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Thai People Not Honouring Hotel Bookings


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For me as a hotel owner it is a recurring source of irritation that Thai people often book a room, but then just don't show up. I got into the habit of asking their telephone number, so that I can call them in the morning on the arrival date, to reconfirm.

Reckon if Thai people have an appointment with a doctor that they cannot keep, they would certainly call to cancel, rather then just not showing up.

Oh well, it could just be that doctors have a higher social status then hotel owners, especially if it is the owner of a cheap hotel, like in my case. Maybe they would more likely call to cancel if it is a booking in a more prestigeous outfit.

Edited by keestha
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Theyre lazy and inconsiderate however I have similar problems renting our condos with foreigners, the latest rang me from the UK said he would be there in a week .2 days before he was due he rang again said he was still coming arranged to meet my wife near the gym at 1 pm etc Then on the day 5 minutes after the due time he wasnt there, i called him......... he said Oh they had decided to go to another place and infact were still in Lonodon!!!

Thais do seem to have the "monoply" on it though.

I have had a few pay deposits and not show but all the time saying they will ie I'll be a week late etc it usually ends with "no replies" from them.

"nice people" like this the world over but Thais reluctance to complain probably allows the "do'ers" of this type of deed an "easy ride" ie "mai pen rai"!!

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Sometimes people book in more than one place so that if they don't like the look of the first place, they have a back up. (Or they decide to forget the trip entirely.) Its very rude but if there are no consequences to breaking a booking, rather predictable. That's why some businesses just overbook their capacity.

Edited by Jingthing
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try to take a booking deposit through bank tranfer - shows, that they are serious. Otherwise try to let rooms whoever turns up first - if you don;t have a deposit you are not obliged to keep a room for them.

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so, yabaa, you cite a foreigner's being inconsiderate about a booking and then say Thai people have a monopoly on it. Suggest a dictionary is a useful tool.

I have been running budget accommodation catering mainly to foreigners for years and have found surprise surprise, that without advance payment, nobody bothers to show up if they find something cheaper or better or their friends are staying somewhere else. In fact, even with advance payment, we get some people who still don't show up. and lo and behold, 99% of them are not Thai.

Get a way to take advance payment, even if its requiring direct deposit and you will find that these problems are not so prevalent.

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I stop believing the Thai people when they walk in and make appointment. I ask them to leave a deposit to grantee the booking and also they will lose their place of booking after 10 min and have to wait for next available space. I also ask the same thing from the tourist when I am very busy

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Another one of these "why do Thai's do this...."., or "why do Thai's do that...." type threads?

Who cares a hel_l if they don't turn up: if the punter doesn;t arrive and hasn't cancelled or postponed within the terms and agreement of the booking, just cash in on the deposit.

A Thai problem...... ?? Nothing at all "Thai" about it .... it's a universal problem - it's why hoteliers take deposits and card authorisation.

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"A Thai problem...... ?? Nothing at all "Thai" about it .... "

Of course, but many TVers want to feel superior than Thais, and this is away to do it. A thread going right now is similar to "Thai ladies have bad logic".

Why the mods allow this cr@p is beyond me.

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"A Thai problem...... ?? Nothing at all "Thai" about it .... "

Of course, but many TVers want to feel superior than Thais, and this is away to do it. A thread going right now is similar to "Thai ladies have bad logic".

Why the mods allow this cr@p is beyond me.

I am going to veer off topic as the thread referenced is not called bad logic and is not similar to that wording. It is more of a jest type thread and should be taken that way. Yes, to reference some perceived immature/illogical action as the 'Thai Way' shows a lack of awareness/sensitivity by people. My wife cannot correctly pronounce my name which starts with R and this seems by and large to be a characteristic of Thai pronunciation, 'Thai Way' saying that, it is also very noticeable in several other countries of the world. The old hill country saying comes to mind "don't make a mountain out of a mole hill" "It dont mount to a hill of beans" etc. Everyone have a happy holiday, (now y'all hear).

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My old Thai boss booked an entire hotel in Kanchanaburi for a new years party, cancelled and refused to pay any compensation. Guess the hotel should have takena deposit. Our entire office cringed everytime the hotel owner called to beg for money. Chinese-Thai. Says it all.

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It's not a Thai thing at all. Both foreigners and Thais do it. The only way to make sure is to take a deposit (at least first night).

Otherwise do it on a walk in only basis when very busy.

In Pai we were only able to make a booking by transferring one nights accom. to the hotel - that was a booking for a Thai person (budget). It is the norm for any bookings especially over high season.

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It's absolutely normal policy to insist on a deposit when a hotel booking is made - no-one should baulk at paying for the 1st night of stay in order to ensure that they have 100% reserved the room.

If you do not take a deposit, and the guests do not arrive,you are doubly-hit because it's maybe too late to find another guest to occupy the room.

Additionally, if you accept bookings from agents, unless they are reputable international companies, insist that the agent pay in full prior to the guest arriving to stay. It can be very difficult getting paid after the guest has already left....


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Did it myself recently. Booked a quiet place for me and family, spoke to the foreign owner who assured me that it was a quiet place. As we pulled in to the soi there was a bar opposite with a few girls whooping etc. Just drove past and pulled up to a place a friend had suggested.

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Did it myself recently. Booked a quiet place for me and family, spoke to the foreign owner who assured me that it was a quiet place. As we pulled in to the soi there was a bar opposite with a few girls whooping etc. Just drove past and pulled up to a place a friend had suggested.

But you kept the room in the soi, right?


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Did it myself recently. Booked a quiet place for me and family, spoke to the foreign owner who assured me that it was a quiet place. As we pulled in to the soi there was a bar opposite with a few girls whooping etc. Just drove past and pulled up to a place a friend had suggested.

But you kept the room in the soi, right?



This is out of topic but I was wondering if we don't book in advance but go to the hotels directly on the day to book if there is a chance of getting a discount?

We will be travelling to bangkok, pattaya and phuket, and will be targeting more the budget side of hotels.



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SBK is right. I am not Thai, but unless I had money invested, I don't know that I would waste my time calling--especially in Thailand where I might get someone who doesn't speak English or doesn't understand what I am doing.

If they had email, I would be polite enough to email them, but call--not unless I was getting my money back.

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so, yabaa, you cite a foreigner's being inconsiderate about a booking and then say Thai people have a monopoly on it. Suggest a dictionary is a useful tool.

I have been running budget accommodation catering mainly to foreigners for years and have found surprise surprise, that without advance payment, nobody bothers to show up if they find something cheaper or better or their friends are staying somewhere else. In fact, even with advance payment, we get some people who still don't show up. and lo and behold, 99% of them are not Thai.

Get a way to take advance payment, even if its requiring direct deposit and you will find that these problems are not so prevalent.

"catering mainly to foreigners"

"99% of them are not Thai."

Perhaps theres some sort of correlation there? :)

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SBK is right. I am not Thai, but unless I had money invested, I don't know that I would waste my time calling--especially in Thailand where I might get someone who doesn't speak English or doesn't understand what I am doing.

If they had email, I would be polite enough to email them, but call--not unless I was getting my money back.

Waste your time? Never mind someone elses time and MONEY.

2 words.. PIG IGNORANT.

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