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How Safe Do You Feel In Thailand


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Its too bad things havent worked out for you, but relax this place works well for me and many other people. I have no money or pension, just a teacher, but everyone I know treats me ok. I think your big problem is location, anywhere down south with lots of falangs is going to be a problem due to a handful of people over the years disrespecting the people and culture. Thais dont forget very easily. I would say try moving but I think you are so mad now the best thing for you to do is go home and think about the good things you miss about thailand. And always remember, most of the time when someone does something you percieve to be wrong, maybe they just dont know any better.

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Translation anyone?

He came on holiday, met a Thai girl, fell in love, wanted to stay, had very little money, bought a cheap restaurant, business provides him only a Thai income, he wants a western income, has no money for a bigger business, now going home, has no job in UK, no money in UK, poor Thai girlfriend cast adrift as he cannot pay to get her to go with him.

Bottom line is not enough cash but wanted to live the dream.

hahaha, so true

Plus I have heard restaurant owners say the same thing about people everywhere, thats what running a restaurant is like.

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As a business owner ,you do not understand that your customers are doing you a favor by dining at your place, you should be the one saying thanks to them.

Have you ever thought that your attitude is what causes other people to dislike you, also that going away for a long period of time, what is your girl friend to do in her loneliness, wait for your return or find another boy friend.

If you think the west is safer than Thailand you are greatly mistaken, The Bronx New York? 5 years ago I spent a month in Tucson Az, and there was a crimewave going on, with many murders, drive-by shootings,

rapes, robberies etc.

Why would the US (land of the free) have the largest prison population in the world?

Sources:The US Gulag Prison System: http://www.globalresearch.ca?PrintArticle.php?articleId=2113

Incarcerated America: http://www.hrw.org/backgrounder/usa/incarceration/

Crime in Thailand is not comparable to crime in the west?

Cheers: :)

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I have worked and lived all over the world. The place with the most ignorant, miserable and most unfriendly peope Ive met were in London. It was also the place I felt least safe. Has it occured to you that the Thai people are treating you as you deserve ? I have been all around Thailand and have only met nice friendly people and have never felt threatened ANYWHERE. I suggest you go back to London as you sound like you fit right in with the majority of people there!

I agree with the above having been born n dragged-up there. As for Thailand being more dangerous than Brixton :) You must be having a George Raft, I lived and worked there for 6 years when the riots were on, so I can only assume you are still to experience REAL Thailand.


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The OP is either a troll or his post is a cry for help. His anger has switched off the part of his brain that deals with language, grammar, spelling and logic. If he really thinks his girlfriend will be waiting at the airport when he stops by for a visit... I think meds can be prescribed that would make him feel a whole lot better if he's for real. Owning a low-end restaurant is like owning a low end-bar Do not invest more than you can lose comfortably. It is simply a vanity purchase so you can tell your acquaintances back home you are living the dream in Thailand.

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As a business owner ,you do not understand that your customers are doing you a favor by dining at your place, you should be the one saying thanks to them.

Have you ever thought that your attitude is what causes other people to dislike you, also that going away for a long period of time, what is your girl friend to do in her loneliness, wait for your return or find another boy friend.

If you think the west is safer than Thailand you are greatly mistaken, The Bronx New York? 5 years ago I spent a month in Tucson Az, and there was a crimewave going on, with many murders, drive-by shootings,

rapes, robberies etc.

Why would the US (land of the free) have the largest prison population in the world?

Sources:The US Gulag Prison System: http://www.globalresearch.ca?PrintArticle.php?articleId=2113

Incarcerated America: http://www.hrw.org/backgrounder/usa/incarceration/

Crime in Thailand is not comparable to crime in the west?

Cheers: :)

I always feel safe in Thailand. I've never had any problems with Thais. That said, if the Thai police actually did their jobs and locked up criminals instead of turning a blind eye or taking payoffs, the Thai prison population might be pretty high itself.

