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Incorrect. Kasikorn (Silom Main branch) gave me internet banking on my savings account with passport only.

Its seems that no bank in Thailand will let you check your account on internet if you don't have a work permit. And anyway if you can do it and have a problem (pirated account, etc...) they won't be responsible for anything (and I guess they also don't want you to complain, so better not give you any access!). So nice, at least they are a little bit aware about how unsecure are their internet access...

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Hi everybody, here is a WARNING to all of you that are in the quest to have internet banking in Thailand via thru THAI BANKS.

First off their systems are NOT SECURED like it is in USA or in some other countries. THAILAND has a load of HACKERS that crack the system repeatly.

Secondly, many of their systems are not really set up for overseas internet money transfers and such is done VIA WIRES ONLY via the HQ. I have no problem with Kasikornbank, in receiving money from abroad, but it sure is a big hassle to send money out of here to your overseas Bank. They are a real stickler about any money leaving here. Even when you do so, they do ask you a lot of questions and want the reasons to know why your sending money out of Thailand to your own personal account ETC, AND ETC AND ETC. To me that alone violates my right to privacy when it goes to my legit account overseas, so the max they allow per transaction from personal accounts here is 50,000 Baht as I was told when I first started doing so. So if you want to send more you have to do multi transactions on different days.

The beauty of this is once they know who you are, like they do to me, is when I mention I want to transfer money out, presto they give me VIP service now and they not ask me any questions anymore and they allow me to send more if I wish. It goes out via WIRE TRANSFER. Non is done via internet banking. Even tho I wish I can do such, but at least I am protecting my money in the Bank from the frickin hackers.

HACKING in Thailand is very much ACTIVE. There are many pros out here that can even crack into your own computer. So trust me and believe me on this.

It is very true that the Banks here are very leery of allowing internet banking since they are not secured and safe. It is well known to the Banks that such has repeatly been broken into.

However if you go to CitiBank you stand a much better chance of having a secured and safe internet banking. They use encryption and they variate it quite often to thwart HACKERS. You can open your accounts there since they do cater to FOREIGNERS. You can have basically all the requirements and receipts of such transfers from abroad such as Thailand requires etc, and still have pretty much the benefits and more than what Thai Banks can give to you.

This is the information that has been told to me. And of course I opened my account just on a B-Visa and no work permit about 2 years ago. Now they have changed the rules about roughly one and a half years ago requiring that foreigners having a work permit. I simply beat the deadline when I got mine, because it became effective like 2 months later. So in a sense I lucked out.


I could also point out that a high level of 'defaults' may well stem from a low level of service.. If you sign up for a one year plan of 2 Mbit internet and get 100 Kb/s internet and cancel or stop paying after a month or so is it really the fault of the user ??

I have had 2 long arguments with IPStar and JI net.  With IPStar I cancelled the service but they just kept on billing me (like they did for the 4 - 6 months when the srevice was either unusable or completely down a couple of years back).  With JINet I sent them emails with read reciepts to billing and support cancelling my JINet agreement at a certain date.  They continue to send bills and every time I get one I send another email to JI Net billing and support (again with read reciepts) and yet they just keep sending bills and keep saying I owe them ever increasing amounts of money.

Is that defaulting ?? or is it just ass backwards service ???

Must of hired some old AOL employees.


I'm not so sure blaming the 'lurkers' or farang kee nok for defaulting on the True ADSL contracts is reasonable. There are many professional farangs out here (woth Work Permits) who sign up to the one year ADSL contract but then move house or get transferred out of the country. Either way True get's stiffed. I can see their point. Of course people with work permits could still get transferred or leave before the year is up anyway..True is just trying to limit the defaults.

Now the banks are another matter. A savings account in a foreigner's name receives zero percent interest. Apparently this is for 'non-resident' foreigners..which I can never really understand. If I have a work permit am I 'resident' or non'resident'? Do they mean 'permament' resident? There are probably only a couple of hundred farang 'permanent residents' in Thailand, and I understand the government doesn't award these very often any more in any event.


i would not have internet banking in thailand et all, for all reasons and purposes mentioned before :o

opening bank accounts here is easy, i even openend one with a international drivers licence, true was a piece of cake, only gave them my drivers licence :D

moral of the story, pay your bills on time and nobody will bother you, and smile a lot will help :D


I'm living just outside Chiangmai (15 mins drive) .... it took me two years to get an ADSL line installed .... TT&T+loxinfo partnership .... it was eventually installed in January.

