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Why Do Yanks Live In Thailand


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Either that or she is dislexic like bush

Perhaps they come here to learn how to spell, as it might well be a Freudian slip but the word is spelt "dyslexic" .

...Misspellings and grammar errors are considered bad netiquette, please proof read your post by clicking on preview before posting...


After I read maerim's post I've looked in the Forum rules for something like: Misspellings and grammar errors have to be tolerated... and found that above! What a fascistic attitude!

If TV feel no need to let "They" participate, delete my account :o


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First, economics: Thailand is far cheaper to live in.

Second, sex: I'm gay and hate being bashed.  Thailand's tolerant.

Third, work: Yes, it's easier to get a respectable job here, at my age.

Fourth, weather: Can't stand the cold, even in South Texas or Florida.

Fifth, friendliness: I may not understand what they're saying, but Thais are friendly.

Not in any particular order.

1. Because your a dirt cheap person.

2. Only on Silom soi 2 will poofters be tolerated (because they're all gay there).

3. Respectable ? Surely not in the eyes of farang counterparts.

4. Texas and Florida being too cold ? What <deleted>.

5. You may not understand them even they're bashing you as you haven't bothered trying to learn bloody Thai.

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To get away from the OJ Simpsons Jessica Simpsons Michael Jacksons Joey Buttafuocos Tonya Hardings Paris Hiltons et al.

To not have to live with serial killers and gangbangers and muggers.

To keep children away from kidnapping raping murderers who don't care if they are required to register as sex offenders.

To not have to attend schools that don't teach math or science but do have metal detectors and drugs and school shootings.

To not have to listen to or watch a sleazy tabloid corporate media propaganda machine.

To not have to lose everything with the collapse of the dollar and the bankrupt service economy.

To not have to survive the ensuing LA riots/Road Warrior social collapse with the burning cities and looting rioting mobs and gangs.

To not have to spend the rest of a lifetime in a third world banana republic if it survives the above.

Which I doubt.

Edited by thaiaan
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First, economics: Thailand is far cheaper to live in.

Second, sex: I'm gay and hate being bashed.  Thailand's tolerant.

Third, work: Yes, it's easier to get a respectable job here, at my age.

Fourth, weather: Can't stand the cold, even in South Texas or Florida.

Fifth, friendliness: I may not understand what they're saying, but Thais are friendly.

Not in any particular order.

1. Because your a dirt cheap person.

2. Only on Silom soi 2 will poofters be tolerated (because they're all gay there).

3. Respectable ? Surely not in the eyes of farang counterparts.

4. Texas and Florida being too cold ? What <deleted>.

5. You may not understand them even they're bashing you as you haven't bothered trying to learn bloody Thai.

You know, Custard, I don't particularly like Bush. I also think the American white has a lot of bad karma coming his way as the result of his massacres of the Native American Indian and his treatment of Negroes.

However I also now realise that in our midst are homo-phobic little pimples like you.

So when push comes to shove, I will more than gladly stand to attention to the sound of "The Land of the Free", saluting whilst pieces of slime like you are put up against the wall.

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First, economics: Thailand is far cheaper to live in.

Second, sex: I'm gay and hate being bashed.  Thailand's tolerant.

Third, work: Yes, it's easier to get a respectable job here, at my age.

Fourth, weather: Can't stand the cold, even in South Texas or Florida.

Fifth, friendliness: I may not understand what they're saying, but Thais are friendly.

Not in any particular order.

1. Because your a dirt cheap person.

2. Only on Silom soi 2 will poofters be tolerated (because they're all gay there).

3. Respectable ? Surely not in the eyes of farang counterparts.

4. Texas and Florida being too cold ? What <deleted>.

5. You may not understand them even they're bashing you as you haven't bothered trying to learn bloody Thai.

What a nasty post!

1. Don't say cheap, say value conscious.

2. Thailand is tolerant. Ladyboys in every village all over the country. However, it is in no way a gay paradise, and Thais in general aren't particularly pro gay or anything, but in general they won't commit antigay violence, will not disown their gay family, and would not be so rude as to post hatefullness.

3. No comment. This depends on the individual.

4. Well, parts of Florida and Texas can get chilly for some months, but that is a stretch.

5. What does that smile mean? Again, it is rare for a Thais to be directly rude this way. If you are saying they are rude because of the assumption of not knowing Thai, yes, that happens for sure. The other day some Thai vendor gossiped to a friend that I was ding dong, thinking ding dong to be a Thai expression, pretty funny. I kindly explained that ding dong is actually English, and that many of us know the Thai word ba also, we had a good laugh.

