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Was Nearly Killed At Zebra Crossing Today !

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There should be more footbridge options for folks who have gene pool priority. The idiots will no doubt still keep crossing at ground level.


Surely it is the other way around, the smart and fast are able to dodge over, the unlucky or weak get hit or takes the footbridge across. :)

I usually try to walk over and put a commanding gaze at the driver ('s location on the window) and that seem to work to some extent.


Spanish matadors do well in Thai traffic. They are used to dodging charging bulls. Ole! Ole! Ole!

I seldom have a problem crossing a busy road. I just wait and time my dash. But, I'd sure hate to be an invalid of any kind who couldn't run. It is not much different than those crazy u-turn places in the highway where you have to start from a dead stop and go into a tight 180 turn in the face of charging traffic. It's kind of stimulating for the heart, and very much like a real live video game... only with life threatening possibilities.


If you get knocked down by a car on a zebra crossing here it's important to remember;

No 1 If you were'nt here the accident would never have happened therefore it's your fault.

No 2 You will have to pay an extortionate amount for the damage you have made to that persons vehicle.

No 3 Having bee treated for your injuries the hospital will charge you on the "two tier" price system



There is definately a chemical inbalance in the thai brain and can they become comlete idiots when behind the wheel.

My own thai wife, a lovely woman, cheerful, friendly, very loving has become a temporary homicidal maniac when she is driving, if she becomes stressed or upset. They take it very personal if one gets in their way. I think most of this is caused by complete lack of traffic enforcement.

Drivers here are on their own. I have never seen a thai cop pursue a vehicle or make a traffic stop on an individual vehicle.

Be careful out there. Its a jungle

There should be more footbridge options for folks who have gene pool priority. The idiots will no doubt still keep crossing at ground level.


Surely it is the other way around, the smart and fast are able to dodge over, the unlucky or weak get hit or takes the footbridge across. :)

I usually try to walk over and put a commanding gaze at the driver ('s location on the window) and that seem to work to some extent.

Is that what these guys are doing? I kind of like to pretend these folks are just paparazzi and drive right through. As long as your vehicle can still move, it's not really an accident scene.


Welcome to Thailand.

Yes, correctly phrase ,,,,"Welcome to Thailand" :D

I thought the Zebra crossing was where we supose to park.... :)

Welcome to Thailand.

Yes, correctly phrase ,,,,"Welcome to Thailand" :D

I thought the Zebra crossing was where we supose to park.... :D

Crossing the road in Bangkok is a speedy and wonderful cure for whiplash that no Australian physiotherapy can match. :)

There is definately a chemical inbalance in the thai brain and can they become comlete idiots when behind the wheel.

My own thai wife, a lovely woman, cheerful, friendly, very loving has become a temporary homicidal maniac when she is driving, if she becomes stressed or upset. They take it very personal if one gets in their way. I think most of this is caused by complete lack of traffic enforcement.

Drivers here are on their own. I have never seen a thai cop pursue a vehicle or make a traffic stop on an individual vehicle.

Be careful out there. Its a jungle

I played chicken the other day with some d*ckhead in a fancy Mercedes CLS, thought it was OK to go into the incoming traffic lane to overtake the line of cars that was starting to move at a green light... When I was in the aforementioned incoming lane... high beams on, stayed the course til the last minute... should have hit him and see what his insurance says ahhahahaah.. I don't subscribe to the "my car costs 20x more than yours, I have right of way" mentality

There is definately a chemical inbalance in the thai brain and can they become comlete idiots when behind the wheel.

My own thai wife, a lovely woman, cheerful, friendly, very loving has become a temporary homicidal maniac when she is driving, if she becomes stressed or upset. They take it very personal if one gets in their way. I think most of this is caused by complete lack of traffic enforcement.

Drivers here are on their own. I have never seen a thai cop pursue a vehicle or make a traffic stop on an individual vehicle.

Be careful out there. Its a jungle

I played chicken the other day with some d*ckhead in a fancy Mercedes CLS, thought it was OK to go into the incoming traffic lane to overtake the line of cars that was starting to move at a green light... When I was in the aforementioned incoming lane... high beams on, stayed the course til the last minute... should have hit him and see what his insurance says ahhahahaah.. I don't subscribe to the "my car costs 20x more than yours, I have right of way" mentality

I do the same as you! Great fun.


how long you beenin los then / you will soon enough realise there is no such thing as the green cross code here

Try walking across a zebra crossing pushing a Tesco trolley loaded with cement blocks. Or alternatively a 12 foot length of steel pipe held horizontally. Might stop the average jerk. Just joking. :D

"Nar" yer not far off as you put yer life [and trolley] in your hands going over the Zebra crossing in Tesco's car park. Try the one in Pattaya!! I'm off to buy some concrete blocks :) .

They should remove them all - Zebra crossings present a huge danger to unsuspecting tourists and are quite simply lethal.