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The OP has some realistic points and no need to slam anyone that does not agree

First of all, for those of you that has never tried to run a business shouldn't be commenting

If you are over here teaching or working as an employee, you have no clue what the OP has gone through to get his business up and rolling

Give the man credit for at least keeping his business going for a year and having the balls to try

Thai's think all farangs are rich

And here is the OP with a small restaurant in a low cost area

To the Thais the only thing he is doing is taking MONEY away from them

So are they going to be hostile and unfriendly yes they certainly are

If the OP GF ran the place herself and the farang OP was never around the locals would accept her

Being robbed can happen anywhere these days

Read the news, crime is heading for an all time high.

As less and less tourists come, the economy is rolling over, unemployment hitting all time highs, crime is sure to rise

Yes the OP is bitter and rough around the edges but he has a point if you think about it

Thai's can go to UK, USA or wherever and start businesses and prosper without all the same hate they dish out here to foreigners so it is in fact a double standard

I can understand the OP's bitterness as he tried to make a go of it and didn't have many expectations to get rich

LOS is indeed becoming more expensive and it is harder to make it these days

Even with all the cash you need, it is not a money only problem

If his restaurant was wildly successful it would have been robbed more or even closed down

Who knows for sure.

The key is to be a realist, to understand what is really happening around you by dealing with the facts and not speculation

Thailand has changed so much since 1984 and what it is today is not like yester year

Back then a farang had no problems in the whole world here and loved by all

Now it is a different time, a different attitude and people are way worse off and looking for someone to blame

It is sad the OP has to go, but then again I think he would have some options if he moved to a non touristy area

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So you think that Thailand is dirty and the people inhospitable? So you are going back to the East End of London? :):D :D Frying pan and fire comes to mind. As a born and bred Londoner I am ashamed of what a once fine city has become. Graffiti scrawled over the Underground trains, people displaying their misery by their body language and compounded by the drabness of their clothes - no sign of gaiety or happiness. Mind you, given the price of everything I can well understand their situation.

Since your command of the English language shows a distinct shortfall in it's quality please allow me to introduce you to a new word. Cognition. Have you ever come across that before? May I suggest that you practice it? I would not discount the possibility of you not owning a dictionary or unwilling to use the Google dictionary so in plain street language, do connect with your brain. Do you really think that you could live comfortably on the income generated by a few tables and serving up Thai food? Have you ever seen the people owning food stalls drive off to a comfortable home in transport of a recent vintage at the end of their working day? There are parts of Thailand that the Almighty might consider as suitable sites for inserting the pipe should he consider giving the world an enema, and Phuket would be one of them. BTW, and I am guessing here since you have indicated that you like to operate below a Government's radar, have you got a work permit? If you are waiting on tables you need one or you may find yourself back in the UK 'tout de suite', after spending a few days in a hellhole to show you the error of your ways, of course. Maybe having the Boys in Brown providing you with a personal escort to the aeroplane taking you back to UK would appeal to your vanity?

Since you are not only the most politest person in the world but also have 'lotsa money' maybe you should travel around Thailand a bit and, having taken the advice offered above, identify and investigate realistic money generating possibilities? If you take yourself to other forums on this board you may find some good pointers and if you ask posters, politely of course - how else? - you may obtain the benefit of their experiences. As for taking your terak back to the UK, I suggest that you sit her in front of a TV (if she isn't already so sited!) and switch to the BBC channel, or view the BBC website, so that she can see all the pleasures of a European winter that await her. You may well learn the Thai equivalent of 'go forth and multiply'.

Don't you think it somewhat arrogant to import your mores and culture to Thailand? There is no shortage of people in the UK to complain about 'all these fuzzy-wuzzies roaming the streets in their nightshirts and their heads dolled up in bandages' and it seems reasonable that there are some Thais who think much the same thing about farangs walking about bare chested or wearing just a singlet displaying their less than sylphlike bodies. Those of us who have been successful in creating a new life for ourselves here have learned to assimilate, and practice, many Thai customs; we have seen the wisdom of being flexible and tolerant. Such an attitude is not all one way either. By Thai custom 20 baht is a suitable tip; giving 15% of a restaurant bill, while maybe displaying a degree of charity, is considered vulgar by many civilised Thais. Consider the oil rich Arab giving the doorman at the Dorchester 20 GBP for calling him a taxi. Very OTT to say the least. Why give Christmas presents to Thai people? (Stand well back making such an offering to a devout Muslim). Give and take or, as you appear to be doing, suffer the consequences.

