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OK - wold like to hear from some of the ladies about this - not for my lovely beer belly but the boss wants it done.

Get both at same time is good/bad idea?

Boob jobs I've read a lot about here - thanks - tummy tuck is more what I am curious about.

Recommendations - problems personally incurred - don't bother with you shouldn't/should arguments - not my choice to make just collecting as much information so a informed decision can be made by she who will be obeyed.



I have seen a few girls now that have had tummy tuck and boobs at the same time and everything went well and the recovery was fast. When the breast implants are put in under the crease the recovery is heaps faster too. I think it also depends on the skills of the Doctor you choose.

Good luck!

I have seen a few girls now that have had tummy tuck and boobs at the same time and everything went well and the recovery was fast. When the breast implants are put in under the crease the recovery is heaps faster too. I think it also depends on the skills of the Doctor you choose.

Good luck!

Thanks Rachel - Under the crease means what? They are very small - small to begin with - got huge with mummy milk - no empty again - is that by under the armpit?

I know there is above and under the muscles but never sure what that means - will visit a few places when in bangkok later this month if anyone has recomendations on places. Yahni high onlist currently

I have seen a few girls now that have had tummy tuck and boobs at the same time and everything went well and the recovery was fast. When the breast implants are put in under the crease the recovery is heaps faster too. I think it also depends on the skills of the Doctor you choose.

Good luck!

Thanks Rachel - Under the crease means what? They are very small - small to begin with - got huge with mummy milk - no empty again - is that by under the armpit?

I know there is above and under the muscles but never sure what that means - will visit a few places when in bangkok later this month if anyone has recomendations on places. Yahni high onlist currently

Undercrease implies under the actual breast crease itself. I dont recommend this method at all! and there is no need for it.

The major disadvantage with this method is the obvious scar that would be left underneath the breast crease. It is there no matter the skill of the surgeon.

Transaxillary ie armpit incision is probably the best method around with no marks at all on the breast area.

Whether the implant is place UNDER or Above primarily depends on the amount of breast tissue and breast size and the desired breast/cup size. eg if shes say cup size A and wants C-D most likely she doesnt have anywhere near enough breast tissue etc so its best to be placed underneath the muscle. If say shes C and wants D then above is fine. Least chances of rippling effect on breast surface would be underneath the muscle.

Underneath means they put it underneath the chest muscle.

You can get tummy tuck and BA at the same time with no issues. It all depends on the skill of the surgeon. Does she even need it? exercise, laser sessions etc wont suffice? she has that much excess skin etc?


Does she even need it? exercise, laser sessions etc wont suffice? she has that much excess skin etc?

Well she rocks my boat as it is - it's more for her than me frankly - 90% for her 10% ( to be very honest) for me. She's fit - has a great toned body - but REALLY got big with first and then almost as big with second child. Her natural weight is 41kg - my kids weighted half that at 3/4 years of age! My daughter age 7 isn't far off being taller!

So she has a lot of "loose" skin.

Her boobs interestingly have gotten naturally bigger in last few years - something her aunties have been telling her is a family tradition - her mum - who walks around topless part of every day (we are FAR from civilization) has great tits! Something she isn't shy to tell my wife - makes me laugh and cry same time!

We have a great sex life - still at least twice a day, which after 10 years is pretty good I think.

So the reasons why are just she wants to look good - for herself - and IF (big IF) that means it won't hurt her - I'm happy.

I don't know about lazer - never heard of it - but with the tummy she can take two handfulls of skin and still not all gone.

She's fit, toned, and has a lot of skin - me - thankfully the beer fills the skin nice and smooth (joking - I'm not TOO fat - BUT not as tones as she is either)

If I knew how to upload a pic I'd show you her back - trying now.

Thing is doing both at once makes sense as she is very nervous - but wants too.

She is a small "A" cup I think - wants about a "B" nothing to big "I like small boobs" she told me today as we read here.

But thanks - I guess the under the boob is best - enter by armpit I think?

More advice from EVERYONE is appreciated. Especially about lazer.

For the record - all her tat's came after she met me - my mum bought her her first - 12 later . . . .



Breasts are primarily fat tissue and gaining weight will automatically increase their size.

I don't know her height but at 41 Kg and also from look of the picture she could certainly gain more and still be in normal weight range.

A program of gradual weight gain combined with exercise might well give her naturally the breasts she desires. Will also help somehwat with the loose skin i.e. she may have lost too much weight. However some loose skin likely will remain.

My personal recommednation would be to get up to a satisfactory weight first and then see how she looks before doing anything more. A normal weight for a woman is a body mass index of anywhere from 19 to 25 but I find most Asian women look best at around 22. To see what that would be for her, take her height in meters, square it and then multiple by 22. That is about the weight she should aim for.

If at optimum weight she still has a lot of loose skin then indeed surgery is the only thing that will remove it.

P.S. I have deleted a duplicate post you made in another thread, please keep it to one thread per subject. If you want recommendations on doctors/jospitals do a search in this forum as it has been discussed many, many times. Thanks


I have to say that the recovery takes longer if you go through the underarm and the scares under the crease are hidden anyway, and when you need to replace them they have to be taken out through the crease incision anyway which will leave you with 2 scares in the end. Even girls with little breast tissue look great with the placement under the muscle.