I couldn't agree more - they NEED to go. I used to stop at them, but now no longer do because of the danger caused by tourists now thinking they can cross whereas in reality motorcycles and cars will continue screaming past me... TOURIST DEATH TRAPS

I second that motion ,they should remove the Zebra Crossings as they are a waste of time, and the markings for accidents waiting to happen. On the other hand station traffic control police to stop the flow of traffic to allow pedestrians to cross. Then again "pigs will fly first" :) .

What do you think why it is called zebra crossing?

Because it is place where zebras are allowed to cross the street.

Someone doesn't read the whole thread before throwing in his 2-cents.


my apologies you were the first one with the zebras.....

A terrible zebra joke copyright violation I hope you'll pardon me

I'll take it up with my attorney who handles wildlife matters...as long as his fee is below 2-cents.... :D

I think the worst case i've seen was just last week when there was a young (thai) mother crossing the street at a zebra crossing with a stroller. I stopped, but in the lane next to me cars were flying past; a taxi came literally 6inches away from smashing into the stroller.

When I stop at a pedestrian crossing, I worry that motorbikes will hit people who dare to cross. Motorbikes zip by mindlessly on either side, and wouldn't stop unless they absolutely had to.

I've also stopped while riding my motorbike for people to cross, and quixotically put both arms out to try and get vehicles behind me to do the same, but it's beyond silly to do that - indeed it's dangerous, given the deep selfishness which motivates driving in Thailand.

I think the worst case i've seen was just last week when there was a young (thai) mother crossing the street at a zebra crossing with a stroller. I stopped, but in the lane next to me cars were flying past; a taxi came literally 6inches away from smashing into the stroller.

When I stop at a pedestrian crossing, I worry that motorbikes will hit people who dare to cross. Motorbikes zip by mindlessly on either side, and wouldn't stop unless they absolutely had to.

I've also stopped while riding my motorbike for people to cross, and quixotically put both arms out to try and get vehicles behind me to do the same, but it's beyond silly to do that - indeed it's dangerous, given the deep selfishness which motivates driving in Thailand.

I've been rear-ended twice in Thailand--both times while stopped at a red traffic light at an intersection where the signal is ignored by most drivers. Break the law and stay alive! :)


....this is Thailand, not New Jersey, Manchester or Perth. Forget everything and start from there. Somnambulism is dangerous.


Anybody know where I can buy some heavy duty 6 inch thick foam to glue around the outside of my vehicle? I feel the need to play bumper cars in Thailand. :):D


There is a Zebra crossing at the market on Soi Watsee just down from my Mooban that seems to get white spray paint around it regularly (and I mean at least once a week, funnily enough the open market about 500 metres further into the Soi doesnt have one, but there are often traffic cops there stopping traffic to allow people to cross. I would like to think that Thai's may learn from the way I drive, So I am polite, I allow people to enter the traffic flow, cross into my lane (If they Indicate), and I stop at Zebra crossings to allow people to cross. I always acknowledge with a wave, when a Thai allows me out into traffic or slows to allow me to turn/manouver. Am I Pi**ing against the wind??, probably, but even my wife (who scares the c**p out of me when she drives) seems to think I get a lot more courtesy on the roads than usual. Having had the Five seeing habits and commentary drives rammed down my throat by my company, and also having taken advanced driver training (that is fun) I would like to think that if you show a lot of courtesy on the roads, when it is not readily apparent then that will possible be seen and remembered by a nation where (in my view) the little handy hold-all boxes built into the dash are not used for coins etc, but to deposit their brains when they enter their vehicle.

Then again I have days where I can have fun all day long watching people undertake me to get ahead and then indicate to get in front of me again......I just speed up and close the gap.



Zebra crossings should have never been copied in Thailand, they just don't work here. Thais have also no affinity with Zebra's so a solution may be to invent 'Panda Crossings'.

Panda's are revered, cute animals that touches every Thai, careless respectless behaviour on a Panda Crossing leads to bad luck and poverty.

As Panda's don't have that (so useful for a Zebra Crossing) black/white lined pattern a Panda Crossing will look slightly different from a Zebra Crossing. On both sides of the road there will be attractive Panda'ish decorations that can't be missed.

Panda Crossing are fun ! Stopping for a Panda Crossing brings good luck !


I have spoken to my Thai wife who actually has a driver licence. She tells me these crossings are where pedestrians "MUST" cross a road however in doing so they have to give way the vehicles on the road and can only cross when it is safe to do so. There is no requirement for vehicles to stop. Tried to explain to here that these crossing are of an international standard are there for peds to cross safely and vehicles must stop for peds on them. Never try to prove a thai wrong I found it is safer to use the crossings as thais see them rather than prove a thai wrong.

Road Rules in Thailand are printed as a guide only and to show the rest of the world that they have something resembling civilization. The rules are not something the police enforce because they have no idea what the rules are.

They should remove them all - Zebra crossings present a huge danger to unsuspecting tourists and are quite simply lethal.

