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Is Strange Weather In Thailand Due To Warming?

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What many deniers do, following the analogy, is to take the highest point of an unusually high wave (like the unusually hot El Niño year of 98), then compare it with an unusually low wave or trough at a later time and then claim that proves the tide is ebbing while ignoring all the other facts.

Yes, this is called bogus stochastic interpretation.

By choosing the right points on an oscillating graph, you can prove almost anything you want with regard to trends.

In fact, it is not 'deniers' who do this, it was the IPCC, in its headline graph for the 2007 Assessment Report, in a fraudulent attempt to show that "warming" is "increasing".


The graph is bogus not only because it relies on the made-up data from the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia but also because it is overlain by four separate trend-lines, each with a start-date carefully selected to give the entirely false impression that the rate of warming over the past 150 years has itself been accelerating, especially between 1975 and 1998.

The truth, however – neatly obscured by an ingenious rescaling of the graph and the superimposition of the four bogus trend lines on it – is that from 1860-1880 and again from 1910-1940 the warming rate was exactly the same as the warming rate from 1975-1998. :)

What about the big graph You can call Me "Al" rolled out in his movie?

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I'm sure this is going to turn into a huge debate about whether global warming/extreme climate change is real or not. My question is, WHO CARES?!?

What I mean by that is, do we really need proof of global warming in order to start taking better care of our environment and being more energy efficient? I sure don't think so! Whether global warming is real or not, what harm is it going to do if we take steps to protect the Earth now? Why take the risk of waiting until it's too late, just because we're so stubborn that we have to prove/disprove the global warming theory?

I don't know for sure what I think personally, so I'm not trying to attack anyone's position on global warming. I just don't understand. People who believe in global warming think that we need to change our ways immediately to be nicer to our planet. For those of you who don't believe in it, what do you think we should do? Trash the Earth even more just because there's no proof of global warming?!?! Whether global warming is a real phenomenon or not, I don't know how anyone can argue against steps to limit pollution, create cleaner energy, control emissions, etc. But, obviously some people do, and I'm sure some people on this forum will as well.

Of course we need to take care of our environment, the problem is that the REAL environmental problems do not get a look in because of the fixation on CO2. We all want fresh air, clean water and nutritious food but classifying CO2 as a pollutant (US EPA) is not going to bring these about. Skeptics are not saying we should continue to trash the environment, quite the opposite in fact, we say that the focus needs to move away from imaginary threats like CO2 and into real ones.

If we want clean air/water/environment then lets focus on what is causing the pollution (carbon MONoxide, lead etc) and provide alternatives. Making CO2 the enemy is insane. It is one of the building blocks of life (along with oxygen, sun light and water). IT IS WHAT TREES NEED FOR PHOTOSYNTHESIS AND WHAT YOU BREATHING OUT RIGHT NOW. I feel like I am living in a bad science fiction movie sometimes.

People need to get over the belief that the global warming bandwagon is going to lead us to a better environment. It is all about tax. Almost every human activity involves the production of CO2 and so the potential disempowerment of the poor and empowerment of the rich is incredible. Throw in the carbon rationing and you have governmental control over the population that is absolutely Orwellian.


Ooohh... According to real weather data, the world has been cooling for the past 8 years +? It is freezing in the UK at the moment and last November/December, Bangkok was really cool almost everyday. Even my friends in Singapore reported to me that it felt cooler than usual.

Ooohh... According to real weather data, the world has been cooling for the past 8 years +? It is freezing in the UK at the moment and last November/December, Bangkok was really cool almost everyday. Even my friends in Singapore reported to me that it felt cooler than usual.

Your friends from Singapore should have been here the days leading up to Christmas. Some SG business people of mine were in town commenting how hot it was compared to the rest of SEA.

It's not due to some imaginary 'global warming'.

That is now also renamed 'climate change' since it obviously isn't guarantee to warm anything and the climate will always change, as per the randomness on nature. Instant win for scammers.

