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How To Upgrade Our Forum In The New Year?

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Any suggestions on how to upgrade our friendly little forum?

I would like to start off by saying that in my humble opinion, the single greatest contribution to the Chiang Rai forum of 2009 was Svenivan's launch of the interactive Google Map for Chiang Rai.

Some of the other pinned topics go back several years, are filled with old and outdated information and so much irrelevant chatter, as to make them next to useless.

Was just wondering what else could be done to make this space more useful, hospitable and welcoming to those of us who haven't been here for umpteen years. I mean other than requiring that we grow the skin of an armadillo to deal with the sometimes personal attacks. :)

I'm sure there are many who are pleased with the status quo, as it suits their agenda just fine. For an increasing number of new arrivals to our area, however, we don't seem to be meeting their needs.

Will anyone take the plunge and offer some constructive suggestion?

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A pinned list with shops where to buy and where absolutely NOT to buy things would help I think

The idea of black listing shops in Chiang Rai might not be the most diplomatic way to go. It is a small town, there just aren't that many choices for residents and we don't seem to have the problems of larger towns.

Just drive around for a couple of days, or look at the map, and you pretty much know what is available. There just isn't that much choice as to make it difficult.

Even in the touristy areas which may be more iffy, one person having a bad experience would hardly warrant telling others NOT to go there. I would suggest continuing to pin favorite places to the map with a brief description. This is another area where the map is very helpful, especially to newcomers.


When information is asked for , if it is available then that information will be given. Perhaps not right away but as a matter of course the info will be given. Wether people have the info at hand or are gracious enough to go out of their way to find out for their fellow TV members

Personally, I think the forum is fine as it is. Certainly new ideas are always welcome. But let them be spontaneous.

Nobody has an 'agenda'. The mods see to that.

Could you give an example of needs not being met by new arrivals/members to the forum.

And yes, I agree with you regarding some of the pinned topics being dormant for a long while. But that is only because there is no new info available to update said topics. When a new hotel appears in Chiang Rai then I'm sure it will be added to the list etc.

If it aint broke don't fix it.

I hope you skin is thick enough to read this post and not construe it as a personal attack VF.


Chang35baht :D:)


There was a mention a while ago to eliminate some of the pinned topics (Motorsports In The North, for example).

I zapped them, without seeking approval...and my pee-pee hasn't been slapped, yet.

If there is anything we can do to clean things up, just let us know. You can post it here, or create a new thread, or PM me, or email [email protected].

Hey, a most hearty wish of peace and goodwill to all our esteemed members on the Chiang Rai forum. I wish you all the best for the New Year!



As a matter of fact, I agree with Villagefarang that the forum could be improved or at least one of its goals would have to be to help the newcomers. At least it was something I was hoping when I joined the forum. But maybe I was wrong thinking that it could be one of the forum’s purposes.

Once you post a question, very often the reactions you get are: “make a search on the forum and you will find what you need”. By experience, I think that it is not very easy to find information using the search function except if you have lot of time available. Why not to centralize information about specific topics???

Preparing my shift to Chiang Rai beginning of 2012, I have so many questions for which it is so difficult to find an answer being abroad. I can only spend 2-3 weeks in Chiang Rai every year and it would be nice if I could have a precise schedule before coming instead of searching contacts once I am there.

I give you a few examples of the crucial questions I have for which I did not find an accurate answer on the local forum:

· I will need a high speed connection to internet once I will be there - What are the best performances I can have with Internet in Wiang Chai?

· I intend to build a house –

o can anybody advise me

§ a good architect

§ a good contractor

o are there any paperwork to do with the City before building (to certify the plans?)

· I need a lawyer to make a rent agreement for the land my wife bought

o Can anybody advise me a serious lawyer for that?

· And many others

It would be great if we could centralize this kind of information in some pinned topics because I am not the only one searching an answer to.

Anyway if you guys do not think it would be nice to have it, I will definitively do it once I will be there and have the knowledge.

It was just an idea

My 5 cent contribution :)


We seem to be doing ok in a lot of fields. A few more regular posters would help, and as Jahil says, more positive input when someone needs advice.

