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Thai Girl Monthly Allowance


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Whoever accused me of not being nice-that's not nice. :D

And if I get zapped for my comment..what can I say; the sacrafices I'm willing to make for my art. :o


PS. I still want to know if there's any chance of Thaivisa putting me on a monthly allowance...if I fade away. :D

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Whoever accused me of not being nice-that's not nice.  :D

And if I get zapped for my comment..what can I say; the sacrafices I'm willing to make for my art.  :o


PS. I still want to know if there's any chance of Thaivisa putting me on a monthly allowance...if I fade away.  :D

Plenty of "allowance" made here already..... :D

totster :D

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Oh know they are talking about man.........the topic here.

translation meaning............... :D

Well the topic here is Thai Girl Monthly Allowance.....not man allowance.

Well I'm glad thats all cleared up then.... :o

totster :D

and men pay out the money and are thus entitled to a brief mention :D

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For the last 8 months I have been sending a girl from Issan 15,000 Baht per month.  I see her when I come over, have met the family, etc.  We get along quite well.  She works in a saloon in Kalisin and appears to be fairly leveled headed.  15,000 baht per month did not phase me when I was working in the states but in June I am moving to Thailand and will be on a fixed income.  ( I am not necesarily retiring but sold some properties and decided to enjoy life while I am still young, 47 years old).  Question is should I cut her off when I move to Thailand as I will be supporting her, or at least cut the monthly allowance down?  If I cut it down, by how much then?    I don't want to be bothered for money all the time so I am inclined to reduce the amount to 10,000 Baht per month.  What are your thoughts?  Thanks.

Man I don't wanna get you pssed off but you are not obliged to give her a dime! Monthly allowance, jeezz Its estimated that less than 20% of bar girls who recieve 'allowances' stick to their word to not return to their 'former calling'.

many return to the bar to earn more cash and get more guys to send them money! I am taking the assumption that your girl is or was from the bar scene??? If she is not then I apologuise but if she is I wouldn't send a thing unless you have rock solid knowledge of her whereabouts!

It may seem a noble thing to be assisting her financially but be wary of them...

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So why is it necessary to give her the allowance?  Is it to keep her tied to you?  Is it for sleeping with you all month?  And if she doesnt get her cash does she go looking for another "daddy" to give it to her?  I just find the whole thing silly!

Most of you fellas need to stop marrying and setting up house and just play around!  I cant imagine you are that happy!  But, then I may be wrong.

Anyways, I wouldnt shell out cash for these girls unless it was for the orgasmic type.  Then you dont need to worry about what she does with it and you can return to your home and have that bed all to yourself.


Too right I think the only way of even starting to save/make money in thailand is to keep your purse strings Tight and stay fcking single! No sugar daddy allowances to isaan women/Bar girls, why pay for sex when you can get it for free if you learn the language and act smooth enough. Of course the sexathon tourists don't know this and happily fill the bar girls pockets!

I spent two weeks in a thai village where my friend had had built a string of small properties. It was close to the Laos border and while the local villagers were friendly and helpful they do laugh at how falangs throw money at them in their allowances! They wanted cigarettes, drinks bought for them all kinds of shit.

I even got shanghaied into forked 500 baht a night for staying in a home! So much for the legendary issan hospitality! :o

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For the last 8 months I have been sending a girl from Issan 15,000 Baht per month.   I see her when I come over, have met the family, etc.   We get along quite well.   She works in a saloon in Kalisin and appears to be fairly leveled headed.   15,000 baht per month did not phase me when I was working in the states but in June I am moving to Thailand and will be on a fixed income.   ( I am not necesarily retiring but sold some properties and decided to enjoy life while I am still young, 47 years old).   Question is should I cut her off when I move to Thailand as I will be supporting her, or at least cut the monthly allowance down?  If I cut it down, by how much then?    I don't want to be bothered for money all the time so I am inclined to reduce the amount to 10,000 Baht per month.   What are your thoughts?   Thanks.

Man I don't wanna get you pssed off but you are not obliged to give her a dime! Monthly allowance, jeezz Its estimated that less than 20% of bar girls who recieve 'allowances' stick to their word to not return to their 'former calling'.

many return to the bar to earn more cash and get more guys to send them money! I am taking the assumption that your girl is or was from the bar scene??? If she is not then I apologuise but if she is I wouldn't send a thing unless you have rock solid knowledge of her whereabouts!