The new ice age alarm is still only 30 years old...

Be assured: whatever happens to our planet, it has NOTHING to do with the destruction humans are increasingly performing on the tree we sit so nicely on:

Killing animal species, burning fossil fuel, dumping rubbish (just have a walk on the road I live: a plastic bag heaven) building concrete cities housing 20 million people, and last but not least killing our own through genocide.

Do you think we really need all the cars that sit work-less 99% of the time etc etc?

Yep, we are good in at least something :)

and last but not least killing our own through genocide.

I don't think genocide has any negative effect on the environment.

People need to get over the belief that the global warming bandwagon is going to lead us to a better environment. It is all about tax. Almost every human activity involves the production of CO2 and so the potential disempowerment of the poor and empowerment of the rich is incredible. Throw in the carbon rationing and you have governmental control over the population that is absolutely Orwellian.

Thank you. I do not want to have to pay 20B for carbon credits every time I fart...

and last but not least killing our own through genocide.

I don't think genocide has any negative effect on the environment.

Decomposing bodies emit greenhouse gases? o_O

People need to get over the belief that the global warming bandwagon is going to lead us to a better environment. It is all about tax. Almost every human activity involves the production of CO2 and so the potential disempowerment of the poor and empowerment of the rich is incredible. Throw in the carbon rationing and you have governmental control over the population that is absolutely Orwellian.

Thank you. I do not want to have to pay 20B for carbon credits every time I fart...

and last but not least killing our own through genocide.

I don't think genocide has any negative effect on the environment.

Decomposing bodies emit greenhouse gases? o_O

What's next the Green Brigade will have everyone commit suicide in order to prevent global warming?

"With no people driving cars, working in factories and burning fossil fuels, the earth will be a much better place to live - for animals, bugs, reptiles, birds and aliens", stated Dr. Alle Gory, Professor of Human Conduct at the Ministry of Silly Thought.


I find that experiment shown in the link above is very intriguing.

Basically it provides a simple demonstration that CO2 actually resists heating and releases its heat much quicker than ordinary air. Which of course means that CO2 is not in fact a green house gas but rather a buffer against the greenhouse effect.

To take this to the next level, it implies that the way to cool our planet is actually to add CO2, and not the reverse.

and last but not least killing our own through genocide.

I don't think genocide has any negative effect on the environment.

Decomposing bodies emit greenhouse gases? o_O

Yes, but it doesn't matter if you died from age or murder in regards to that...


As long as there is weather - I can't be bothered, at all, well, today it rained, I prefer sunshine, but then who I am!?

people worry about all <deleted> these day's, but want comfortable housing, live in areas where one has to have heating, hot water, clean roads... :)

The only real way to curb the massive amounts of pollution spewed into the environment is for each person to cut their consumption of goods, which includes petrol, petrol-bassed products (plastic), electricity, etc. and to focus their purchases on products made locally, including agricultural commodities.

I have an honest question, and maybe someone can give me a serious answer. I have never understood why office building skyscrapers keep all their lights on overnight. It drives me crazy to be driving past at 3 a.m. and see every little office and cubicle lit up. I can understand that they may need to turn the lights on for cleaning overnight, but why keep ALL the lights on all night? It seems like such a waste of electricity. Is there a legitimate reason that I'm just not aware of?

The only real way to curb the massive amounts of pollution spewed into the environment is for each person to cut their consumption of goods, which includes petrol, petrol-bassed products (plastic), electricity, etc. and to focus their purchases on products made locally, including agricultural commodities.

I have an honest question, and maybe someone can give me a serious answer. I have never understood why office building skyscrapers keep all their lights on overnight. It drives me crazy to be driving past at 3 a.m. and see every little office and cubicle lit up. I can understand that they may need to turn the lights on for cleaning overnight, but why keep ALL the lights on all night? It seems like such a waste of electricity. Is there a legitimate reason that I'm just not aware of?