Most people seem unable to look inside themselves when their hopes and plans go astray. You are looking outward when maybe it may be more fruitful to look inwards. What part have you played in creating your unhappy situation?

Oh! You are quite perfect! Sorry to have mentioned it then.

Trolls, contemplating making other nonsense posts.

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To answer the OPs question..

I feel as safe here as most other places I have worked and lived but always have my wits about me, some areas in Thailand have me more concerned than others but that applies to any other country I have lived.

I have run my own company here for over 8 yrs and its difficult, but it was difficult in Uk / Australia also same bullshit just from a different pile.

Well done for having a go most people wouldnt have the funds/balls to do this,A large number here do not need to either ( lucky buggers).

In the Uk beware the Chavs and remember the grass isnt always greener, as for the please/ thankyou in Uk buy a phrasebook most people I met working in resturants etc last year where European with a poor grasp of English.

Have fun and good luck...

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Translation anyone?

He came on holiday, met a Thai girl, fell in love, wanted to stay, had very little money, bought a cheap restaurant, business provides him only a Thai income, he wants a western income, has no money for a bigger business, now going home, has no job in UK, no money in UK, poor Thai girlfriend cast adrift as he cannot pay to get her to go with him.

Bottom line is not enough cash but wanted to live the dream.

Great Translation.......On the other hand the O.P shouldn`t judge Thai people only by his customers!

go home...

no i dont think so, i have more money than you thx$$$$$$$$$ add that up, i not want to waste my money to buy a bar/restaurant in patong/karon ect for mils of baht when its only busy at the end of dec until end of feb, it will take yrs & yrs to get your money back from them places, open your eyes and look how many people are tyrying to sell there bars & restaurants in thailand bcoz they loose so much money as no customers for 9 months. i just hate this rude dirty country.

How s your work permit for this bar then?

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if yo can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen...

Living in Thailand isn't that hard, just gotta have the right mental attitude... Like someone above mentioned, at least you have made an effort, running the place for over a year, but it's probably best to cut your losses and move elsewhere

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Translation anyone?

He came on holiday, met a Thai girl, fell in love, wanted to stay, had very little money, bought a cheap restaurant, business provides him only a Thai income, he wants a western income, has no money for a bigger business, now going home, has no job in UK, no money in UK, poor Thai girlfriend cast adrift as he cannot pay to get her to go with him.

Bottom line is not enough cash but wanted to live the dream.

Hahaha u are awesome btw let him moan hes just frustrated.

Btw there are many farangs here dont want to go back to their country no job no money easy living in LOS tho some of em have no choice and find the way to earn money like doing business online if lucky enuff they'll get a job be a teacher income around 30,000 baht/month for english native speaker stay with pretty thai gfs go to shopping at tesco or other farang chains good quality of products weather isnt that cold live happily but thats enuff for u? and wot u call happy? well it depends... 30,000baht/month not alot for farang but u can survive i think its decent income in fact there are lots of farangs relocated to thailand and happy to live here different culture different language ppl etc but it takes time to understand good and bad ppl everywhere i got no idea wot u've been thru it must be hard for u according to wot u said it must be dangerous zone pub/bar/drug and criminal i'm lucky that my place isn't dangerous and i try to avoid those places in the city...u have to look after urself too u know especially in night time+drunk its not a good idea in strange place thats all i can say.

When my bf was here his hotel is near red zone pub/bar but he felt safe coz he was with me i looked after him and gave him advice...wot he should do told him about the places, ppl, thai style etc. and i think its good idea for u girls to do the same thing i love my bf i treated him real good when he was here even the weather was hot but he enjoyed (uk -3c thailand 32c) alrite good luck!