Good luck

If your partner is thai then she will get it cheaper at some hospitals too.

I have to say that the recovery takes longer if you go through the underarm and the scares under the crease are hidden anyway, and when you need to replace them they have to be taken out through the crease incision anyway which will leave you with 2 scares in the end. Even girls with little breast tissue look great with the placement under the muscle.

Good luck

If your partner is thai then she will get it cheaper at some hospitals too.

I have to disagree here.

Recovery does take somewhat longer via underarm but your left with no marks, incisions or anything else on the breast area.

Barring any complications they can actually be taken out the same way too :) Its only when things get complicated when they are put in eg major scarring, infection etc that a direct under breast crease incision is made to rectifiy things. Infact I know of a lady that had her old smaller ones removed and put in bigger ones via same method.

I do agree under muscle does look good.



She doesnt look bad. Like sheryl said as well I do beleive she is a bit underweight and if she wants to tighten her skin/body up I would recommend bulking up and trying to get more toned/muscular eg back area which would also tighten tone her skin.

If her stomach area is indeed that bad ie 2 folds of skin is still left then tummy tuck is the only solution as that much tightening cant be done via any other means.

She can easily and SAFELY have both procedures performed at the same time if she so desires although I would have suggested deal with the BA first and its pains let that heal and then do the tummy tuck or vice versa otherwise she may find herself very uncomfortable and restricted.


The biggest advantage of an underarm breast augmentation incision is the fact that transaxillary breast implant incisions leave scarless breasts after the procedure. Since the armpits normally remain concealed, scars resulting from transaxillary breast implant incisions are highly inconspicuous, even if they do not heal properly.

In most cases, breast implant incisions in the armpit area tend to cause less future breast feeding complications than some other breast implants incision sites.

Although some breast surgeons prefer to only use armpit breast implants incision sites to place breast implants under the chest muscle, the transaxillary breast augmentation incision technique allows breast implants to be placed above or below the muscle.

Disadvantages of Transaxillary Incision

The principal disadvantage of transaxillary breast implant incisions is that, if a patient needs revision breast surgery, the original breast augmentation incision cannot be used. The follow-up surgery would require additional breast implant incisions, which would result in additional scarring. Some statistics suggest that approximately 20 percent of women with breast implants will need a subsequent surgery at some point in their lives.

Another drawback of underarm breast implant incision sites is that this method cannot be used for the placement of larger silicone breast implants, since these implants are pre-filled, the larger silicone implants cannot be safely compressed for proper placement through the transaxillary breast augmentation incision.

Additionally, transaxillary breast implant incisions require the surgeon to work farther away from the breast, making this method more difficult than the inframammary and areola incision methods. In fact, underarm breast implant incisions pose a greater risk of breast asymmetry after surgery. Therefore, if you are considering an armpit breast augmentation incision, it is vital to find a surgeon who is skilled and experienced in this type of technique like the surgeons at Yanhee who seem to prefer this technique.


lol that looks like a copy and paste job lol

And some points are incorrect or not quite accurate as they depend on case.

Yanhee is not the only place that do this infact Preecha, Poomee, Witoon, Kunachak, Greechart and a bunch of others all do this.. Ofcourse the surgeon needs to be skilled and know what they are doing to avoid complications and incorrect pocket creation etc. The easiest, least technically difficult and old method is the under breast incision.

Other methods are even more technically complicated and prone to complications eg TUBA which is done via belly button.


Getting back to the question from CTO about tummy tucks.... if you go ahead i'm sure you will be happy with the results and the recovery is probably faster than you think. Good luck with it all.

  • 4 weeks later...

I had a tummy tuck, breast lift with implants and lipo done in December 09. I can honestly say that the tummy tuck pain/recovery was no where near as bad as I thought it would be.

I had done a lot of research and my only concern was how long I would be under anaesthetic. As it turns out, my (brilliant) surgeon said he would prefer to do the procedures on seperate days. I had my tummy tuck done on the Friday and went back into surgery on the Sunday for the rest. There was no extra charge for doing it this way.

I stayed in hospital for 3 nights and then I used the services of Bangkok Makeovers (Rachel, you are an absolute godsend!!). I cannot imagine how I would of gotten on had I of stayed in a hotel as I had travelled to Thailand by myself. There is no way I could of done the simple chores of changing dressings and putting on the compression garments on my own....for the first week anyway.

Mind you, I was out shopping (slow paced) 2 days after leaving hospital. I personally think that the sooner you get up and get moving, the faster your recovery. It's really important that you follow the advise of your surgeon and more importantly, listen to your body!!

I stayed with Rachel until I got the 'all clear' from the doctor. In all, I was in Bangkok for 14 days.

I went to Paris for a holiday 3 weeks post op and returned to work 3 weeks ago.

So here I am 8 weeks post op and I look and feel amazing. The swelling around my tummy is still going down (already down 3 dress sizes!) and my new boobs are finally pointing north and look fuller (up 2 cup sizes!).

The journey has certainly been long but well worth it.


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