We had a recent lengthy topic where a new member drastically increased his post count without telling anyone anything we didn't already know, but you'll never change that.

A more social atmosphere would appeal to some, other regional forum members meet regularly in person so if that appeals it could be organised, but preferably not by me. The sceadugengan prefer the seclusion of remote caves in the mountains and are not always inclined to venture into the real world.

We've had several house building topics, including one from myself. I can't really help Jahil though as I built mine without the benefit of architects, contractors, lawyers or local government sanction. However I am a ways out of town, building inside the city limits would probably attract a slew of these parasitical beings.


If the answers were not available before then that is because nobody has that info for you.

Maybe you just have to be patient and keep askng.

If these are to be pinned topics, then the info must come from the same source. But at this moment in time it`s not there.



You appear to be very organized and a consummate planner. Trying to work remotely, to such a tight time schedule is no doubt very frustrating. Having, apparently, never lived here only compounds things. You are likely in for some serious adjustment pangs, in this unorganized place you are planning to move to.

One reason we can't be more helpful is that many of us are widely dispersed around the Rai. Most of my friends are located 50 to 80 km in various directions from us.

Wiang Chai is a lovely little town but a bit faraway to use the same contractor and team that I used in Phaya Mengrai. Then again, one friend brought in a whole team from Phichit.

We dealt with the land office in Thoeng but have no idea where you would have to go. We found an architect in Bangkok and then got things approved at our local authority. I am assuming you got the land office out to survey the land when it was bought. No lawyers were necessary for us.

If you are talking about a usufruct, we got that done for 75 baht and the land office. Unless you can find a kind hearted soul living in Wiang Chai, with lots of time on his hands, to do all your legwork for you in your absence, then the real-estate forum might have better general house building answers for you.

I have always had better results sourcing things through Thais than through Farangs but language limits that option for most. As yet there just isn't an online alternative to the old-fashioned Thai way of working your contacts, at least not in the remote reaches of the Rai.


There seem to be three major groupings in the Chiang Rai forum.

There are the tourist who want to know where to go, where to stay and how much.

There are the newcomers who have a million questions about making the move.

There are the old-timers who at times seem a bit insular and are content to reminisce and stick to their group. Question their authority at your own risk.

There is, I guess, a fourth group who, for the most part, are silent. They always outnumber the members and vastly outnumber the posters. I was hoping to draw in some of these silent reader. If they would tell us why they lurk in the shadows it might help us to improve.

We have one of the least active forums, where one can drop in once a week and find that things have changed little. This is in stark contrast to many of the other forums. The contribution of the regulars is predictable, so I was hoping to attract some new blood. Just shows how silly I am.


Hey Jahil.

Good to hear you intend to stay and build in Wiang Chai.

I'm kinda getting away from the original topic but I can offer some assistance. I have a family member in local government in Wiang Chai that can answer your permit/paperwork questions, I have some lawyers in the family for your rental agreements and I know of one dude that can draw up your house. I'll get back to you with answers when you let me know you're ready to start. You can PM me too, if you want to do it that way. Just let me know if you need me.

Back to the original topic, though, a good list of Farang friendly businesses along this line may be a good idea for the CR forum. Then again, it may already be out there. I haven't looked. It would be kind of cool to have all of the info categorized in one place. Maybe something along the lines of the Google Map that Sven contributed with categories and recommendations, testimonials and disclaimers so readers could get a feel for the kind of experience the posters had with each business or advertiser listed. Really kind of a big project but once it is set up, everyone contributing would whittle down the workload pretty quick.

The truth is though, as many people have pointed out in many threads here, you can generally get any info you ask for in a matter of time if you just ask the questions here, in any thread. Lots of people with lots of experiences and most seem very willing to help. With the forum "as is", it sure seems like a great tool available to all of us in need.



If we had a few more helpful souls like yourself, things would be quite different around here. You have been going out of your way to be helpful and understanding but some disgruntled individuals have knocked your stars down to two on your profile page. I gave you five so we know what they have been giving you. There is no rational explanation for that. Maybe it is my fault for giving you that five.


