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Eating Food Of Thai People.


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Very interesting.

Bananas/grapes/pineapple/apples/durian/tomatoes/oranges/tangerines/water melon/nuts/eggs/ and some I don't recall the names of but some one could add I am sure!!!

That my friends is the true Thai fast food - you are just not eating it are you!!!!!

Edit: how could I forget bananas.........oh yes and a liberal sprinkling of Papaya and mango......

Edited by 473geo
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fruit carts are a good choice but hardly ID'd as a Thai food. Most of those fruits came from and were perfected in other cultures. Are there any original Thai fruits that started here and went global?

No sorry not the durian which came from borneo and sumatra and was mostly developed in malaysia. Same for the other major ones. They are carpetbaggers from global corporate or earlier colonial interests. Maybe the coconut has been here the longest. Definitely not sweet desert bananas which were a product a manipulated strain from Borneo and made commercially viable by the United Fruit company of the USA.

The green Fejiola guava's aka Farangs famously came from Portugal colonial traders. Watermelon from southern africa but really perfected in taiwan. Pineapple from brazil and paraguay. The list goes on.

Edited by CobraSnakeNecktie
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Eating fried chicken whether its KFC or roadside street food is fine for a special treat but eat it everyday and it's lethal.

Ding, ding, ding!  Give that poster a star!

Fried chicken is fried chicken, and the fact that it comes from a street stall, a Thai restaurant, or KFC has very little to do with the nutritional value or caloric load it has.  (Cleanliness in food preparation can vary from venue to venue, though.)

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fruit carts are a good choice but hardly ID'd as a Thai food. Most of those fruits came from and were perfected in other cultures. Are there any original Thai fruits that started here and went global?

No sorry not the durian which came from borneo and sumatra and was mostly developed in malaysia. Same for the other major ones. They are carpetbaggers from global corporate or earlier colonial interests. Maybe the coconut has been here the longest. Definitely not sweet desert bananas which were a product a manipulated strain from Borneo and made commercially viable by the United Fruit company of the USA.

Are they readily available in Thailand as are KFC/McD/BK........probably more so!!........sorry your point is very weak if valid at all.... :)

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Hi Most of fast food is laced with Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) or In thai Choo-rot. That is the cause of Hypertension. I myself stay away from it as much as possible. The street venders load their food with it, some even put it on the table as a condiment.


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At least fast food at KFC, McD, Subway etc is clean.... so is the shop.

How many RATS have you seen in the gutter next to noodle stands? Rats all

over bangkok and chiang mai, especially in the gutters next to many food stalls

and street vendors.

What about the street vendors not using gloves, and touching the friend chicken

or pork with their hands as they cut it on the wooden board, then using their hands

to put it on top of the rice and "squeeze it into place"?

Do they use good quality olive oil in the woks for frying? I think not, probably the

cheapest oil they can get in bulk. And many times it tastes many days old.

Had a rotee the other day, the butter/margarine looked nothing like butter, it was

bright orange! the honey was "imitation honey". I vomited at night later, I am sure it

was the orange "butter".

Saw a kaew teow (noodle) street vendor in CM stomp dead 2 cockroaches while we

were eating.

Saw another girl (maybe 25), very dirty clothes, hands, and period red stain on her shorts

cooking and serving, close to tapae gate in CM, using her hands to put those "doritoes"

style chips in the noodle bowl. (we didnt eat but left, disgusting).

My gf had a small cockroach in her fried rice at another food court. I had hairs in food on several

occasions, one in passeyu (fried noodles), one in fried chicken rice. Both were very long!

Not many vendors wear hair nets.

In all my years of McD, BK, etc, I cannot say I have seen any rats in the shops, or cockroaches

around the table or food, and the people have clean uniforms. Only had one hair 1 time!

Happy eating....

I am not a mad burger eater tho' I do love a good subway sarnie. I have only been here in BKK a month or so and already I have seen way too many roadside ramsay's coughing, sneezing, smoking and just generally doing things with their hands prior to preparing food that could be considered as downright disgusting!! having said that of course I still eat at some of them, but after reading this thread maybe I will cut down and start consuming more big macs and those delicious embryo tenders from KFC ughhh! guess it's those 25 baht feeds that keeps us going back huh?

I just hope you had a good sight onto the staff at MD's preparing your sneeze-free, uncoughed and head-scratched burger ! I think that in fast-food restaurants it might be that the person cooking is acting at the exactly same behaviour as the street stall cook. You just don t see them. It might be an illusion to think the have not snorted onto your burger while preparing it

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Thanks to McDonald, Berger King and KFC, I have noticed during past 10 years, the Thai people have become overweight, especially the gals. They are no longer slim as they used to be

I don't understand how McDonalds, Burger King and KFC have helped you notice that. Improved eyesight is not a commonly-claimed benefit for fast food.


What's striking is the sheer number of fat people eating in McD's etc. You hardly ever see young fat thais in the street, but go to a fast food joint and you'll see loads. It brings home how we all have our addictions, junk food being as destructive as any.

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My main Ex gf used to use a regular stall for Thai food every day, one day she got there early as she was just starting to cook.

The oil was in a plastic bag and to release the oil she put the bag containing the oil in the hot wok to melt the plastic

On another occasion she saw the Man selling aliens (Bahmut or Squid the ones hanging up) spraying them with Mozi spray to keep the flies off



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most thai dont eat hamburger. they dont like it and they find mc donalds and others are too expensive. if they do eat,, its just on their special occasion. most thai dont eat western fast food regularly.

But thai loves pizza. pizza makes thai become fat. pizza is affordable. they can share it with others. the local pizza also sells good. eventhoug it doesn't taste like pizza. in there is nothing but mayonaise, cheese, ketchup, hot dogs or any meats of your choice... perhpas more fat than pizza hut.

after all, is not the food that makes thai becoming fat. It was the habbit.

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fruit carts are a good choice but hardly ID'd as a Thai food. Most of those fruits came from and were perfected in other cultures. Are there any original Thai fruits that started here and went global?

No sorry not the durian which came from borneo and sumatra and was mostly developed in malaysia. Same for the other major ones. They are carpetbaggers from global corporate or earlier colonial interests. Maybe the coconut has been here the longest. Definitely not sweet desert bananas which were a product a manipulated strain from Borneo and made commercially viable by the United Fruit company of the USA.

Are they readily available in Thailand as are KFC/McD/BK........probably more so!!........sorry your point is very weak if valid at all.... :)

my point was that most of the fruits in Thailand are an introduced food. They were introduced by corporate/colonial interests who either wanted to grow and export to richer countries or grow to sell to local people. In the past these fruits were foreign invaders into Thailand because Thai interests wanted to either grow them or consume them. Today some fast food brands are making inroads into Thai commerce. Why are these brands coming into Thailand?

Because Thai business interests want to sell these foods from licensed partnerships etc and Thai people want to eat them.

In 30 or 50 years people will forget that KFC was not here all along. It's just a time perception problem with worry about western pizza or candy bars that grow on trees like a Durian.

People aren't concerned about japanese or chinese cuisine that has become common and accepted today but probably a big xenophobic buzz when they first arrived.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi Most of fast food is laced with Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) or In thai Choo-rot. That is the cause of Hypertension. I myself stay away from it as much as possible. The street venders load their food with it, some even put it on the table as a condiment.


Some people ask for less or no chilli in certain Thai dishes. Me, i ask for no MSG. Works for me :)

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