NO. Not legitimate. It is just that the first person entering the office in the morning shall not have to walk into a dark office. Who knows what terrible monsters might be lurking in the darkness between the desks?

And nevermind all lights burning through the weekends. It costs the companies a bundle in electricity bills but who cares? The customers are paying.


Strange Weather - in what sense? It was sunny this morning and now it is raining? It was hot earlier, now the clouds block the sun and the wind is blowing, so it's colder?

Global warming is a hoax - the basic premise is flawed: There is no such thing as 'settled science'... by its very definition it is exclusionary. There is no median temperature for the planet... it varies greatly.

Climate change - yes. It is continuous and always has been, like night into day. No amount of denial, imagined guilt, or fear of the unknown will change this fact. As well, there is no 'man made' cause to the global weather patterns - or the local weather patterns - therefore a 'man made' solution to a problem that doesn't exist is an academic exercise in futility.

One must have courage to recognize the truth - there is nothing to be done about the weather... other than to prepare for seasonal variations. Emergency preparedness is a smart exercise in the meantime.

Strange Weather - in what sense? It was sunny this morning and now it is raining? It was hot earlier, now the clouds block the sun and the wind is blowing, so it's colder?

Global warming is a hoax - the basic premise is flawed: There is no such thing as 'settled science'... by its very definition it is exclusionary. There is no median temperature for the planet... it varies greatly.

Climate change - yes. It is continuous and always has been, like night into day. No amount of denial, imagined guilt, or fear of the unknown will change this fact. As well, there is no 'man made' cause to the global weather patterns - or the local weather patterns - therefore a 'man made' solution to a problem that doesn't exist is an academic exercise in futility.

One must have courage to recognize the truth - there is nothing to be done about the weather... other than to prepare for seasonal variations. Emergency preparedness is a smart exercise in the meantime.

Well its nice to see such a strong and certain opinion......but thats all it is, a personal opinion. Unless you can refute the huge amount of data already collected showing that climate change is accelerating, then it will remain, just an opinion. Incidentally, you just 'knew' there were WMD's in Iraq didnt you ??

Well its nice to see such a strong and certain opinion......but thats all it is, a personal opinion. Unless you can refute the huge amount of data already collected showing that climate change is accelerating, then it will remain, just an opinion. Incidentally, you just 'knew' there were WMD's in Iraq didnt you ??

Considering that there has been more than a smidge of evidence produced in the last month or so that would show that the whole premise that the rate of increase in temperatures is increasing (the dreaded hockey stick) may be completely bogus, I will personally reserve judgement.

It isn't as though sitting on the fence for a few more years is going to condemn the world to doom. This in no way suggests that I will stop recycling, turn on all my lights and start driving a humvee around Bangkok. However, implementing something as massively expensive as carbon trading and handcuffing it to the world when there is a chance that the whole premise may be wrong(or possibly made up) does make one wonder "What is the rush?".

My thought on Climate Change is that for those out there so concerned about it should be the first to give up their cars as a show of leadership. :D

Done :)

and last but not least killing our own through genocide.

I don't think genocide has any negative effect on the environment.

Actually, it has a good effect on the environment : less population = less pollution, destruction of ecosystems, etc...


Since this headline officially mentions global warming. Here is another damning story for the proponents of Global Warming.


World misled over Himalayan glacier meltdown
A WARNING that climate change will melt most of the Himalayan glaciers by 2035 is likely to be retracted after a series of scientific blunders by the United Nations body that issued it.

How can we plant more trees when global warming is going to destroy 85% of the Amazon rainforest by 2150?

Oh, that's right -- it isn't, that was just more Warmist agit-prop from the UK's Met Office.

Vicky Pope of the Met Office, told the [Copenhagen] conference, “The impacts of climate change on the Amazon are much worse than we thought. As temperatures rise quickly over the coming century the damage to the forest won’t be obvious straight away, but we could be storing up trouble for the future.”