Bugger that! I thought i had a lon wait down here in Krabi - 5 months to get TOT ADSL put in. B1000/month for Goldcyber...quality generally OK but it does drop out occasionally when they stop pulling the string between the 2 plastic cups tight enough.


It seems the requirements vary from company to company...

I and my (non-Thai) wife applied for a satellite connection through CSLoxinfo in August last year and were told it would take "a week to ten days". It actually took five!

No work permit needed - just a copy of my passport and tourist visa.


Kasikorn Bank (old name Thai Farmers Bank) provide internet banking to a Farang without WP... Fairly easy process...

If you are working here - GET A WORK PERMIT

Moving on

If you are a tourist then you really don't need ADSL, as you are here on holiday.

Sorry but what a stupid comment.. I have been here 3.5 years I intend to stay permaently.. The Thai authorities have deemed that there is no legit visa I can have (under 50 not married).

Why should I get a WP ?? I am not going to work.. Totally backward narrow minded view from considering your perspective and no one elses..

Plus the why do you need ADSL to use the internet is just such a stupid comment it doesnt even bear thinking about (I beta test video compression codecs for Hi Def transport files.. Fancy a 30 GB download today ??) audio / VoIP / Streaming..


Just spoke to the managing director at CS Loxinfo. He said we do not have a policy such as this nor do we have any problems with foreigners.

I know that b/c the telco industry is not deregulated here like it is in the USA, you do not always have a choice between who you can have for your ADSL. But if you do have a choice, take a look at us.

Internet banking services requiring work permits is understandable. It is proof that you'll be working here, and might stay longer than a few months. With Internet banking you could transfer money from one account to another without being in the country. The requirements for setting up internet banking with my bank in Ireland are probably similar. I think it wouldn't be favorable to have people living outside the state transferring money around in Irish banks from the comfort of their homes. I think that requiring a WP for this sort of thing is reasonable.

Sorry, but this is utter nonsense.

Okay it's utter nonsense, and there is no justification for the WP requirement for Internet banking or ADSL. What does this change? I just find it easer to look at what's available to me and enjoy that rather than looking at what I can't do/have and complaining that I don't have it/can't do it. I'd also rather assume that there is some rational reason behind laws that effect me. Have you ever seen someone doing something that seemed completely pointless to you, only to find out later that there was a really good reason for it that you simply hadn't thought of before?

I guess not! Either way, we have crap to contend with here in Thailand. This crap exists everywhere. But keep attacking laws and rules. Keep believing that they make no sense at all.

Hi everybody,  here is a WARNING to all of you that are in the quest to have internet banking in Thailand via thru THAI BANKS.

First off their systems are NOT SECURED like it is in USA or in some other countries.  THAILAND has a load of HACKERS that crack the system repeatly.

... CitiBank ... use encryption

...This is the information that has been told to me...

As you might expect, this is utter rubbish. All online banking here uses encryption, as can be easily seen by checking your own browser. A locked symbol is shown in the the status bar - bottom right-hand corner.

My own bank, Bangkok Bank, requires me to enter to the full password every time, which is a risk if your computer may have keyboard logging software installed (i.e. public computers). Some banks get around this by asking you to enter different digits each time (e.g. 3 and 7, then 1 and 4.) This risk is not limited to Thai banks, plenty of western banks have the same risk. In any case, you should never use a public computer to log on to online banking.

Most card fraud is done by dodgy employees in everyday shops and restaurants, where there is close to zero security.

Secondly, many of their systems are not really set up for overseas internet money transfers and such is done VIA WIRES ONLY via the HQ.  I have no problem with Kasikornbank, in receiving money from abroad, but it sure is a big hassle to send money out of here to your overseas Bank.  They are a real stickler about any money leaving here.  Even when you do so, they do ask you a lot of questions and want the reasons to know why your sending money out of Thailand to your own personal account ETC, AND ETC AND ETC.  To me that alone violates my right to privacy when it goes to my legit account overseas, so the max they allow per transaction from personal accounts here is 50,000 Baht as I was told when I first started doing so.  So if you want to send more you have to do multi transactions on different days.

Yes, and Kasikorn wants to see a new copy of your work permit at every transfer to a foreign account (and not in your own name), again and again.