Edited by Thaiquila
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First, economics: Thailand is far cheaper to live in.

Second, sex: I'm gay and hate being bashed.  Thailand's tolerant.

Third, work: Yes, it's easier to get a respectable job here, at my age.

Fourth, weather: Can't stand the cold, even in South Texas or Florida.

Fifth, friendliness: I may not understand what they're saying, but Thais are friendly.

Not in any particular order.

1. Because your a dirt cheap person.

2. Only on Silom soi 2 will poofters be tolerated (because they're all gay there).

3. Respectable ? Surely not in the eyes of farang counterparts.

4. Texas and Florida being too cold ? What <deleted>.

5. You may not understand them even they're bashing you as you haven't bothered trying to learn bloody Thai.

Sorry to hear you don't enjoy Thailand tonight. Drunk? Can't get sex? Out of money?

Have a nice day tomorrow. :o

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According to the post, it says,"why do yanks live in Thailand" but should have read, "an open posting to bash septics, seppo's etc.." I can't believe some of the shallow minds that post on here. Personally I try and evaluate the person, not the country. Yeah, USA is not the greatest country in the world, and yes, full of a-holes but I know this first hand as I was born and grew up there. I enjoy Thailand because it's a little more laid back and the climates is great. I've got a great wife and excellent friends. What more could you want? I guess all of you have run into a lot of pricks from the U.S. and have evaluated all Americans on these actions. No wonder none of can get along. Have you been to the U.S.? BTW, I'm half Mexican and half American Indian and I'm not being oppressed and we all don't have a southern hillbilly backwoods accent. I personally have never owned a slave or thought of myself as a higher being. America does have a sordid history but take a look at your own countrys history :o . The past is past. In closing I'd just like to say that yes, George W. Bush is a fukcing Idiot! You know it, I know it the American people know it. :D

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I think e.e. cummings was commenting on how difficult it is to understand the thoughts of a bigot, and how ugly and how stupid the thoughts are. I found the poem disturbing so I guess she made her point.

On the lighter side...

dislexic...as in, "I am dis'n the lexicon."

I think americans are optimistic, outgoing, generous, and sincere sometimes this translates to stupid, stumbling, foolish and obnoxious. We may not know what country we are in but they sure are gonna FEEL it! :D:D:D:o

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The past is past. In closing I'd just like to say that yes, George W. Bush is a fukcing Idiot! You know it, I know it the American people know it. :o

But the majority STILL voted him in so that blows your argument right out of the water.

Why is it Americans can not laugh at themselves? Take a joke.... Geeezzzz the amount of times I've been called a convict or Jing Joe or a host of other names but just laugh it off. Did you know George Smilovich an Australian comedian was booted out of Iraq because the Americans thought his jokes were offensive? He was taking the piss of George Bushes policies, spoke the truth with tounge in cheek and they didn't like it. :D

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The past is past. In closing I'd just like to say that yes, George W. Bush is a fukcing Idiot! You know it, I know it the American people know it. :o

But the majority STILL voted him in so that blows your argument right out of the water.

Why is it Americans can not laugh at themselves? Take a joke.... Geeezzzz the amount of times I've been called a convict or Jing Joe or a host of other names but just laugh it off. Did you know George Smilovich an Australian comedian was booted out of Iraq because the Americans thought his jokes were offensive? He was taking the piss of George Bushes policies, spoke the truth with tounge in cheek and they didn't like it. :D

There you go with "Americans" like we're all the same. I can take a joke and I don't really care what people say about me personally. Mt point was generalization. The "majority" didn't vote him in, the electoral college did but that's another subject. Cheers :D

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The past is past. In closing I'd just like to say that yes, George W. Bush is a fukcing Idiot! You know it, I know it the American people know it. :o

But the majority STILL voted him in so that blows your argument right out of the water.

Why is it Americans can not laugh at themselves? Take a joke.... Geeezzzz the amount of times I've been called a convict or Jing Joe or a host of other names but just laugh it off. Did you know George Smilovich an Australian comedian was booted out of Iraq because the Americans thought his jokes were offensive? He was taking the piss of George Bushes policies, spoke the truth with tounge in cheek and they didn't like it. :D

There are some people on this forum who jump at every chance they get to bash americans. It kind of gets sicking and is no longer funny when thats all they do. This is thaivisa not america bashing visa.I am sure their is a forum out there somewhere for that and please find it post all the american bashing post you want.That way the people who read thaivisa will not be subjected to the constant digs on america when reading about thai subjects. I am not opposed to a good joke about americans here and there, but not every post warrants america bashing. If you have a good joke about americans,by all means post it. But don't get obsessed with it. Tongue and cheek is ok but all tongue is not.