The 85% figure came from another of those famous climate models.

This one, too, doesn't work.

Dr Yadvinder Malhi, an Oxford University expert on the subject of the Amazon and climate change, said in an email, “I must say I find it frustrating that the gloomiest take on news gets such a big profile. This is based on one model, and that model has flaws…If that conclusion was based on solid empirical science then so be it, but when such a story goes out on a pure model study (not yet peer-reviewed) with significant imperfections, it may do a lot of damage in the real world.”

Indeed, the Met Office’s model has been criticized before, with a 2007 study from the University of Arizona finding that the mechanism on which the Met Office predictions were based was actually not present in the short-term.

Is there nothing these people won't do in their efforts to scare us all back into the Stone Age?

World misled over Himalayan glacier meltdown
A WARNING that climate change will melt most of the Himalayan glaciers by 2035 is likely to be retracted after a series of scientific blunders by the United Nations body that issued it.

Can't wait to hear the apologists try to explain this one away.

The IPCC based their report on an article by the "New Scientist". NS based the article on a telephone interview with an Indian scientist who speculated that the glacier could melt.

Is this science? What happened to the peer review system?

World misled over Himalayan glacier meltdown
A WARNING that climate change will melt most of the Himalayan glaciers by 2035 is likely to be retracted after a series of scientific blunders by the United Nations body that issued it.

Can't wait to hear the apologists try to explain this one away.

The IPCC based their report on an article by the "New Scientist". NS based the article on a telephone interview with an Indian scientist who speculated that the glacier could melt.

Is this science? What happened to the peer review system?

It is clear that the people who refuse to accept global warming and climate change as facts are totally ignorant of science. Maybe they should take time to learn something before posting here.

It is clear that the people who refuse to accept global warming and climate change as facts are totally ignorant of science. Maybe they should take time to learn something before posting here.

Was that a typo? I think you meant: "It is clear that the people who blindly accept global warming and climate change as facts are totally ignorant of science. Maybe they should take time to learn something before posting here."

That makes much more sense.


Here is what Paul Watson, one of the founders of Greenpeace says about the current state of the Environmental Movement and what is happening with the climate change and the move to outlaw CO2 clearly shows this agenda.



Environmental extremists are anti-human. Humans are characterized as a cancer on the Earth. To quote eco-extremist Herb Hammond, "of all the components of the ecosystem, humans are the only ones we know to be completely optional". Isn't that a lovely thought?

They are anti-science and technology. All large machines are seen as inherently destructive and unnatural. Science is invoked to justify positions that have nothing to do with science. Unfounded opinion is accepted over demonstrated fact.

Environmental extremists are anti-trade, not just free trade but anti-trade in general. In the name of bioregionalism they would bring in an age of ultra-nationalist xenophobia. The original "Whole Earth" vision of one world family is lost in a hysterical campaign against globalization and free trade.

They are anti-business. All large corporations are depicted as inherently driven by greed and corruption. Profits are definitely not politically correct. The liberal democratic, market-based model is rejected even though no viable alternative is proposed to provide for the material needs of 6 billion people. As expressed by the Native Forest Network, "it is necessary to adopt a global phase out strategy of consumer based industrial capitalism." I think they mean civilization.

And they are just plain anti-civilization. In the final analysis, eco- extremists project a naive vision of returning to the supposedly utopian existence in the garden of Eden, conveniently forgetting that in the old days people lived to an average age of 35, and there were no dentists. In their Brave New World there will be no more chemicals, no more airplanes, and certainly no more polyester suits.



As Canadian businessman Maurice Strong (regarded as the godfather of the global warming crusade) says:

"Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring this about?"
As Canadian businessman Maurice Strong (regarded as the godfather of the global warming crusade) says:
"Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring this about?"

I wonder how much money Mr. Strong has taken in - in his Godfather role from said industrialized civilizations?

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