct, then it is a sad indictment of this department.

I would normally be the first to ridicule other countries and Thailand for their corrupt practices, but I suppose I should be looking at my own backdoor first. :D

I can't really comment.All the thai folk that I know who've needed visas have obtained them quickly and easily.

How quickly and how easily. I got an Australian one in 5 days quite easily but my New Zealand Application receipt say expected processing time 30 - 45 days. Ain't that quite a long time? Any idea why such a difference?

Just wondering :o

how easily : as easily as filling in the form and providing the mandatory documents.

how quickly : on the spot, same day or next day across those I know.

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