It may seem a noble thing to be assisting her financially but be wary of them...

No appologises necessary. She is not a bar girl and I know what you are talking about. I told her when I move to Thailand next month the " allowance" as I call it would be drastically reduced as I will not be working and have the cash like I did in the States. She seemed to understand and hasn't brought it up. All in all the money she had got from me seems to have improved the quaility of life i.e. now gas vrs charcoal etc. and she still works long hours at a hair saloon. All I can say is we'll see what happens next month. If she doesn't like such is life!

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"How do you feel about paying all bills and putting your man on a 20,000 baht per month 'allowance' kat?"

One more thing Alex (you are a lot of fun  :D ) - I don't date children, I date men.  Why on earth would a man need an allowance?

Good luck to you Alex.  You're gonna need it.  :o 

You said you were done.

That's right Doctor; show the man-hating attention-whore your might and zap her off the board!  :D


IA - you've just proven what a little sub-human particle you really are.

Pat pong - you are a joke and a drain on the credibility of this forum if you harass me and allow comments like IA'a to pass undeterred.

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Good to see that the thread has recovered from the antics of some of the forums more rambunctious members... :D

***edit. kat's at it again. :D

In all seriousness, to those who think that they are helping these people with no-strings-attached allowances, usually on top of full support,....I disagree.

You may not necessarily be hurting them but the extent that you're 'helping' them is debatable.

It's akin to the old proverb that it is better to to teach someone to fish, rather than give them a fish, or some such nonsense. :D

I am fair but somewhat tight with my wife; but it has not been out of maliciousness, or a desire to 'control' her.

The fact is that people who have everything given to them have little incentive to strive. So I've always provided but intentionally left her 'wanting' for the extras. I figure if she wants them enough she should be willing to work for them. And (despite loads of initial anger towards me) everything has worked out.

With some seed money that I provided (and she has already started to pay back) she is making quite good money. It has also given her a taste of real freedom; having the ability to make ones own money. It opens up avenues. It teaches money management and the real value of money, which, IMHO, can only be understood by working for it.

I've joked that I hope that she makes enough money that she can kick my dumb ass to the curb anytime she wants; she agrees. :D

So in a sense maybe we could argue that it brought us together, no? :o

In any case, odds are that I will die before my wife. She really needs the ability to make her own money to fall back on; it's just a survival thing. At a minimum, she needs the ability to manage what she'll get when I go.

It just makes sense; and who can be faulted for 'making' your lady work for her own cash.

It's ironic that in the west, when marriages break up, it is a virtual trump card for the wife to tell the judge that she was kept in the house for Xyears and denied the opportunity to a trade/career/the ability to learn to make her own wedge, etc. :D

kat wrote

IA - you've just proven what a little sub-human particle you really are.
Oh, now I understand.

I can denigrate entire races, classes, and categories or people and that's ok. But if I say anything bad about our widdle kat now I'm exposing myself as a "sub-human particle"


Get over yourself! :D

Pat pong - you are a joke and a drain on the credibility of this forum if you harass me and allow comments like IA'a to pass undeterred.

Now I really think you should be zapped! :D


The above, (not the part pertaining to kat :D ) doesn't apply to fellas sending hookers money, IMHO; it doesn't matter what they say. If you're not there to see where the money's going it's 99% that it's getting frittered away...

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For the last 8 months I have been sending a girl from Issan 15,000 Baht per month.  I see her when I come over, have met the family, etc.  We get along quite well.  She works in a saloon in Kalisin and appears to be fairly leveled headed.  15,000 baht per month did not phase me when I was working in the states but in June I am moving to Thailand and will be on a fixed income.  ( I am not necesarily retiring but sold some properties and decided to enjoy life while I am still young, 47 years old).  Question is should I cut her off when I move to Thailand as I will be supporting her, or at least cut the monthly allowance down?  If I cut it down, by how much then?    I don't want to be bothered for money all the time so I am inclined to reduce the amount to 10,000 Baht per month.  What are your thoughts?  Thanks.

Reduce it by about 15,000 a month......do u realize just how much money that is for someone living in the Northeast......

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Chuchok wrote:

Alex, any bloke that calls a women a whore without some serious justification is indeed a sub-human piece of you know what.
Chuchok, are you smoking crack? :D

Are you suggesting that I called kat a whore? If so, I certainly did not.

