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Various Postings On Thai's & Xenophobia Your Comments Are Wanted Here


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Why would i be posting this, mainly due to so many of you have this issue that Thai's have a high level of Xenophobia. What is Xenophobia, there are many definitions but this one stands out most

Xenophobia is a dislike and/or fear of that which is unknown or different from oneself. It comes from the Greek words ξένος (xenos), meaning "stranger," "foreigner" and φόβος (phobos), meaning "fear." The term is typically used to describe a fear or dislike of foreigners or of people significantly different from oneself, usually in the context of visibly differentiated minorities

I do know for a fact in context Xenophobia can be everywhere so I don't see why its no different than here. Just depends on the level of it though. The only sense I really get is for some of you it must be pretty extreme. If you complain here about it, I'm pretty sure you must complain about it back home to. On top lets break down this whole issue of foreigners which particular foreigner do the thai's really dislike?





I don't know about any of you, but at least I can say I've had pretty good experiences here with most thai people. It helps if you actually take some time and learn some of the language although there will be some foreigners who have no interest in taking time to learn or try to speak with a thai in their native language.

I believe like every place in the world you go your gonna have issues on various subjects, topics, religions, other cultures, foreigners.

Last but not least if we need some real idea someone take some time and go and poll say about 20 million thai people from all kinds of provinces, educations, background then come back and give us the report. Speaking of things I see a new kind of expat of thaivisa

The bitch pat.

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sorry, this one has been done and overdone so many different times on the forum

and each time it didnt take long for things to get worse

so Im nipping this one in the bud

Merry Christmas :)

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