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Alcohol Industry In The Doldrums


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Alcohol industry in the doldrums

BANGKOK: -- Thailand's alcohol industry needs to use marketing and price strategies to pick itself up from the severe slump caused by poor sales over recent months, according to one of Thailand's leading research centres.

Warning that the prospects for the alcohol industry remain poor this year, the KASIKORN Research Centre (KRC) notes that the rising price of fuel and severe drought conditions have severed to put a severe dent in consumer purchasing power, with the result that consumers are tightening their belts and refraining from making unnecessary purchases.

The research centre, which says that the local alcohol industry will find itself up against a marketing crisis, particularly in the second half of the year, cites figures showing that sales of liquor and beer slumped 1.8 percent in the first quarter of 2005, compared to a positive growth rate of 5.4 in the first quarter of 2004.

The report also points to a slump in the export market for alcohol, pointing to export sales of only USD15.5 million in the first two months of the year, representing a 17 percent drop in the growth rate.

While beer and liquor exports dropped, only wine exports improved in the period, recording a 130.7 percent growth rate, thanks to heavy government promotion.

The report calls on alcohol manufacturers to adjust their marketing strategies in response to the current economic climate, setting prices at their lowest possible levels to target low-income consumers.

--TNA 2005-04-22

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...The report calls on alcohol manufacturers to adjust their marketing strategies in response to the current economic climate, setting prices at their lowest possible levels to target low-income consumers.
This will be necessary to rule the country easily :o , flanked by low eduction (Farang-teacher still welcome...). If nothing works they have to subsidize

beer and whisky during the next election-year :D .

Regards, Patex

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The research centre, which says that the local alcohol industry will find itself up against a marketing crisis, particularly in the second half of the year, cites figures showing that sales of liquor and beer slumped 1.8 percent in the first quarter of 2005, compared to a positive growth rate of 5.4 in the first quarter of 2004.

I can honestly say that I am not the culprit!


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So there you go................even the people in power havn't noticed that booze sales are restricted. Is there something really wrong with these peoples heads. They ban sales betwwen midnight and eleven and two and five, then whinge cause sales are down. WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE.? WHERE DO THESE IDIOTS COME FROM? IS THERE NO END TO THIS INSANITY? :o

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So there you go................even the people in power havn't noticed that booze sales are restricted. Is there something really wrong with these peoples heads. They ban sales betwwen midnight and eleven and two and five, then whinge cause sales are down. WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE.? WHERE DO THESE IDIOTS COME FROM? IS THERE NO END TO THIS INSANITY? :o

My feelings exactly! The left hand doesn't know about the right. Typical syndrome of brain atrophy, mostly diagnosed at higher levels of government.

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So there you go................even the people in power havn't noticed that booze sales are restricted. Is there something really wrong with these peoples heads. They ban sales betwwen midnight and eleven and two and five, then whinge cause sales are down. WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE.? WHERE DO THESE IDIOTS COME FROM? IS THERE NO END TO THIS INSANITY? :o

My feelings exactly! The left hand doesn't know about the right. Typical syndrome of brain atrophy, mostly diagnosed at higher levels of government.

its because they dont read any books . somnolent lot.' the walking dead' springs to mind

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So there you go................even the people in power havn't noticed that booze sales are restricted.  They ban sales betwwen midnight and eleven and two and five, :D

HUH? are alcohol sales restricted lampard?


I think so......................think I read it somewhere on TV.................about 250 times :D

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Except for warfare, no human activity is more expensive and debilitating to the economy of a culture than the consumption of alcohol. A research group in the USA periodically reports to the government how much the consumption of alcohol costs to the overall economy. Half of all traffic casualties, the majority of beds in general hospitals and mental institutes, the primary cause of absenteeism....if beer, wine and liquor were properly taxed, one drink would cost US$6.

A country that thinks it needs higher alcohol consumption, deserves what it gets.

Now, where's the emoticon for "end of sermon"?

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Except for warfare, no human activity is more expensive and debilitating to the economy of a culture than the consumption of alcohol.  A research group in the USA periodically reports to the government how much the consumption of alcohol costs to the overall economy.  Half of all traffic casualties, the majority of beds in general hospitals and mental institutes, the primary cause of absenteeism....if beer, wine and liquor were properly taxed, one drink would cost US$6.

A country that thinks it needs higher alcohol consumption, deserves what it gets.

Now, where's the emoticon for "end of sermon"?

Oh, dear PeaceBlondie....you won't be a popular person in the forum after this message, will you ? :o

But seriously, alcohol DOES cause a lot of negative things....I think the key is to drink in moderation or at least reduce the number of times one drinks excessively...I know, this is easier said than done....I , myself, sometimes drink excessively.



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Except for warfare, no human activity is more expensive and debilitating to the economy of a culture than the consumption of alcohol.  A research group in the USA periodically reports to the government how much the consumption of alcohol costs to the overall economy.  Half of all traffic casualties, the majority of beds in general hospitals and mental institutes, the primary cause of absenteeism....if beer, wine and liquor were properly taxed, one drink would cost US$6.

A country that thinks it needs higher alcohol consumption, deserves what it gets.

Now, where's the emoticon for "end of sermon"?

Please don`t advocate more taxes on alcohol...we`ve just had another round of increases in the UK.....

Luckily next week I`ll be back in Los and enjoying great alcohol prices..

Sorry must dash got to get the wine from the supermarket before it closes :o

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Alcohol industry in the doldrums 

Warning that the prospects for the alcohol industry remain poor this year, the KASIKORN Research Centre (KRC) notes that the rising price of fuel and severe drought conditions have severed to put a severe dent in consumer purchasing power, with the result that consumers are tightening their belts and refraining from making unnecessary purchases.

--TNA 2005-04-22

Might be reading it wrong but are they saying drink drivers cant afford to drive whilst drunk any more? :o

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Except for warfare, no human activity is more expensive and debilitating to the economy of a culture than

Doesn't war generally stimulate economic growth?

No - only for the armaments industry, which builds weapons of sheer destruction, which destroy things the prior economy expended great energy to create. War kills and destroys. Between actual wars, the threat of warfare diverts huge portions of the economy into non-productive activity.

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