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Water Turbine Generator


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Hi folks,

Anyone out there with first hand knowledge on how to build a small water turbine generator system? We've got a stream with good water flow running along the bottom of our property and want to explore options for making some electricty. Over the past few years we've built a dam across the stream (with permission from the local powers to be - in fact they suplied a lot of the materials and labor). At the end of this dry season we'll increase the size of the dam upwards to 2.5+ meters high and about 5+ meters wide.

Please feel free to call me 0819902096



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I would also be very interested in any replies.

Maybe you would find it interesting to try to find the episode of Planet Mechanics (National Geographic) on Water generated power (about a remote Bed and Breakfast in the lake district in the UK)

I guess if you could have water power and solar power, you would be pretty much self sufficient.

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Hello David2up, this(see pix's) magazine has 4-5 different types of low head

or floating systems. Good pictures/diagrams on how-to build from scratch.

There is another magazine on on build your own wind turbine from the same

publisher. (Thai only) The 3rd pix is magazine ordering info.





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Hello David2up,

Would be far much better for us if you have some tech info...

(you did state they/you buily a dam) so

Please start with some pictures of the dam...

that is your headstock (or also called penstock)...

and info such as head height (P), (either in meters or feet)

(in relation to where the generator may be placed)

and the flow (called "Q").

It would greatly help if you can specify...

if you want AC or DC power.

And how many KW do you want from this system.

And how large/long will the power lines be.

Now one can start to make an accurate assessment.

I've no idea of your current concept.

Nor your infrastructure.

There is considerable tech issues involved...

I will share some links...

Some with that I found most enlightening...

- 1st, from Border Green energy Team (BEGAT)

for a school, in Thailand, Mae Wae village, Tak province

close to the Myanmar border...

using a end-suction centrifugal 6hp(?) 3-phase, 4KW pump,

output is only 3 KW.


- they used a Leonics voltage controller

- they used capacitors to adjust the phase-angle of each phase

(need an oscilloscope to do it right)

- for output, they only used 2 of the phases

(one cannot use all 3 phases, it has to be such, it is tech)

(the current phase angle is 120 degree per a 3 phase,

so those 2 phases needs to be re-adjusted to 180 degrees each,

that is the function of the capacitors.

remember it operates in a 360 degree circle,

Yes, the 3rd phase is not used at all.)

They have done other things, see


some of the same info here...


It may be a very good idea to contact BGET concerning your project.

Perhaps they can help, or give some sound advice.

No local Thai electrician can do what needs to be done.

Without instruction, it is out of their realm.

2nd- 12~24v DC units mostly for boats and yachts,

do think about what that means...


Note that I have read that a few have placed these

into rivers and steams...

but some fools whom maintained them did not

lock the prop before service and electrocuted themselves.

Yeah, doh, a Homer Simpson event.

3rd- a good source for some micro hydro info,


of favorites is,






http://www.otherpower.com/scotthydro1.html (see page 2 also)

and a DIY using a used blower fan


Ostensibly you should know by now there are several issues to deal with.

1 - what you have at hand to to utilize

(think "P" and "Q")

2 - what power type (AC/DC), (AC preferred)

3 - how many watts of power (expect <8 KW)

4 - which type to implement (not too many choices here)

Remember, all applications of tech only fits a certain application.

And Do Document everything!!!

Cheers and best of luck!

Please do keep us posted!

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