Well, here's the thing: I don't look at my profile page. I already know me. And there's only one entity's approval or rating that I seek in this life. As for me rating you or anyone else, or providing negative comments about any of the posters, I don't see that as necessary for me. If someone intentionally does something bad here, we'll all see it and know it without someone else pointing it out to us. This group seems to be smart enough to figure those things out for themselves. The truth is, my own faults keep me plenty busy. I haven't time for getting too involved in others'. I do notice that you provide positive feedback to posters that contribute to the success of this thing and a pat on the back for those people is always a good thing.

As for helping, it seems lots of people throughout TV help a lot and often. In my recent responses to posts, it seems that people have just been asking things that I happen to know a little bit about or things that I have an interest in. If someone asks about welding, I'll probably try to provide an answer. That's just a skill that I happen to have and I can contribute a little there. I have some experience in some things and none in others. I won't get involved much in things I don't know about but with the pool of experience out there, it seems that every question gets answered in at least one way and sometimes, in many ways. I have a lot of experience in power generation and several other fields too but I am so burnt out on some of them that I just can't get interested enough to get involved. So, like a lot of others here, I often have some answers but just choose to sit on the sidelines for personal reasons.

I do see some people browsing a subject for several days before they finally weigh in with something meaningful. I perceive that lots of people throughout this TV thing have the ability to answer things but often just keep quiet and see what others offer first. Maybe that is because they want to know if there are other answers that they don't know about and maybe it is because they feel they answer too often and they want others get involved more and make this thing more successful. Either of those is a good thing.

I know I'm going to ask questions here sometimes and I'll get answers or help. If I'm going to benefit from this thing, it is only fair to give some too. So, ratings or not, critiques good or bad, I'll do what I think is right.


I agree with a previous post by Soap. An outsider complained about us having too many pinned topics, and we lost a bunch of them. I think the Chiangrai "classified ads" should be reinstated. :)

I agree with a previous post by Soap. An outsider complained about us having too many pinned topics, and we lost a bunch of them. I think the Chiangrai "classified ads" should be reinstated. :)

The Chiang Rai Classified Ads are still around. They have just been put together with all the other ads, where they belong.

Just click Classifieds and scroll to the bottom of the page, click Chiang Rai, easy. :D



I'd just like to say that I for one find the CR forum helpful, if a little quiet. I ask for, and get, very helpful advice on a number of subjects on TV in general. I'm about to make my first visit to the region and will be happy to post my experiences, photos etc. should anyone be interested. I get a daily email containing new posts and read it regularly. Not sure if that qualifies me as a 'lurker' but I would be interested to see any improvements along the lines that VF suggests. As has been pointed oout much of the information people may need can be provided in TV in general as opposed to a region-specific forum. Just a pointer regarding the search facility, I've found it better to use google and add the words 'thai visa' to the search.

Thanks to everyone involved, keep up the good work.

Sadly, i think i'll miss the football season as the success of Chiang Rai United is something that I enjoyed from afar!

P.S. I did ask about some accomodation, didn't get too much help but then, as someone pointed out, if people don't have the information then it can't be provided! Turns out that it's cheaper to build another room on the house of the family I'm visiting than pay for a hotel/bungalow, so that's what we're doing :)

(12 days and counting!)


I'd just like to say that I for one find the CR forum helpful, if a little quiet. I ask for, and get, very helpful advice on a number of subjects on TV in general. I'm about to make my first visit to the region and will be happy to post my experiences, photos etc. should anyone be interested. I get a daily email containing new posts and read it regularly. Not sure if that qualifies me as a 'lurker' but I would be interested to see any improvements along the lines that VF suggests. As has been pointed oout much of the information people may need can be provided in TV in general as opposed to a region-specific forum. Just a pointer regarding the search facility, I've found it better to use google and add the words 'thai visa' to the search.

Thanks to everyone involved, keep up the good work.

Sadly, i think i'll miss the football season as the success of Chiang Rai United is something that I enjoyed from afar!

P.S. I did ask about some accommodation, didn't get too much help but then, as someone pointed out, if people don't have the information then it can't be provided! Turns out that it's cheaper to build another room on the house of the family I'm visiting than pay for a hotel/bungalow, so that's what we're doing :)

(12 days and counting!)

