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Shirtless Jean Claude Van Damme Spotted In Chiang Mai ?


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I have often been mistaken for Steven Seagall in his later movies - poor guy. :)

Come on nobody is that bad looking.Ive revised my opinion of your "looks" UG from "truly repulsive" up to merely "slightly scary".

Is the rictus grin of "ming the merciless" aka I. Forbes still trawling the streets of Chiang mai. Seeking out the beautiful local things for local people.

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Id have to consult my kids or the ubc (sic) magazine but perhaps the funniest thing ive ever seen apart from Its a knockout was the aussie version of their countrymen and women jumping and bouncing over an assault course.

Anyone else find this funny. slightly off topic, but it did give a good insight into the convict mind.

Cant remember what it was called?

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I have often been mistaken for Steven Seagall in his later movies - poor guy. :D

Is the rictus grin of "ming the merciless" aka I. Forbes still trawling the streets of Chiang mai. Seeking out the beautiful local things for local people.

What's not to smile about? :):D


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Is the rictus grin of "ming the merciless" aka I. Forbes still trawling the streets of Chiang mai. Seeking out the beautiful local things for local people.

Ian Forbes is out enjoying life, having fun and making people happy.

That really seems to bother sneaky, socially inadequate losers who hide their identity and insult people from the computer to make up for their pathetic lives.

Karma always gets you in the end! :)

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Ian Forbes is out enjoying life, having fun and making people happy.


Don't get me wrong. I love my life and love my family. But if I were to wake up single tomorrow, I'd go ahead and do what he's doing.

Someone should arrest him for wearing that shirt though.

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Ian Forbes is out enjoying life, having fun and making people happy.

Someone should arrest him for wearing that shirt though.


That is just what I mean. I just don't give a rat's azz what others think, and I do some stuff just to irk the ones hung up on what people are SUPPOSED to do. :D And, by the way, Silk is a comfortable material when it is hot. At least I chose a few shirts with muted colours and not the loud ones with the flowers. :D Most of my other shirts are cotton, and only in plain, solid colours.

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Speedo is a registered trademark for a range of swimwear products.

Perhaps you were thinking of a Borat style "Banana Hammock?

in nz we call them (speedos) budgie smugglers! :D

And quite rightly so, in Australia we call them Emu sumugglers.


Who does?

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Is the rictus grin of "ming the merciless" aka I. Forbes still trawling the streets of Chiang mai. Seeking out the beautiful local things for local people.

Ian Forbes is out enjoying life, having fun and making people happy.

That really seems to bother sneaky, socially inadequate losers who hide their identity and insult people from the computer to make up for their pathetic lives.

Karma always gets you in the end! :)

I sent a message to Ian in September telling him that he will be annoying a lot of people on TV by being so happy and obviously enjoying life and living it to the full.

I also related a true story my wife told me about her visit to a sister in Germany.

 It reminds me of the story my wife told me about her being stopped in Stuttgart by a middle-aged woman who wanted to know why she always looked so happy. Her reply was 'I'm Thai'. I got the impression that the woman was really annoyed - ('why should she be so happy, when we're all so miserable').  :D

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Sawasdee Khrup, TV Friends,

What did we unleash when we started this thread with a simple observation of an unusually physiqued farang male riding shirtless ? Have we, by accident, tapped into the archetypal universal longing in every mortal human male to be Tarzan ?

We thought this cobweb would be swept away in the TV tides very fast; never dreamed the thread would "have legs" and morph into another episode of the "reality TV show" of a certain fishy persona who's often catching young women, or so it appears (is he the one getting hooked ? are we taking the bait ?).

McGriffith wrote :

Sounds like reverse Schadenfreude, to me.

Oooh, we really like that : a wonderful volta-face in that : thanks, McGriffith, for that one !

Brings to mind the Buddhist concept of "mudita," or "sympathetic joy," vice-versa'd; but we try not to imagine such things since our poetry depends on kinder estrangements. Did you know the archaic form of "vice-versa" was "arsy-versy" ?

The full moon comes. Everyone who can levitate : raise our hand.


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FYI, Jean Claude Van Damme isn't big anymore.

He shrunk?

I knew someone who was in that awful movie he did with Kylie Minogue in Oz (can't remember the name). She had a small part with only one (background I believe) line. She informed me that all the actors and extras were excited about JCVD being there, but when he came he was such an A*hole that by the end of the film noone liked him anymore (total loss of fan base onsite). He spent the whole time not on shoot in his van and ignored or waved away anyone that had the audacity to talk to him. This is all hearsay of course, just relaying what I was told....and it was a crap film (I watched it just to see my friend - all of about 30 seconds of the film total!)

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Perhaps you were thinking of a Borat style "Banana Hammock?

in nz we call them (speedos) budgie smugglers! :D

And quite rightly so, in Australia we call them Emu sumugglers.

I would of thought in Oz you'd call them bread smugglers :)

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