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Just read an article about EDGE, it says you can get speeds up to about 236 kbps.

Can anyone enlighten me abit about it?

Is it avalible here in Thailand?

Anyone use it, is it any good?

Anyone know how much it would cost?

Cheers RC


hi mate

EDGE is a faster version of GPRS.

GPRS is offered over most of thailand by all the major carriers , but EDGE coverage seems to be a bit limited at the moment. It seems DTAC has the best coverage , but it is quite limited.

check out crushdepths site ( crushdepth.net ) he has some coverage maps of bangkok.

and do a search on this forum for EDGE and GPRS as we have had a few discussions about it.

The bottom line I think is if you intend to purchase a new mobile in the near future look to get a handset that supports EDGE not just GPRS. The coverage will get better over time and I think thailand actually does have reasonable pricing schemes for GPRS/EDGE verses many other countries.

and real world speeds seem to be 100-150kbits/sec.


Thanks Stu just made a few calls to the different networks. Your right its only some parts of BKK at the moment. I would of gone out and bought a new phone if they had the coverage here, but there is no pressing need to so I'll wait until the coverage gets here.

My GPRS is working supprisingly well at the moment. I've got the phone in a "wok" type thing to increase the signal strenght (normaly only 1 or 2 bars if any here) . Early morning and late evening are best when the network is quieter.

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