In Thailand they are road paint without any point at all - Given the attitude of drivers in Thailand, its far safer to let people and tourists negotiate their own way through the traffic on their own terms.

I do feel especially for the elderly when trying to cross the road. And I hate it when I stop to let them cross and motorbikes and cars continue to scream past me.

if you do stop the bloke behind you wont.

Agreed - Stopping out of consideration actually makes it more dangerous for people crossing the road and I've nearly been the cause of an accident by simply allowing people to cross in front of me...

It's something that I have learnt while driving here - As politely as I would and like to drive at home, I'd create confusion and accidents if I drove with the same consideration here. People expect you not to give way and drive accordingly.

I think that you are missing the point! To drive on the road you should hold a current valid driving licence obtained by passing a test at a recognised Government Test Centre.

Prior to the test you are given literature to read and digest, this includes the function of zebra crossings and A.T.S. (Automatic Traffic Signals).

Either the majority of drivers have not taken the test (or 'brought' their driving license) or are just plain pig ignorant and inconsiderate of pedestrians, or in the case of A.T.S. are colour blind as none of them seem to recognise the colour red!


Ironically there is actually a law requiring drivers to yield to pedestrians in crosswalks. Of course you would never use them that way or you will be killed quite quickly. TIT. I myself was clipped by a TUk TUk on beach road about a month ago. Several tourists crossing both directions at walking street and Tuk Tuk, who appeared quite drunk, just carried on slowly through the crosswalk making all the tourists step back out for the way as the police looked on nearby. I didn't move enough and got clipped by his mirror.

on the whole drivers and pedestrians have cooperated with the new laws.

Really? :)

Back home, there's more fake friendliness on the road (there's so much friendly waving going on you'd think everyone knows everyone) and saving one's rude side for face to face encounters, while here there's more being fake face to face and your letting your 'evil' side loose on the roads. That said, there's plenty of folks of all nationalities who are pretty rude no matter what the environment.


Very interesting take. True the bit about all nationalities. Many times, including just yesterday on Samui, I have seen particularly insane, aggressive, dangerous drivers, even by Thai standards, turn out to be a farang.

My mate who works half time in Azerbaijaan says how much he enjoys coming back to the relatively good mannered and courteous Thai roadways.

Unfortunatly while driving in Thailand you have to drive as the Thais do. This includes blasting through Zebra crossings, otherwise the guy behind you will plough into your car or a taxi or bus will just drive on through regardless of how many children are trying to cross the road.

Very true. I find myself going through crosswalks often when back home I would have certainly stopped. I still do stop often, but you can only do this if you have plenty of time to slow, then as mentioned, be prepared to wait as the traffic flows around you and throught the crosswalk.

drive safe, and look both ways when crossing a one way street

Truer words were never spoken. Have you ever noticed the strange phenomenon which occurs when you are backing your car? There is some kind of magnetism at work or something because Thai's on motorbikes seem attracted to the area directly behind my car anytime the gear shifter is in reverse. I swear I have to jam the brakes 3 or 4 times. They have no fear, and come from every direction going very fast.


QUOTE (metisdead @ 2010-01-14 21:44:20)

on the whole drivers and pedestrians have cooperated with the new laws.


Scuba, go back to post #19 and read that again. The quote you quoted above was not my quote, the quote above is from that news article originally post by George.


on the whole drivers and pedestrians have cooperated with the new laws.


Scuba, go back to post #19 and read that again. The quote you quoted above was not my quote, the quote above is from that news article originally post by George.

Sorry. I knew that but I didn't realize I had mistakenly used your openquote. My comment: "Really? :) " was aimed at the knuckelhead that originally made the comment in the article. I play with quotes too much sometimes.

Road Rules in Thailand are printed as a guide only and to show the rest of the world that they have something resembling civilization. The rules are not something the police enforce because they have no idea what the rules are.

They are not driving rules, they are driving suggestions open to personal interpretation...


Truer words were never spoken. Have you ever noticed the strange phenomenon which occurs when you are backing your car? There is some kind of magnetism at work or something because Thai's on motorbikes seem attracted to the area directly behind my car anytime the gear shifter is in reverse. I swear I have to jam the brakes 3 or 4 times. They have no fear, and come from every direction going very fast.

Funny that, I have the same problem.

One time I was sat in traffic waiting at the lights and a fat thai kid about 15 years of age walked right into my car. Really, just walking along as they do and just walked straight into the car. The drivers door, not just bumped the back or something, he walked straight into the door! What a nob??? I couldn't believe it. He hit the car so hard that I nearly got out to check for dents. Unreal.

Now back to Zebra crossings, they should all be moved and bridges or tunnels should be put in all over the place. The center of the roads should have a concrete wall to stop people walking accross and most importantly the wall will stop pleps driving on the wrong side of the roads.


Best to use the ones with an overhead flashing yellow light. I slow down for them & ride a motorcycle. I plan to yeild to anyone who is inside one.

recently had a bad dream concerning this topic. Best to use the overheads.

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