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(Mods on to plot point lower)

As with any website and any forum it changes with time.

The Nation coming in in some ways helped

and in some ways may have retarded parts of TVF

depending on the observers views.

I suspect that Admin in general sees it as beneficial.

And I believe they are still negotiating with B.Post for rights to link directly.

Video killed the radio star and internet killed the mass market journal,

it just hasn't fully died yet, same for many 60's rockstars.

So it is logical that B. Post is trying to protect their web share and paper sales,

by not letting Nation's web arm have free access.

With the Nation AND the Bangkok Post both having histories of Thaksin plotting

to silence their dissenting voices to his policies, and attempts at shutting down

their investigations into his government, as well ass opposition party free speach

up north in TRT/PPP/PPP strongholds or marginal constituencies.

it's no wonder there is a great dislike for him at either journal.

And it is also in this day and age logical to allow extra editorial discussions

via web boards aligned with one side or another.

So the anti-Thaksin sentiments are logically at home where Thaksin plotted to erase dissenting opinions.

He has not succeeded here since many red side posters DO get their words out regularly.

And it seems to be still in his cross hairs as a PR exercise through 'some posters', if not most or many.


Just as Thaksin gets more desperate, so do his apologists spending some time now complaining about the Nation, Bangkok Post etc. Aim? To push the topic away from Thaksin's illegal finances.

Just as Thaksin gets more desperate, so do his apologists spending some time now complaining about the Nation, Bangkok Post etc. Aim? To push the topic away from Thaksin's illegal finances.

Very observant

Just as Thaksin gets more desperate, so do his apologists spending some time now complaining about the Nation, Bangkok Post etc. Aim? To push the topic away from Thaksin's illegal finances.

Truth is the Thai media has never been entirely, if at all, balanced. It's not a recent phenomenon, so why now are certain members so up in arms about it all?

Getting on your high horse about the quality of journalism in this country means little if you dismount the moment it swings back in favour of your own standpoint.


Where in the world is the media balanced?

CNN / Fox News

London Times / Sun

NY Times / NY Post.

Discourse of Du La Front National / La Travier Socialist

Any agreements here, not much me thinks.

One side gladly distorts the others reasoning to make points.

A lot like debating in TVF.

Just as Thaksin gets more desperate, so do his apologists spending some time now complaining about the Nation, Bangkok Post etc. Aim? To push the topic away from Thaksin's illegal finances.

All newspapers to a degree have over their lifetimes moved their political stance to feather the nests of their owners. These papers would be around Thaksin's trough in a second if it made their bank balance stronger. It isn't as though when it was rumoured that AIS was using advertising revenue pressure to influence the Nation or BP, they stood on principle and turned down the $$$.

My other experience in watching this is largely UK based, where fortunately there are a range of daily quality and tabloid papers. The Sun is believed to be able to make or break a government by endorsing a party one way or another. Some do have stable political bias, it is interesting at least in the UK that Murdoch's print media appears to go which ever way suits his 5 year business plan.

I wouldn't expect anything less sophisticated anywhere in the world from "most" newspapers.

Interesting how many you highlight are part of News Corp. including both the London Times and The Sun as well as NY Post, Fox.


Wasn't his Times purchase a lame shqam show at even handedness?

Murdock must be a model for a number of Thais Journal owners...


Do or die plots are just another PAD and yellow smokescreen.

Designed to mask the real issue of why the people are being denied democracy and an election, at gunpoint

Interesting how many you highlight are part of News Corp. including both the London Times and The Sun as well as NY Post, Fox.


Wasn't his Times purchase a lame shqam show at even handedness?

Murdock must be a model for a number of Thais Journal owners...

Not perfect that Murdoch owns quite so many of them, but at least he is out there and in your face about his politics and money making ethos.

The funny thing is, his channels reach so many people, that his influence on government policy concerning satellite TV is very major.

Do or die plots are just another PAD and yellow smokescreen.

Designed to mask the real issue of why the people are being denied democracy and an election, at gunpoint

Where are the guns? Oh yes. I remember now. That was Thaksin's redshirt commandos threatening to blow up a BKK neighborhood with a gas tanker, and then murdering unarmed civilians at a market.

^ Scroll up to the logo, which now reads The Nation Thai Visa Forum



/edit add link//

:) Thanks for the link; I missed that announcement ideed.