Enjoy your upcoming visit and let us know how it goes. Just post it as a topic and everyone can read it at their leisure.

Sadly, i think i'll miss the football season as the success of Chiang Rai United is something that I enjoyed from afar!

Bifftastic, it is a great thing! I mean the football in Chiang Rai.

Since a year of so the whole football organization of Thailand has changed.

A system is developed completely different from the old one.

Before the police, the army, the customs, the navy, the harbours and some big

industrial clubs decided who could play and who couldn't.

Then it was Chonburi, Muang Tong and other clubs, that started to

gain importance.

They had supporters!!!

I think we all should be gratefull to the gentleman who really 'boxed' it through,

these changes Thai football needed: Khun Worawi Makudi, the chairman of the Thai

Football Association!

It's a public secret that most 'whistles' were black before. If you see now how the games are

done by the flute players, you only can have the greatest admiration.

I really hope that there will be a game during your stay!

Two weeks ago we had the one against the 'superstars' of TV Channel 3, but that was merely

a 'public relations jippo'.

There was a game against Muang Thong in heaven for coming Sunday, but it refused to manifest

itself on earth. They might go for Chiang Mai instead.

Internationally there was (is?) an extremely interesting game in mind.

Let's say if, then it might be against a Russian topper. But probably away...

Monday our lads start training again. We have some fine new players, maybe even Jimmy Wulff

(from Ghana), who played for Police United (its new name), that now was promoted to the Premier league.

It would be great to have an African forward who knows the first division and is part of some interesting


We can't be sure yet though ...

The "Chiang Rai Hills", an all-hilltribe team (under the sponsoring umbrella of the Chao Phya Abhai Racha Foundation,

named after the Belgian Thai Prince that played such an important role during the period that Siam was about to be colonialised)

based in Maechan and to a certain degree off-spring of Chiangrai United FC, starts getting international attention.

Lately it was the Benelux' most prominent television station RTL that acknowledged the team by giving attention to it.

Slowly but sure an international fan club is created.

Whenever I get information I will post it here. Great to hear that you are a fan too!

Limbo :)

PS: The team and the logo of the (inter)national fanclub of the Chiang Rai Hills FC.

. . . . . . . . . . . . post-6305-1262451022_thumb.jpg . . . . post-6305-1262451086_thumb.jpg


(12 days and counting!)

Enjoy your upcoming visit and let us know how it goes. Just post it as a topic and everyone can read it at their leisure.

Thanks, I'll do that. I've been to Bangkok, Koh Samui and Phuket previously, I reckon all that's been covered many many times in many different arenas, this time there'll be the (small) building project and, hopefully a slightly different slant on a trip to Thailand which I'll be happy to post about. Including a trip to the seaside for two little girls who have never seen the sea before. (which I got some very helpful advice about from the Thailand Travel section in TV) Itinerary so far (subject to change) 1st night in Chiang Rai city, then off to Chiang Saen, few days there then fly to BKK, taxi to Bang Saen for a few days by the sea then back up to the north until Feb 7th. During my time in The Rai I hope to get out and about in the province and make a few trips to various different towns, definitely the white temple and probably over to Phayao as well. Soaking it all up as I go!

To say that I'm looking forward to it is an understatement :)

g/f sister has already challenged me to a drinking contest! I bring whatever I want from 'farangland' and she can drink it and not get drunk then I have to drink the local whisky, which, I imagine, will be dubious looking and not have a label on! This initially worried me slightly having heard of various family members of WAG's being drunkards but she and the rest of the family all go off to work every day to what has been variously described to me as 'farm but not really farm' and 'garden but like a farm' (I'm guessing a smallholding) where they grow tobacco, leaving g/f to work from home on her sewing machine/looking after the cats/dogs/chickens and kids when they're not at school.

Sounds like a thriving little place and from what I can hear in the background on the phone, full of laughter and life.

Apparently I'm already much in demand and will be taking up various roles, drinking partner for the sister, cooking partner for her husband, trial period as a farm hand (can't see me getting the job full-time to be honest!) trainee tractor driver (got to have a go at that!) and all round novelty. Oh yes and the kids will be helping me to learn to write Thai script! :D

Sadly, i think i'll miss the football season as the success of Chiang Rai United is something that I enjoyed from afar!