I cheekily called her an 'attention-whore' which is an entirely different thing altogether. It's a turn of phrase that implies that she is a person who laps up attention.


Reduce it by about 15,000 a month......do u realize just how much money that is for someone living in the Northeast......

That is exactly how much I sent my wife and 2 sons monthly while I was working in Korea (excluding school tuition for my older son which I paid in lump every term..and they didn't need to pay rent as they have use of the family home).

This covered air-con, all utilities, UBC, high-speed internet, daycare for our younger son, food...everything; including 1600 baht a month for motorcycle payments...


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Chuchok wrote:
Alex, any bloke that calls a women a whore without some serious justification is indeed a sub-human piece of you know what.

Chuchok, are you smoking crack? :D


Are you suggesting that I called kat a whore? If so, I certainly did not.

I cheekily called her an 'attention-whore' which is an entirely different thing altogether. It's a turn of phrase that implies that she is a person who laps up attention.

Could be easily taken the wrong way, as I'm sure it was.

Reduce it by about 15,000 a month......do u realize just how much money that is for someone living in the Northeast......

That is exactly how much I sent my wife and 2 sons monthly while I was working in Korea (excluding school tuition for my older son which I paid in lump every term..and they didn't need to pay rent as they have use of the family home).

On another forum you were quite scathing on "old" members here. Now exacly what did you say about them sending money home...hmmmm? :o

This covered air-con, all utilities, UBC, high-speed internet, daycare for our younger son, food...everything; including 1600 baht a month for motorcycle payments...


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chuchok wrote:

Could be easily taken the wrong way, as I'm sure it was.
Possibly for a non-native speaker, someone with quite low-level thinking skills, or someone who is mentally inclined to see darker meanings within things.

In any case, it's a moot point; I didn't call her a whore, don't know if she is one, and probably will never find out. :D

On another forum you were quite scathing on "old" members here.

Back up what you're saying or retract; I've never had a bad thing to say about anyone, based strictly on their age.

As an aside, I love hanging out with my father; age 68. And just last night I spent part of the evening with one friend aged 52; and the rest of the night with another, likewise aged 52.

In fact, most of the people that I enjoy talking to and hanging out with are about 20 years older. :o

Now exacly what did you say about them sending money home...hmmmm? 

You've totally lost me here. :D

I was, for a period, working in a neighboring country and sending financial 'support' (i.e. living expenses) to my (legally married) wife (of 7 years)...and 2 kids, living in our family home.

Are you suggesting that I am somehow the same as a man who is sending money to some trollop; or a man who provides for all of his wifes/girlfriends/trollops needs and then gives her a 20,000 baht allowance on top?

If so, it's a stretch.

I'm a man with a family who will financially support my family's needs, regardless of where they are or I am; that's part of being a husband and father, almost everywhere in the world. It's pretty simple really.


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ok Alex...this is part of one of your descriptions about TV.

a) old guys giving their bargirl wives and girlfriends 20,000+ baht a month allowances, and constantly talking about how it's all about the love and never about the money. (And don't you dare say otherwise ).

(:o dykes and feminazis, and

© Lonely Planet and Discovery channel mopes who believe 90% of what they 'see' and 'read' about Thailand but about 5% of what they hear from people on the ground.

Or the best; 3 week tourists who are now back home and desperately asking everyones opinion about 'Nok', their new love who they met while she was 'on holiday' on Ko Chang-and then angrily reject any advice constructive advice one might give.

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chuchok wrote:

ok Alex...this is part of one of your descriptions about TV.
You're a slippery one Chuchok. :D Why only part of one?

I'll help you out with what I wrote...in full; the thread was regarding TV and the thoughts of the members of that particular forum, regarding it (TV)...

I wrote:

I think they love having me over there: I really do.  [smiley that won't appear]

Multiple threads of:

(a) old guys giving their bargirl wives and girlfriends 20,000+ baht a month allowances, and constantly talking about how it's all about the love and never about the money. (And don't you dare say otherwise [smiley] ).

(:D dykes and feminazis, and

© Lonely Planet and Discovery channel mopes who believe 90% of what they 'see' and 'read' about Thailand but about 5% of what they hear from people on the ground [smiley]. 

Or the best; 3 week tourists who are now back home and desperately asking everyones opinion about 'Nok', their new love who they met while she was 'on holiday' on Ko Chang-and then angrily reject any advice constructive advice one might give [smiley]. 

