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Panther On The Loose In Chumphon


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Apologies ScubaBuddha, I just love being a smartass you see; plus I like to see my pearls of wisdom in print. Whether or not the pic shown is the actual pic of the sighted cat was/is of little import. and not, to be honest, something I gave sufficient thought to -- except for a suspicion that there would be some who might think that a cat like that depicted could actually exist there. So even though I almost certainly have given the impression that I am totally immersed in this story, and treat it seriously, I am really only (1) trying to increase my post rate, and (2) in a relatively light-hearted way trying to destroy naive gullibilty (not, I suppose, that destroying anything can ever be a light-hearted exercise). My brother, a multimillionaire, once believed that Von Daniken was legitimate. Maybe he still does, secretly. Hundreds believed in Jim Jones and the Baghwan, gawd bless 'em. Deluded dumbasses one and all.

ScubaBuddha, you've got me thinking. Well done, and thanks. A prediction:- this cat story will shortly evaporate, never to heard of again.

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Poor Panther :) It's just there doing what panthers do. Any clivilized place they would send the Park Rangers out with Tranquilizers. Maybe Trap him then take him to the zoo. I hope it dosn't end up dead :D
I didn't even know they HAD panthers living in the wild in Thailand. Is that correct, or can this only be an escapee.

There are hardly any wild mammals in the whole of Thailand. ...a few mice, that's about it.

There was a sad looking cloud leopard at the tiny Chiang Rai zoo (south of town), but it's no longer there. Probably came from Shan State Burma.

The so-called 'black panther' was most likely held captive by a rich person, before it got free. I hope it's not killed.

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The Asian leopard ranges from parts of India through Burma and down the length of Malay peninsula. Some are even found in Sumatra. By a gene defect some are born with varying shades of darkness and are called panthers, but they are uncommon rather than rare. Numbers of these fine animals have rapidly diminished.

Jaguars are indigenous to South America and some have even been reported in some American states. Jaguars also rarely have a gene defect (not the same defect as the Asian leopard). Dark Jaguars are extremely rare and are also called panthers. Jaguars are excellent swimmers and I believe that leopards are too. Old salts swear that into the early 50's tigers would occasionally swim across from Johore Bahru to the sprawling Singapore Naval Base but I have my doubts. Same same their stories of mermaids. :)

Both leopards and jaguars are fearsome hunters and I think it safe to assume that the Asian leopard, as its African counterpart, hunt mainly at night. Pound for pound African leopards are immensely strong and climb trees, gripping their dead prey in their jaws, to keep their prize from hyenas and jackals.

I have been extremely fortunate to have seen an African leopard in the wild whereas a warden in Kruger Park told me he had never seen one in the 8 years he had worked there.

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A beautiful and rare animal.

The thoughtless and immediate reaction of farmers to kill it must be stopped.

Does Thailand have an equivalent of RSPCA?

If the locals are allowed to kill it, the shame and blame will go to the Thai nation.

Black panther is a shy and secretive beast. No threat to villagers if it can be persuaded to go back to the mountains. Calves and dogs are plentiful in this country... Usually it hunts wild pigs, deers and monkeys, and does not interact with humans.

Bangkok relevant authorities must interfere urgently, unless they are only good for charging farang 10 times the price of an admission to any national park. :)

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