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It must be pretty rubbish being American right now. The government has basically sold the people of the country out by putting profits first and the standard of living is plummeting. Idiots have voted, possible the biggest idiot of all the wreck the country even further, and everywhere in the world people assume Americans are all stupid, ignorant, lazy, fat, etc etc. I feel sorry for the Americans that don't fall into the stereotype, they're getting a pretty raw deal at the moment.

Edited by systemshock
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bmanly, I agree people can be too sensitive. Was Smilovidh entertaining Aussie soldiers? I don't know what he said so it's hard to judge. Entering a battlezone and making jokes which can generate quarreling amongst the troops is being insensitive to the situation. I'd make jokes about the food and lack of p*ssy.

"Yanks (if I can refer to the other thread) on the other hand, appear to stay in Thailand despite having little humour and no self irony – whatever beer they drink." - Merton

What's so funny about e.e. cummings poem about ignorant bigots? I didn't see your post as in line with lite hearted good humoured ribbing of mates. And then post we don't have a sense of humour and are a sour bunch? Badly done this time.

I opened the door a few times about Bush and US going into other countires w/ no sense of what is going on, fully expecting a few honest punches. If KerryD and some other Americans were here now, we'd proably put up a better effort having each other to play off of. So this is not an accurate account of us.

Edited by aughie
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Frankly, I think both Thailand and American are great countries! They both have their warts -- I've read enough about those in this very forum.

I am a Yank and proud of it -- I get angered when people who do not live here bash the choices of those who do. I would imagine Thais feel the same way, as well as the Germans, British and French (although I must admit the French are easy targets :o ).

I agree with PadkaPow Guy -- what triggers the anti-american sentiment? Probably a similar reaction to posts about Thaksin, right? Likely both quick response bashings are unwarranted.

Posters that simply read "america" and immediately start posting negatives should get a life.

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bmanly, I agree people can be too sensitive.  Was Smilovidh entertaining Aussie soldiers?  I don't know what he said so it's hard to judge.  Entering a battlezone and making jokes which can generate quarreling amongst the troops is being insensitive to the situation. I'd make jokes about the food and lack of p*ssy.

He was entertaining Americans as far as I know. Aussie comedians love taking the piss out of politicians and current situations but I've never really seen anyone get upset over it. As for the Iraq incident you could be right about that.

As for American bashing I don't think they get anymore than the Aussies, Brits or anyone else. I think the most whinging on these forums are against the Thais themself, ie: Why do Thais do this, say that, etc. Most expats have said to me they hated the Political Correctness in their home country. Thailand is a great place to get away from all that.

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This is getting entirely redundant and old having people bash America and Americans. Every country has skeletons in the closet, no country is perfect. If you personally dont like American foreign policy then thats fine, but to take your negative feelings about it and tagging each American citizen as a jerk because of it just shows how ignorant you are. As an American, I don't like Bush or approve of his actions but I am ready to start debating in favor of him with you just because I dislike your moronic ignorance even more.

Americans have just as much of a right to inhabit Thailand as Brits, Aussies, French, Canadians, Germans, Italians, Russians, or whoever else is there.

If your going to keep repeating your ignorant offences and bash ordinary Americans citizens because of something they have no control over, then you can kiss my Red, White & Blue A**!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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This is getting entirely redundant and old having people bash America and Americans.  Every country has skeletons in the closet, no country is perfect.  If you personally dont like American foreign policy then thats fine, but to take your negative feelings about it and tagging each American citizen as a jerk because of it just shows how ignorant you are.  As an American, I don't like Bush or approve of his actions but I am ready to start debating in favor of him with you just because I dislike your moronic ignorance even more. 

Americans have just as much of a right to inhabit Thailand as Brits, Aussies, French, Canadians, Germans, Italians, Russians, or whoever else is there.

If your going to keep repeating your ignorant offences and bash ordinary Americans citizens because of something they have no control over, then you can kiss my Red, White & Blue A**!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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I am an American...

and I want to live in Thailand, because my wife, is Thai, and she wants to live in Thailand. So eventually we shall up root and go. I look forward to the day.

As for the many bashing comments... no country is perfect. If your own home country was so perfect you guys would be their presently.

As far as I could not retire nicely in America.... wrong on that accord. I could stay at my job for the next 35 yrs. and retire quite well..... and die shortly there after. So I'd rather leave that rat race behind, and just live life with my wife and son and have live the thai life.

Cheers to you all

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