I further wrote (in another post, due to a question from another poster)

[Multiple smiley's omitted]

I'll be the first to admit that I'm not a Thailand expert (although I fancy myself a budding 'Isaan Specialist' of sorts  )...but many of these long-stayers are, IMHO...clowns.

I suspect that quite a few are retired out and have spent the last 20 years in relative comfort, paying off their Thai wives and girlfriends to feed them shit and not cause trouble; while most of their days have been spent (a) at home (:D at some farang pub and/or © only associating with other farang who likewise have spent years doing the same as them.

A fair few are probably also heavily on the sauce as well, which means that any lessons of the day get wiped at night.

May as well be goldfish.

So, in short, do many know more than me; loads and loads. But many as well are like some Chinaman whose spent the last 29 years living in New Yorks Chinatown, speaking Chinese all day, every day, smoking opium  , and getting most if not all of their 'American info' from some current/ex American hooker who benfits more,...the less they know. 

And ...how do I get on there?

Like a house on fire. 

I especially stand by my opinion expressed in this last post. :o


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I can denigrate entire races, classes, and categories or people ...

I'm glad you recognize yourself. If you recall, that's what started our initial "discussion". I'd be in serious trouble if the purpose of my visits here was to seek attention from racist, misogynist, bigots.

(not all - but the ones that seem to give me plenty of attention :o )

Too bad you're such a racist bigot. I kind of like you. But hence, as it turns out, I'm one of those people which whom you assume inferiority.

Alex, any bloke that calls a women a whore without some serious justification is indeed a sub-human piece of you know what.

Couldn't agree more, even if I do call some people on here some names once in awhile. My remarks are usually pulled completely or modified. :D

Thanks, you guys. Don't sweat it. In a way, his reasoning is mostly correct. But it is a loaded term to use on this forum and he knows it. No worries.

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You might want to find out who else she is supporting with your allowance before you make any decisions about changing anything.

For example, I give my fiancee (soon to be wife) a monthly allowance of 15K THB a month too... and she is financing her younger brother's education at a BKK University (a law degree), and sends money home to her parents in Isaan. She also pays for the daily fruit, veggies, meat etc that we eat at home. She pays for the drinking water deliveries, the gas cylinder refills, her prepaid phone charge cards, her hair dressing, her magazines, her clothes etc. although I pay for the general utilities like electricity and water as well as the weekly shopping trip to the Tesco Lotus/Carrefour.

If I didn't give her the allowance, her brother would not be able to afford his University education and her parents would not be as comfortable as they are now.

15000? not too much money for you, but rest assured, that is a lot of money to be earning a month in thailand, not to mention your gf is also working. All i can tell you is what ive experienced, i know a couple of great girls in thailand, they get between 6-8 a month, work pretty hard for it as well, and live comfortably as well as the usual family money thing. All i can say is you must be smitten to outlay that much to a person that already has a paid job in thailand. Im not saying that i know your circumstances, but advice from me would be to carefully assess just how much THAI money is being sent.....not much for you, MAAK MAAK for thai.

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I think that 15K baht is absolutely nothing. people living here a while need to regain perspective. I think that many have totally lost it. A cup of Starbucks a few times a day in the states would cost you 15K. We're talking about pocket change here folks. God forbid if I included a muffin or bagel. Too many here have lost their marbles. I recommend a reality course of worldly expense for such folks

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Heck I could spend 15k a day on Starbucks. 


OMG.... you'd be walking around looking like this..... :D

totster :D

Oh, not for me. For my factory workers. They may ride the green bus and song taews to work, but they're the snooty sort.


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I think that 15K baht is absolutely nothing. people living here a while need to regain perspective. I think that many have totally lost it. A cup of Starbucks a few times a day in the states would cost you 15K. We're talking about pocket change here folks. God forbid if I included a muffin or bagel. Too many here have lost their marbles. I recommend a reality course of worldly expense for such folks

How much is enough then tho? You cant judge amounts by your own personal standard....but by the standard of the local the person is in. 15 000 can be as pointed out more than ample for someone considering what they earn working 12 hours a day 6 days a week and still survive. How much would you consider enough? 30 000, 60 000? Some people spend more than that on clothes or facials every month but to many others that could be a lot of money. Im not poor, but Id consider paying 15 000 a month towards Starbucks a complete waste of money. Its not about regaining perspective, but looking at it from a different perspective to your own.

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