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Uk Visa Agency Issues

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Greetings one & all. This is my first ever post on this site, so here goes...

I would like to voice my utter frustration and anger at the 'staff' of the UK visa agency (Regents house). In hindsight, I was extremely naive in believing the lies of the Thai that hustled me inside from the moment I stepped out of the taxi...

My story is this - On my first trip to said agency, I was told that there would be no problem at all in obtaining a visa for my GF if I return with a few extra items of paperwork and the standard visa fees of 3,800 baht. Imagine my surprise then, when upon my return I was told (by the same person) that there was now no way that she would get a visa based on her current situation (which hadn't changed since the last time) However if I pad them 20,000 baht they would rush the visa through for me. I laughed in their face.

After a little research, I returned for a third time accompanied by every conceivable item of paperwork and was invited to speak with a Thai lady who I was reliably informed was the 'manager' of the department. She even had her own office. From the minute I sat down I knew it was a mistake. She didn't care about anything I had to say, and reiterated what I was told on my last visit which was that there was no way she'd get a visa. She did tell me however, that out of the kindness of her heart, she'd sell me one. This time though, the price had gone up. Apparently the going rate was now 25,000 baht. I stood up and walked out without comment.

Anyway, here's my situation as it stands:

-Been with my Thai GF for over four years (lived with her at various locations across Bangkok for the duration)

-She is currently unemployed after quitting her job due to a dispute with her boss over pay

-Has met my parents in person on several occasions during holidays they have taken in TL

-I have all the neccesaries: photo's/emails/contracts/utility bills/bank statements etc

The plan is for her to come with me to Blighty for no longer than a few weeks. We will stay with my parents for the duration (they have written a letter confirming this) and the trip will be funded by me (with money from my UK account)

I believe that my problem lies with our inability to prove a reason for her return. To do this I have aquired the followiing:

1) A letter written by her and signed by her aunt (her only family) confirming the very close nature of their relationship as well as the fact that she knows about the trip

2) A contract from the owner of the house we currently live in to say we will be requiring it for another year

3) A contract from my employer to offer me the position for another year.

Short of these few things, I cannot think of anything else that could help me with this dilemma. I'm really hoping the next trip I make to the agency will truly be my last. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance (TFF: Truly Frustrated Falang)!!!!!!!!!!

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If you are non-resident with regards to the UK and have a job to return to in Thailand, prove and point this out in the covering letter - noting that you can only stay for a max of three months in a tax year with regard to UK - and you should be okay given the length of the relationship etc.

Oh, and go to the correct visa office (on the right before the one you have been going into) rather than the visa AGENCY

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I would like to voice my utter frustration and anger at the 'staff' of the UK visa agency (Regents house).

It sounds like you have not been inside the UK visa application centre at all.

Unfortunately, there is a visa agent based in Regents House and they deliberately try to convince the unwary that they are in some way official. (If the events you describe did occur inside the actual VAC then you must immediately contact the visa section at the British embassy and report this malpractice.)

UKVAC staff are all in uniform. No uniform means they are not VAC staff.

UKVAC staff will check your application and supporting documents and will advise you if either are incomplete. If so, they'll ask you if you would like to withdraw the application and resubmit it once you have corrected the errors, but must forward it to the embassy if you insist.

They will not offer any other forms of advice.

They will not charge you anything for any advice they may give you.

They cannot guarantee success.

They will not make any charges, other than the visa fee and other small fees for ancillary services such as photocopying.

See this topic for more discussion on this scam.

With regards to your actual application, I can see no reason for you to have any difficulty;

You live with her in Thailand, and can prove it.

You work in Thailand, and can prove it.

You have accommodation for the visit, and can prove it. Just make sure your parents describe the property to show that there is at least one room for your exclusive use. It is also a good idea to provide proof of ownership, if they own, or a landlord's letter giving you permission to stay if they rent.

You don't say, but I assume you can afford the trip, and can prove it.


Visitors: Visiting family; friends; as a tourist

INF2 Visitors

Spouse/Partner of British Citizen (Based in Thailand) going to the UK for a visit (family visit) – Check List

How to Apply

And take special note of the following advice, which appears on the British embassy website and, in slightly different form, the UKVAC one

Use of visa agents

There are a number of visa agents in operation throughout Thailand, prospective applicants may choose to use them in order to support or prepare their entry clearance application. It is important to note that these agents are in no way whatsoever connected to the Embassy. They have no influence over the outcome of an application. Our outsource partner, VFS Global, operates from the UK Visa Application Centre. Their staff are clearly identifiable by their uniform.

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A little update unless you have actually witnessed the circus at UK/VAC I'm not surprised people get confused .

They stopped me outside and said i could not enter with my client however the agency next door was coming in and out quite freely ?

And people ask me why we take the client to submit the applications, simply because we was having various problems at UK/VAC with non registered agents.

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Who stopped you? VFS staff? Building security? Someone else?

Perhaps a complaint to the embassy is in order?

I cannot conceive of any legitimate reason why staff of any agency should be allowed in and out of the VAC when sponsors are not allowed to accompany applicants inside.

But I also find it difficult to accept that VFS would allow their relationship and many contracts with UKBA to be jeopardised by collusion with any agency, let alone one with dubious practises.

Perhaps they are collecting passports for their clients, as your courier does for you.

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If you are non-resident with regards to the UK and have a job to return to in Thailand, prove and point this out in the covering letter - noting that you can only stay for a max of three months in a tax year with regard to UK - and you should be okay given the length of the relationship etc.

Oh, and go to the correct visa office (on the right before the one you have been going into) rather than the visa AGENCY

Thanks a lot for that - I knew I was going to the wrong place with regards the location, but didn't want to return to make the same mistake again. Maybe it will be a case of fourth time lucky...!!

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Who stopped you? VFS staff? Building security? Someone else?

Perhaps a complaint to the embassy is in order?

I cannot conceive of any legitimate reason why staff of any agency should be allowed in and out of the VAC when sponsors are not allowed to accompany applicants inside.

But I also find it difficult to accept that VFS would allow their relationship and many contracts with UKBA to be jeopardised by collusion with any agency, let alone one with dubious practises.

Perhaps they are collecting passports for their clients, as your courier does for you.

It seems from the advice I have received so far that I was entering the wrong department in the first place. However I wasn't stopped by anyone - quite the opposite. I was actually hustled by a Thai man into the building from the minute I stepped out of the taxi. I was then offered a table where he sat with me and my GF and went through our paperwork. The same man spotted us on both our second and third visits with the same outcome. I foolishly assumed this was standard procedure and the wheels were now in motion. My fourth visit will be made with a lot more care and attention...

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Who stopped you? VFS staff? Building security? Someone else?

I wasn't stopped by anyone

My questions were directed to TVE following his post immediately prior.

Sorry if this wasn't clear, and apols for the confusion caused.

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Who stopped you? VFS staff? Building security? Someone else?

Perhaps a complaint to the embassy is in order?

I cannot conceive of any legitimate reason why staff of any agency should be allowed in and out of the VAC when sponsors are not allowed to accompany applicants inside.

But I also find it difficult to accept that VFS would allow their relationship and many contracts with UKBA to be jeopardised by collusion with any agency, let alone one with dubious practises.

Perhaps they are collecting passports for their clients, as your courier does for you.

Its not my courier its the standard courier service they offer but they deliver the applications directly to our office as explained before, and i have emailed UK/VAC waste of time standard response.

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