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^ Yes, if you have modest intentions, you can live quite comfortably on 30,000 a month... maybe not in bangkok itself but my dad now lives in the outskirts of Chiang Rai and rents a 2-bedroom house with a decent garden for a measly 4,500/month... Add to that a basic motorcycle or even a small/secondhand car, and you have plenty leftover for food and entertainment/hobbies/savings.

Apart from the bureaucratic headaches, life here is as difficult as you make it for yourself :)

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So you think that Thailand is dirty and the people inhospitable? So you are going back to the East End of London? :):D:D Frying pan and fire comes to mind. As a born and bred Londoner I am ashamed of what a once fine city has become. Graffiti scrawled over the Underground trains, people displaying their misery by their body language and compounded by the drabness of their clothes - no sign of gaiety or happiness. Mind you, given the price of everything I can well understand their situation.

Since your command of the English language shows a distinct shortfall in it's quality please allow me to introduce you to a new word. Cognition. Have you ever come across that before? May I suggest that you practice it? I would not discount the possibility of you not owning a dictionary or unwilling to use the Google dictionary so in plain street language, do connect with your brain. Do you really think that you could live comfortably on the income generated by a few tables and serving up Thai food? Have you ever seen the people owning food stalls drive off to a comfortable home in transport of a recent vintage at the end of their working day? There are parts of Thailand that the Almighty might consider as suitable sites for inserting the pipe should he consider giving the world an enema, and Phuket would be one of them. BTW, and I am guessing here since you have indicated that you like to operate below a Government's radar, have you got a work permit? If you are waiting on tables you need one or you may find yourself back in the UK 'tout de suite', after spending a few days in a hellhole to show you the error of your ways, of course. Maybe having the Boys in Brown providing you with a personal escort to the aeroplane taking you back to UK would appeal to your vanity?

Since you are not only the most politest person in the world but also have 'lotsa money' maybe you should travel around Thailand a bit and, having taken the advice offered above, identify and investigate realistic money generating possibilities? If you take yourself to other forums on this board you may find some good pointers and if you ask posters, politely of course - how else? - you may obtain the benefit of their experiences. As for taking your terak back to the UK, I suggest that you sit her in front of a TV (if she isn't already so sited!) and switch to the BBC channel, or view the BBC website, so that she can see all the pleasures of a European winter that await her. You may well learn the Thai equivalent of 'go forth and multiply'.

Don't you think it somewhat arrogant to import your mores and culture to Thailand? There is no shortage of people in the UK to complain about 'all these fuzzy-wuzzies roaming the streets in their nightshirts and their heads dolled up in bandages' and it seems reasonable that there are some Thais who think much the same thing about farangs walking about bare chested or wearing just a singlet displaying their less than sylphlike bodies. Those of us who have been successful in creating a new life for ourselves here have learned to assimilate, and practice, many Thai customs; we have seen the wisdom of being flexible and tolerant. Such an attitude is not all one way either. By Thai custom 20 baht is a suitable tip; giving 15% of a restaurant bill, while maybe displaying a degree of charity, is considered vulgar by many civilised Thais. Consider the oil rich Arab giving the doorman at the Dorchester 20 GBP for calling him a taxi. Very OTT to say the least. Why give Christmas presents to Thai people? (Stand well back making such an offering to a devout Muslim). Give and take or, as you appear to be doing, suffer the consequences.

Most people seem unable to look inside themselves when their hopes and plans go astray. You are looking outward when maybe it may be more fruitful to look inwards. What part have you played in creating your unhappy situation?

Oh! You are quite perfect! Sorry to have mentioned it then.

Trolls, contemplating making other nonsense posts.

Your post is totally uncalled for.

