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Netscape 7.2 And Windows Xp


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Last weekend my hard drive crashed completely. The shop managed to retrieve the majority of my data but not many of the applications. I therefore needed to reinstall/download the applications that I use, one of which was Netscape 7.2 browser. I downloaded the installation file from the Netscape web site but Windows refused to support the file. Has BG rigged Windows to ignore Netscape files?


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Last weekend my hard drive crashed completely. The shop managed to retrieve the majority of my data but not many of the applications. I therefore needed to  reinstall/download the applications that I use, one of which was Netscape 7.2 browser. I downloaded the installation file from the Netscape web site but Windows refused to support the file. Has BG rigged Windows to ignore Netscape files?


I doubt "Willie" has the time to mess with you. He's too busy fighting with the EU Council, who are trying to castrate Windows.

Seriously, if you originally had v7.2 installed and working, it should install and run with the new re-installation.

Are you sure you downlaoded v7.2.......or did you per chance download v8.0 BETA??? Remember, any software installation, repeat ANY, should be done with all running utilities shutdown, except Explorer (or alternatively installed in Safe Mode.)

Now prepare thyself for a wealth of advice recommending you switch to Firefox, Opera, IE or whatever. :D

And remember......luck beats skill everytime.

cheers :D

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