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Rubber Estate


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Hi Guys: here is my penneth for what its worth....

We have a total of about 70 Rai of ruber trees, we purchased this in two lots...25 rai of mature and negleted trees ( not poorly tapped or abused but just not tapped). The rest was adjacent land with immature trees but well fertilsed but a bit overgrown. All ths was 4 years ago...

After several false starts ans buildinga house on the immature farm my wife is now tapping the 500 mature trees heled by varius rellies and local adjacent farmers when we need a break.

Current rubber prices are now yielding us in the region of 1200baht per day for dried in cup rubber....cutting three resting one ( the wife went to rubber school lol... and says this is okay). This is from the 25 rai where not all trees are even now not tappable. ( there is about 650 trees I guess).

The most work is collecting the f..g heavy rubber and marching with it over two clicks total lol. The other major work is hain someone ( FIL in this case ) brush cut the farm makes a big difference to wifes' safety from snakes etc.

Other issues of course includes fertilizing ( May..) and painting cut area with anti fungal when the trees get wet..then there is ants building mud up the trees and rainy season/leaf shed times when we cannot cut.

All up considering the investment for the harvestable trees we are getting in excess of 12%pa ROI so its is a viable business..the income pays all our bills including my beer, diesel and the miriad of need to take care family..demands...lol

Big learning curve but the whole of the wifes family are rubber farm owners...so that helps

good luck.... feel free to pm if needs must


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi guys:

I've been reading all the rubber tree forums for some years now.

My wife and I have 55 Rai of trees in various stages, 1 year up to 6+ years. She and the family say one plot is ready to start tapping.

I remember reading on one of the forums about a goverment guy you could contact in Udon Thani who could come out and inspect the property and give a talk to the local experts (ie family) I believe James Collister had the info. Does anyone have the telephone number to contact this fellow? I would really like someone official to come out to inspect and speak, I've been here long enough to know they don't listen to the falang.

Other than buying and paying for everything for some years I know nothing about the prodution end of things so its about to get interesting for me.

Thanks for any information

Ken Wonitoy

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Hi guys:

I've been reading all the rubber tree forums for some years now.

My wife and I have 55 Rai of trees in various stages, 1 year up to 6+ years. She and the family say one plot is ready to start tapping.

I remember reading on one of the forums about a goverment guy you could contact in Udon Thani who could come out and inspect the property and give a talk to the local experts (ie family) I believe James Collister had the info. Does anyone have the telephone number to contact this fellow? I would really like someone official to come out to inspect and speak, I've been here long enough to know they don't listen to the falang.

Other than buying and paying for everything for some years I know nothing about the prodution end of things so its about to get interesting for me.

Thanks for any information

Ken Wonitoy

Hi Ken

The village head man will know who the Government Agriculture man is for your area. He normally does his rounds to each area every few months. Or you can go to the Amphor Office and see them there. The trick is to get the guy over for lunch or a picnic on the plantation, a bottle of johnny and a good feed and you have a friend for life.

Hope that is of some help Jim

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  • 10 months later...

My farm at Ubon want to sale :details

40 Rai of rubber tree (about 3,200 trees) and 7 rai an orchard

Total 47 rai( 75,200 M3 ) rubber tree plants 8 year old

2 houses and all tools in farm ,1 fish pond ,1 pond ,1 deep well pond ,

electricity form power station

Only 8,420,000 Baht (280,000 USD)

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My farm at Ubon want to sale :details

40 Rai of rubber tree (about 3,200 trees) and 7 rai an orchard

Total 47 rai( 75,200 M3 ) rubber tree plants 8 year old

2 houses and all tools in farm ,1 fish pond ,1 pond ,1 deep well pond ,

electricity form power station

Only 8,420,000 Baht (280,000 USD)

contract [email protected]

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