It's a public secret that most 'whistles' were black before. If you see now how the games are

done by the flute players, you only can have the greatest admiration.

Hi Limbo,thanks for your post, It was through your posts in this forum that I first heard about Chiang Rai United, and I too hope there will be a game when i'm here (14th Jan to 7th Feb)

Just didn't understand what you meant by the above quote about whistles and flutes.

Thinking of it, where I come from a 'whistle and flute' is a suit but that's a very tenuous link to what you were saying and even more cryptic than I'd care to imagine!

I hope you can elaborate :)

Just didn't understand what you meant by the above quote about whistles and flutes.

Thinking of it, where I come from a 'whistle and flute' is a suit but that's a very tenuous link to what you were saying and even more cryptic than I'd care to imagine!

I hope you can elaborate :D

A 'black whistle' is a corrupted referee that gets paid to let a team win.

Gambling has so far been taking place mainly on the English Premier League football.

That's one of the reasons of the popularity of English football.

That's why you stumble over magazines about English football in Thailand.

Add that Manchester United and Liverpool as the great super clubs win the hearts of

every real football supporter worldwide and it is no wonder that English football is popular.

English football players earn very big salaries, so they won't risk messing up for a couple

of hundred thousands. And millions of people can have a repeated close-up, even in slow motion, on the referee's decisions.

So you can't buy the results.

That makes it a good thing for bona fide gamblers.

The new organisation of the Thai Football Association is a good beginning: a premier league and two divisions.

OK, you can still buy a prominent club and move it to your town, but Chiangrai United has done it the clean way.

We got a good team together and we made it!

I think this year Muang Thong against Chonburi was the big match with a crowd of 16.000.

The average number of visitors at the home matches of CRUTD of seven to eight thousand is therefore very high.

The football fever happened in all Thailand this year and it is great that we are part of it.

We have only 5500 seats in the old stadium (already thirty years or more), but behind the fences in the corners there

are enormous crowds as well. Nice that these people can look for free (tickets are now 20 and 60 Baht).

But I am afraid that we are a little bit off topic here with our football story.

About upgrading forums:

Compare a forum with a nice square in for instance Amsterdam (Leidseplein, Rembrandtsplein).

Around these squares are a lot of pubs and cafe's. Some people go to the one, others to the other.

Not all people like all pubs. If they would, they would be the same, so let's thank the Lords on our knees

that this is not the case.

And that is not necessary either ....

The important thing is that everybody enjoys visiting the square and respects the others.

Then the all different subgroups add something to the whole.

As Kandahar noticed: the Chiang Rai forum is a very pleasant forum compared to many others.

A general upgrade?

It is about respect and tolerance, for those who contribute.

If you think you do good, do, but don't tell others what to do. That would kill the forum.

If CMJantje wants a list with good shops, he is free to make this list. I am very curious what he is going to offer to us.

And he might get help.

There will always be people who think that they are better than others and that they should be in charge

and tell the others what and how they should write.

But that's not the way it works in a forum. That's more the blogger's style, very personal, a little bit

mentally masturbative so to say.

Limbo :)

Just didn't understand what you meant by the above quote about whistles and flutes.

Thinking of it, where I come from a 'whistle and flute' is a suit but that's a very tenuous link to what you were saying and even more cryptic than I'd care to imagine!

I hope you can elaborate :D

A 'black whistle' is a corrupted referee that gets paid to let a team win.

Gambling has so far been taking place mainly on the English Premier League football.

That's one of the reasons of the popularity of English football.

That's why you stumble over magazines about English football in Thailand.

Add that Manchester United and Liverpool as the great super clubs win the hearts of

every real football supporter worldwide and it is no wonder that English football is popular.

English football players earn very big salaries, so they won't risk messing up for a couple

of hundred thousands. And millions of people can have a repeated close-up, even in slow motion, on the referee's decisions.

So you can't buy the results.

That makes it a good thing for bona fide gamblers.