Sad to conclude, for quite some time already, that ThaiVisa is almost exclusively publishing news from The Nation, a rather biased news source to put it mildly. :D

I miss the previous "Old" ThaiVisa were news from many sources was published.

Where's the independent ThaiVisa it once was? :D


Come on LaoPo. You don't rely on TV for your news. For sure, I don't. Still, we are able to comment as we wish (more or less). What is wrong with this?

Do or die plots are just another PAD and yellow smokescreen.

Designed to mask the real issue of why the people are being denied democracy and an election, at gunpoint

Where are the guns? Oh yes. I remember now. That was Thaksin's redshirt commandos threatening to blow up a BKK neighborhood with a gas tanker, and then murdering unarmed civilians at a market.

Dustybin has unwittingly gotten it right. The biggest reason for not having elections right now is Thaksin metaphorically holding a gun against the heads of the Thai people. Preventing campaigners from spreading their word by threats of, and actual, violence, while his hired followers disseminate lies about the legitimacy and deeds of the current government, aren't exactly conducive to democracy. I'd go so far to say that if the Samak government had actually gotten on with running the country, rather than trying to get Thaksin back as soon as it could, they would have had a far greater chance of still being in power. If the PTP opposition came up with some policies, rather than trying to get Thaksin back as fast as it can, then it would have a more credible case for elections. We currently have a democratically elected government. The biggest setback to any further elections is Thaksin.

^ Scroll up to the logo, which now reads The Nation Thai Visa Forum



/edit add link//

:) Thanks for the link; I missed that announcement ideed.

Sad to conclude, for quite some time already, that ThaiVisa is almost exclusively publishing news from The Nation, a rather biased news source to put it mildly. :D

I miss the previous "Old" ThaiVisa were news from many sources was published.

Where's the independent ThaiVisa it once was? :D


Come on LaoPo. You don't rely on TV for your news. For sure, I don't. Still, we are able to comment as we wish (more or less). What is wrong with this?




Do or die plots are just another PAD and yellow smokescreen.

Designed to mask the real issue of why the people are being denied democracy and an election, at gunpoint

Where are the guns? Oh yes. I remember now. That was Thaksin's redshirt commandos threatening to blow up a BKK neighborhood with a gas tanker, and then murdering unarmed civilians at a market.

Dustybin has unwittingly gotten it right. The biggest reason for not having elections right now is Thaksin metaphorically holding a gun against the heads of the Thai people. Preventing campaigners from spreading their word by threats of, and actual, violence, while his hired followers disseminate lies about the legitimacy and deeds of the current government, aren't exactly conducive to democracy. I'd go so far to say that if the Samak government had actually gotten on with running the country, rather than trying to get Thaksin back as soon as it could, they would have had a far greater chance of still being in power. If the PTP opposition came up with some policies, rather than trying to get Thaksin back as fast as it can, then it would have a more credible case for elections. We currently have a democratically elected government. The biggest setback to any further elections is Thaksin.

The reason why they behave like this is that Thaksin is the paymaster and conductor (though some don't have to be told what to do). If Thaksin has his wealth stripped on Feb 26, then there is a risk of the money train grinding to a halt. Causing mayhem in the next few weeks 'elevates' Thaksin as a potential 'peacemaker' and keeps him still in the game and one hand continuing to claw at the money.


Not sure how "causing mayhem" elevates the man to status of peacemaker?

A peacemaker brings two waring sides together and stops violence,

and then settles the issue quiet and non-violently.

Saying you will not cause more violence, like that which you just started is not peacemaking.

Extortionist, blackmailer, brigand, traitor and insurrectionist all come to mind though.


Sondhi has succesfully gotten his revenge for Thaksin successfully ruining him in '97

and thus removing competition in telecoms... Thaksin could have brought him into

the devaluation scam, but didn't purposely. But inadvertently Thaksin created a

vengefull and media savy wraith that caused his own downfall.

When you ruin a former friend and gloat about it, that former friend often knows

your own weak points and can use them best against you.

Sondhi is is naught more than Thaksin's self-created nemesis.

The foot he shot so many years ago turned gangrenous and has since fallen off.

Not sure how "causing mayhem" elevates the man to status of peacemaker?

Saying you will not cause more violence, like that which you just started is not peacemaking.

Extortionist, blackmailer, brigand, traitor and insurrectionist all come to mind though.

Of course the violence will not be his fault, oh no, but he will put himself forward as the only one who can calm things down, oh yes.

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