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Maybe the best thing is to get the girl tested in about a week or so.

Tests can be purchased fairly cheaply at your nearest Boots or Watsons in 2 packs if you want to try later.

Let us all know how it goes and congratulations i suppose are in order.

Luk kreung falang - quite a cute baby.

Your local embassy will be able to help with visas for the missus and citizenship for the little one. Best to start planning now and getting the paperwork done.

So I'm playing "hide the salami" with this Thai chick I picked up the other night.  After the "game" is over, I pull out, and much to my complete and utter horror, I find that the condom had broke and tore off.  All I had was a small "ring" around the base.  The rest was up inside her.  In other words, my entire meat was pretty much entirely exposed to whatever diseases and crotch-rot this chick has.

So right away I start on doxycycline - as directed.  I also had some of that antibiotic used for gastro-intestinal (norofloxacin) - and I started popping that as directed too.  I took both for two days only, thinking that whatever I must have gotten from this chick had not had time to "get a foothold" yet, so to speak.

Anyway, I'm hoping this would at least protect me from the "common cold" venereal diseases (gonorreah, clymidia, syphillis, etc.) I could have gotten... and so far I don't seem to be suffering from any symptoms of anything yet.  But I'm still worried, of course.

Question:  Was this the correct course of action?  Or should I have taken more, or different, antibiotics?  Or for a longer period of time?  Is there something else I should take to treat something else that those two antibiotics I listed will not touch?

Of course, I already know I'm screwed if this chick had AIDS, Hep-C, etc.  And genital warts and herpes are incurable too.  I'm only asking about stuff that we all know is treatable.

Any advice helpful.  Thanks.

same thing happened to me, but i was as worried about the girl. I paid for the doctor and got us both checked out, we were both clean as a whistle and she was not preger's :o . She is now my gf and we are very happy together. u should try and show a little respect, "my entire meat was pretty much entirely exposed to whatever diseases and crotch-rot this chick has." i really hope it falls off before you can inflict urself on some other poor lady tryin to make ends meet!!!!


I dunno, I mean, I regularly go around sticking my weiner into things that I assume are unsanitary. Like just the other day, I saw a dead rabbit on the side of the road, and next thing you know... took a few days to get the smell off. I had packs of wild dogs following me around all week.

Man, if I was you, I'd be trying to remain anonymous too. How come all your threads seem to end with you saying 'I thought this was a good place to come for advice, but I guess I was wrong'? I bet you're even more fun in person. But fortunately, even for you, there is a wholistic procedure you can undertake to rid you of your problem.

First, you will need to find a sturdy tree or telephone pole, and have a friend help you to tie your hands together, behind your back, and around the tree/pole/whatever. Next, your friend will offer passers-by the opportunity to do their part to help you out, by getting a running start and kicking you as hard as they can in your genitalia. This serves to break apart the bacterial colonies forming there, preparing them for evacuation. Next you will need to perform alternating applications of hot and cold -- you do this by sitting in a bucket of ice water for five minutes, then applying hot coals to your "salami" for five minutes. Repeat this procedure for one hour; this upsets the bacteria and they start looking for a new place to live. The next step is to apply electrical current to your genitals; this is most easily accomplished by hooking them up to a car battery, usually the positive electrode on one testicle and the negative on the other. Then switch the electrodes to run the current through in the other direction; bacteria don't like to be electrocuted any more than you or I do, and they will likely move on. Step 4 is a bleach treatment; you will need to sit in a tub of bleach for a minimum of half an hour; bleach of course kills bacteria, so any stubborn little fellas tht didn't leave before will be running for cover. Step 5, obtain a sturdy length of rope, affix one end to the end of your johnson, and the other to the bumper of a car. Have a friend accelerate rapidly. Repeat several times; the way this works is a little more complicated, but trust me, it is a vital step and you must do it for this treatment to work. Next, you will need to purchase a standard firecracker, which you will insert into your urethra, light it, and plug your ears. This will leave your penis looking like one of the exploding cigars you see in cartoons. No woman will ever touch it, and you will never have to worry about getting a sexually transmitted disease again.

Thailand and other countries in Asia are not your personal sexual playground; these are real people, and they deserve respect. You, on the other hand, do not. Good luck with your real estate venture.

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