The new organisation of the Thai Football Association is a good beginning: a premier league and two divisions.

OK, you can still buy a prominent club and move it to your town, but Chiangrai United has done it the clean way.

We got a good team together and we made it!

I think this year Muang Thong against Chonburi was the big match with a crowd of 16.000.

The average number of visitors at the home matches of CRUTD of seven to eight thousand is therefore very high.

The football fever happened in all Thailand this year and it is great that we are part of it.

We have only 5500 seats in the old stadium (already thirty years or more), but behind the fences in the corners there

are enormous crowds as well. Nice that these people can look for free (tickets are now 20 and 60 Baht).

But I am afraid that we are a little bit off topic here with our football story.

About upgrading forums:

Compare a forum with a nice square in for instance Amsterdam (Leidseplein, Rembrandtsplein).

Around these squares are a lot of pubs and cafe's. Some people go to the one, others to the other.

Not all people like all pubs. If they would, they would be the same, so let's thank the Lords on our knees

that this is not the case.

And that is not necessary either ....

The important thing is that everybody enjoys visiting the square and respects the others.

Then the all different subgroups add something to the whole.

As Kandahar noticed: the Chiang Rai forum is a very pleasant forum compared to many others.

A general upgrade?

It is about respect and tolerance, for those who contribute.

If you think you do good, do, but don't tell others what to do. That would kill the forum.

If CMJantje wants a list with good shops, he is free to make this list. I am very curious what he is going to offer to us.

And he might get help.

There will always be people who think that they are better than others and that they should be in charge

and tell the others what and how they should write.

But that's not the way it works in a forum. That's more the blogger's style, very personal, a little bit

mentally masturbative so to say.

Limbo :D



It is interesting how some preach respect and tolerance and then throw out personal insults and accuse others of mental health issues. A little incongruous.


A 'black whistle' is a corrupted referee that gets paid to let a team win.

Gambling has so far been taking place mainly on the English Premier League football.

That's one of the reasons of the popularity of English football.

That's why you stumble over magazines about English football in Thailand.

Add that Manchester United and Liverpool as the great super clubs win the hearts of

every real football supporter worldwide and it is no wonder that English football is popular.

English football players earn very big salaries, so they won't risk messing up for a couple

of hundred thousands. And millions of people can have a repeated close-up, even in slow motion, on the referee's decisions.

So you can't buy the results.

That makes it a good thing for bona fide gamblers.

The new organisation of the Thai Football Association is a good beginning: a premier league and two divisions.

OK, you can still buy a prominent club and move it to your town, but Chiangrai United has done it the clean way.

We got a good team together and we made it!

I think this year Muang Thong against Chonburi was the big match with a crowd of 16.000.

The average number of visitors at the home matches of CRUTD of seven to eight thousand is therefore very high.

The football fever happened in all Thailand this year and it is great that we are part of it.

Ah ok now i understand about the black whistle, yes our players aren't allowed to bet on their own teams or the opposition, if they get caught they get a ban from playing.

It's a heart warming story, a team comes from the lower leagues and fights their way up, gathering support as they go!

7 or 8,000 is great! Some Premier league teams in England only get 15 or 16,000 like Fulham or Blackburn Rovers, not all the stadiums are like Man Utd (70,000) Arsenal (60,000) Liverpool (40,000)

sorry but i just had to chuckle at your new phrase!!! excellent! :D

a little bit

mentally masturbative so to say. :D:D:D

Sorry we drifted off topic a little there :)


Personally I like the idea of some travelogue type entries. Something along the lines of what Tony does in the Bike Forum, with pictures and maps. Maybe just information about what, where, why, when and how much, with some personal insights.

I look forward to reading about bifftastic's adventures but will confine my own autoerotic musings to the broader web where they are appreciated.

How does a Premier League ranting fit this thread, mia kow jai. :D

Just to give this thread a little bit more substance :D

No, it was actually a free floating kind of association of bifftastic and me and we noticed

it ourselves, as we also openheartedly admitted to the readers of this topic.

I hope you won't suffer any lasting problems because of it :D

Limbo :)

PS: wanna kick a ball? contact Dave!

Reasons for editing: my lousy English...

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