It's the OP's post and the last time I checked everyone is entitled to their own opinions

No need for personal attacks

And as far as your threat about BIB

Get real. I have been here since 1984 and you know many people I have seen carted off for working without a work permit? ZERO

And don't start all this I know a friend of a friend, of my sisters water buffaloe nonsense

The OP is not harming a soul and is clearly super frustrated due to his position

Someday we all might find ourself in a position similiar so it best to remember that

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^ Yes, if you have modest intentions, you can live quite comfortably on 30,000 a month... maybe not in bangkok itself but my dad now lives in the outskirts of Chiang Rai and rents a 2-bedroom house with a decent garden for a measly 4,500/month... Add to that a basic motorcycle or even a small/secondhand car, and you have plenty leftover for food and entertainment/hobbies/savings.

Apart from the bureaucratic headaches, life here is as difficult as you make it for yourself :)

Well said mate.

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Yes, I must admit to feeling some empathy toward the guy, I've had some rough times here where everything and everybody sucked, and all I wanted to do was to move to greener pastures... I will eventually, in a couple of years, but not for a loss of love for the country, just the need to do something new...

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Translation anyone?

He came on holiday, met a Thai girl, fell in love, wanted to stay, had very little money, bought a cheap restaurant, business provides him only a Thai income, he wants a western income, has no money for a bigger business, now going home, has no job in UK, no money in UK, poor Thai girlfriend cast adrift as he cannot pay to get her to go with him.

Bottom line is not enough cash but wanted to live the dream.

opening a shop in thai area, thais see you as enemy, taking baht out of their pocket. they got no chance against a hi-so player like op.

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To Bug69er or the original poster, your post is quite informative and really touches on some frequent feelings of at least some expats, and I appreciate your post, but for the life of me next time try to clean up your way of speaking, "me not want" etc. Your opinions are valid and many are agreeable, but they don't shine very well in English that seems intentionally filled with errors. Not like mine is much better, but the effort is appreciated.

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To the OP -- sorry it didn't work out for you. Running a business in a foreign country is never easy. Best of luck back in the UK. You are so right that living in Thailand is totally different than being on holiday here.

He / she will find they have tightened up on the regulations for " immigrants " in dear old blighty.

As for the difficulty in trying to understand your grammar, it,s to be hoped you can communicate better both verbally and in the written word or your doomed to fail.

A possible drunken TTTTTTTTTTrollll maybe with a chip on their shoulder.

marshbags :D


Try changing you outlook and location O.P. and give it another go for awhile......... it,s up to the eyes in snow and freeeeeziing in the U.K. at the moment :)

Obviously not an indiginous Englishman,so more problems when he gets to the UK.

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As for the difficulty in trying to understand your grammar, it,s to be hoped you can communicate better both verbally and in the written word or your doomed to fail.

Oh marshbags. Where do we start mate. Where do we start........ :)

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Do you really think that you could live comfortably on the income generated by a few tables and serving up Thai food? Have you ever seen the people owning food stalls drive off to a comfortable home in transport of a recent vintage at the end of their working day?

Actually yes. The guy at the middle of Ekkamai 12 serves possibly the best chicken noodles in BKK (well worth a visit if you can get a table) he clears 10 grand a day profit seven days a week. The guy outside my studio sells coffee's and some sort of weird nesquick/bread combination which the Thai youth seems to go potty for, no idea of profit but he must unload over 40 loaves of bread a day from his shiny late model Toyota.

Good money in food stalls, been trying to get the recipe for the noodle soup out of the Bangkok guy for over two years, offered him a 50-50 deal on another stall, but he won't spill the beans..... I think he may put weed in it!

Owning a retail business in Thailand? Work 3 times as hard for little or no thanks. If you can deal with that then living here has benefits.

The OP should take some good from the experience. "What dont kill you makes you stranger!"

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I have worked and lived all over the world. The place with the most ignorant, miserable and most unfriendly peope Ive met were in London. It was also the place I felt least safe. Has it occured to you that the Thai people are treating you as you deserve ? I have been all around Thailand and have only met nice friendly people and have never felt threatened ANYWHERE. I suggest you go back to London as you sound like you fit right in with the majority of people there!

Yes I agree. Or he to try Bradford. There you don't need to speak English.  :)

Edited by bellste
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