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Test drive our new forum software


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We have made a test installation of the new forum software that we plan to launch later this week.

Please help us to post new topics there and make replies.

(You must register first).

We will migrate all posts, member, memebrs profiles and passwords from this old board to the new board.

All postings and registrations in the beta forum will be deleted before we start the migration - so it's just a "beta test".

Please help us to check that everything works well.

Click here to beta test the new forum!

Welcome with your suggestions!

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Hi George,

Your new up-dated BETA software,  is working, but mmmmmmmmmm ,slow and then really not at all. (working)

Anyway George ---- Chok Dee Karp --- with your new software.


Just trying to help this board with their new Software by posting.


Let us all help, KEEP POSTING.

Warm regards

Kan Win  :cool:

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Hi George,

Your new up-dated BETA software,  is working, but mmmmmmmmmm ,slow and then really not at all. (working)

Anyway George ---- Chok Dee Karp --- with your new software.


Just trying to help this board with their new Software by posting.


Let us all help, KEEP POSTING.

Warm regards

Kan Win  :cool:

We are fine tuning now, so please welcome back and test. Me and Phazey are playing with it right now, everybody welcome!

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you are playing with it, i am (attempting) to break it :D

Initial impressions for board members: it's pretty, i noticed zip'd compression is on (quickness) it also looks pretty (more gfx to download - but enough to show your mum/grandma/wife/gf/dog and say -"look, wow!")

all in all a definate improvement, but with all upgrades and beta testings, i beg again on G's behalf - we need more people in there to test it and try to break it - it's more like a PM chat right now, how about getting the community helping the community... :o

All respects to thaivisa.com for keeping us on the bleeding edge.


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you are playing with it, i am (attempting) to break it B)

Initial impressions for board members: it's pretty, i noticed zip'd compression is on (quickness) it also looks pretty (more gfx to download - but enough to show your mum/grandma/wife/gf/dog and say -"look, wow!")

all in all a definate improvement, but with all upgrades and beta testings, i beg again on G's behalf - we need more people in there to test it and try to break it - it's more like a PM chat right now, how about getting the community helping the community... B)

All respects to thaivisa.com for keeping us on the bleeding edge.



I did try to help a little, but then you went down ALL DAY today........


sort out your bits and pieces and sure they will all be back.


Is the Good Dr. on holiday or day off, as I have not seen him post today  ???  ::o:

Chok Dee Krap

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Iguess that you all are joking overthere!

only 13 members registered ... and keep on talking about!

hey, what did you test?

may I say for a test we should be more logged on!

you like the new forum, nice, so go to it ...

come on move move and write as much as you do here  :o

won't hurt, but will help George .. I guess :cool:

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Looks good George,

Just put in a thread about Forum Puns and it worked fine.

Tip for testers - dont try and log in, just post unregistered.  I dont think our old Usernames are supposed to work there yet while its under Beta (righ?)

Apart from that, it works better in Quotes/Hyperlinks, as the cursor on the old board always jumps back to the home position and is half the reason why most posters fark up their "quotes" and hyperlinks.  Whole look feels good, seems faster too, but that may be only due to light traffic at the moment.

good luck

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