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Todger Size Survey !


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Italians come out on top in penis study

22 April 2005

HONG KONG: Chinese men have no reason to feel inferior about the size of their penises, according to a Hong Kong study which showed local men measured up to others elsewhere in the world below the belt.

"Our conclusion is that Hong Kong people are no smaller than western men, where their penises are concerned," said Chan Lung-wai, director of the Urology Centre at the Union Hospital, who headed the study.

"There has always been the myth that westerners have bigger penises and their (sexual) ability is better."

A group of scientists in Hong Kong spent five months from October last year measuring 148 ethnic Chinese volunteers aged between 23 and 93.

The average length of their flaccid penises was 8.46cm, which compared favourably with similar studies on other men overseas.

Germans have average lengths of about 8.6cm, Israelis 8.3cm, Turks 7.8cm and Filippinos 7.35cm. Italians were the longest at 9cm and Americans averaged 8.8cm.

The study did not measure the penises when they were erect.

It found that a man's height bore no relation to the length of his member, but those with higher body mass indexes, or fat content, appeared to have shorter penises.

"It seems that as someone gets older and fatter, his blood vessels change, so the penile size is not static. It may be a reflection of the condition of the person's blood vessels," Chan said, adding that this could spur yet another study.

source: stuff.co.nz

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What’s the point of such a survey?

Never had the need to compare or boast myself, especially after I discovered that it is the size and flexibility of what's in your mouth that excites most ladies.


Do you want to repost this? Size and flexibilty in your mouth? I thought people were talking about todger size. But hey each to their own mate. I wouldnt know about the flexibilty and size of todgers in my mouth. As i wouldnt go there. :o:D

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What’s the point of such a survey?

Never had the need to compare or boast myself, especially after I discovered that it is the size and flexibility of what's in your mouth that excites most ladies.


Do you want to repost this? Size and flexibilty in your mouth? I thought people were talking about todger size. But hey each to their own mate. I wouldnt know about the flexibilty and size of todgers in my mouth. As i wouldnt go there. :o:D

You need to think a little more about it, Jock.

Siamesekitty seems to have the right idea (Oh, sorry that's a hand - thought it was a t...).

Edited by Thomas_Merton
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Always thought that the blacks had the longest & biggest of all.

And you know sometimes girls don't like it if you've got too massive a cock.

Is that what the girls tell you to make you feel better? :o

Is this what you tell us to make yourself feel better :D


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What’s the point of such a survey?

Never had the need to compare or boast myself, especially after I discovered that it is the size and flexibility of what's in your mouth that excites most ladies.


Do you want to repost this? Size and flexibilty in your mouth? I thought people were talking about todger size. But hey each to their own mate. I wouldnt know about the flexibilty and size of todgers in my mouth. As i wouldnt go there. :D:D

You need to think a little more about it, Jock.

Siamesekitty seems to have the right idea (Oh, sorry that's a hand - thought it was a t...).

I know TM i was taking the piss. :o

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What’s the point of such a survey?

Never had the need to compare or boast myself, especially after I discovered that it is the size and flexibility of what's in your mouth that excites most ladies.


Do you want to repost this? Size and flexibilty in your mouth? I thought people were talking about todger size. But hey each to their own mate. I wouldnt know about the flexibilty and size of todgers in my mouth. As i wouldnt go there. :D:D

You need to think a little more about it, Jock.

Siamesekitty seems to have the right idea (Oh, sorry that's a hand - thought it was a t...).


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What an absurd study!! It is only relevent to those who fornicate with flaccid penises. Know anyone that does?

There is no relation between the flaccid penis and the erect one, as we all know, so I guess the study was conducted to make Chinese men feel better.

Just log on to any of the large penis web sites and you will see there is not one asian pictured therein.

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very interesting study by the Chinese. I ran accross this study whist surfing the internet


Largest Penis

Naturally we begin with the topic foremost on men’s minds. The average penis size for white males is about 6.2 inches, so if you don't quite measure up, don’t worry: penis size has relatively little to do with one’s capacity to pleasure. Remember: it ain’t the meat, it’s the motion.

The largest erect member in medical literature would be the 14-inch organ mentioned by Dr. David Reuben in his book Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex (1969). Reuben didn’t divulge any source for this figure, and there was no independent verification, so you may question his accuracy. The largest medically verified penis on record is 13.5 inches long and 6.25 inches around, documented in the early twentieth century by Dr. Robert L. Dickinson. Other sources (Alfred Kinsey, Masters and Johnson, etc.) mention specimens ranging from 9.5 to 12 inches.

Then there are the dubious claims of immense penis size by various personages operating within the sex industry (read: porn actors). These claims are almost invariably false, the result of exaggeration and hype by unscrupulous dealers hoping to hawk more products. Take the legendary Long Dong Silver, for instance. Made famous by the Clarence Thomas-Anita Hill hearings, his one enduring trait was his supposedly 18-inch penis. Totally fraudulent, as it turns out; in fact, there are videos in which he appears only normal sized.

Incidentally, if you wish to pursue this matter on your own (anticipating a slow weekend, perhaps?) you measure along the top.

Largest Penis by Race

"It is generally said that the penis of the Negro is very large," so wrote German anthropologist Johann Friedrich Blumenbach in 1795. "And this assertion is so far borne out by the remarkable genitory apparatus of an Ethiopian which I have in my anatomical collection." Louis Jacolliet, a 19th century French writer who spent three decades investigating penis size, had this to say: "In no branch of the human race are the male organs more developed than in the African Negro." Certainly, the belief in the well-endowment of the African race has an extensive history. But is it justified by the facts?

Going strictly by the Kinsey data, which still remains one of the most exhaustive studies on penis size to date, the average white male has a penis measuring 6.2 inches long and 3.7 inches around, whereas the average black male has a penis 6.3 by 3.8 inches, for a difference of 0.1 inches--not what you'd call statistically significant. When it came to flaccid length, however, blacks fared a little better: 4.3 inches long, versus 4.0 inches for white males. So it may be, therefore, that while those of African heritage appear larger initially, under actual working conditions things tend to even out. You should consider this a tentative hypothesis rather than a scientific fact, as there were only 59 black respondents to the survey, versus 2,500 for whites.

Smallest Penis

There are several instances in medical literature of penises that do not exceed 1 cm when fully erect, which doctors call an (ahem) "micropenis." Those unfortunate enough to be equipped with these diminutive organs can undergo reconstructive surgery to extend it to about 3 inches, which I guess is an improvement.

Smallest Penis by Race

Inhabiting the low end of the penile spectrum are those of the Asian persuasion, specifically those of Chinese, Japanese, Korean, or Vietnamese descent. Hard data supporting this claim comes from The Definitive Penis Size Survey, a website maintained by Richard Edwards and dedicated to answering the imponderable mysteries surrounding man's most cherished appendage (the mysteries related to size, anyway). Among the interesting tidbits we gleam from his work, now in its sixth edition, is a graph correlating different erect sizes with race. The final tally: Caucasians on average measure 6.5 inches (16.5 cm), whereas the average Asian measures--5.5 inches (14 cm).


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