HACKING in Thailand is very much ACTIVE.  There are many pros out here that can even crack into your own computer.  So trust me and believe me on this.

Don't use MS windows. Install a recent Linux, such as SuSE 9.3. It comes with a nice and easy to set up firewall. Hacker bye bye :o


I have lived in Southern Thailand on a non O retirement visa for over a year now. Build a house away from all the tourist stuff but I needed internet access.

I paid TOT 24,000 Baht to have a 1,5 km phone line strung to my home The word "preung nee" was mentioned several times which I understood to mean "tomorrow". I have a feeling though that it means more like "some other day", because it took 12 preung nees to get the line installed. Even then, the line was full, of knots, only about 2 cm from the power lines lines and no grounding wire. A magnet for lightning bolts which cost me 2 modems, including one DSL modem.

I have in the past tried several alternates to True as well a CSLOX. I was sick and tired of their constant disconnects and modem speeds of 20, sometime only 18.5 kb/sec. Last spring one satellite provider tried to sell me a system which involved installing a huge dish antenna. It looked like a NASA tracking station used to contact space aliens. The price was right but then DSL came into town around August 2004. Boy I was in fat city. It worked well, at least for my puroses. Of course then the tsunami arrived and that was the end of everything. I had no telephone service whatsoever (with the exception of DTAC who mounted a truck with a satellite dish and had service restored within 2 days) for more than 6 weeks and only got my old number back April 15th. TOT wasn’t shy though to bill me for January as well as February, including DSL. Recently I found out about another satellite provider for “supposedly” 1200 Baht per month, unlimited service. (Old adage: If it sounds too good to be true, it usually ain’t.) The only stipulation was that I must purchase the dish antenna as well as the converter for 13,500 Baht. Fair enough, I just spent twice that much to get air-conditioning back on my truck which is still under warrantee. I sent my trusty Thai representative to Phuket to buy the thing. Done deal. To have it hooked up involved contacting an authorized installer. A very nice English speaking lady answered my query but her first question to me was: “Are you familiar with the monthly charges?” “Sure sweetheart, 1200 Baht a month”. “Oh no” she purred, “It is 12,000 Baht per month”. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat ?? I screamed. “I don’t want to buy your company, just your service” I said softly trying not to scare the sweet sounding thing at the other end . I had been told and read many things about Thailand before I decided to move here. Thai people are supposed to be a gentle lot. Never raise their voices or display anger. Therefore I always try to accommodate them by acting appropriately even though there are times when I feel like screaming my fool head off. Many neighborhood kids come to my home to watch Thai movies and soap operas on my satellite TV. Never in my life did I see more domestic and other violence displayed. The guys are forever screaming at each other, the women bawling to no end. Everybody seems to carry a gun ready to use... Gory violent scenes that make your blood curl, but if someone smokes, the cigarette is blacked out. Is this “gentleness” a myth ?

Last week someone came up with another solution. GSM internet access thru your cell phone. A Swiss fellow who runs a diving company in Tap Lamu has the service and swears by it. Umpteen MB/sec up and download, all this for only 800 Baht per month (unlimited). My US Motorola phone does not have the capability, so another trip by my Thai connection to Phuket. Purchased one Motorola GSM phone that plays Beethoven’s 7th, takes pictures, makes coffee, walks the dog and whatnot. I don’t really need all of this crap but he assured me it was the latest and greatest. Came with a USB cable and an installation CD. All for the paltry sum of 12,800 Baht. Free of TOT at last I thought, now I can tell them to stick their telephone line up their respective noses. But,… it doesn’t work (at least not in here) NO SERVICE, emergency only. Back to square one. DSL availability, so they tell me will be another 5 to 6 months at the very least. By then I will probably have lost my sanity. I already smashed one keyboard and was ready to throw the computer off the back balcony when, after typing a fairly long e-mail, the connection was severed causing me to loose everything.

Come to think of it, I had a similar experience with UBC my satellite provider. I had pre-paid the service for one year. 5 months later it too disappeared. A trip to their office revealed the reason. “Oh“, said the young lady behind the counter. “We assumed you died in the tsunami. We tried to phone you many times and could not get any response”.

I had no phone sweetheart for many months. Did you ever think of that ?

Also, what if I did perish but decreed in my last will and testament that my heirs are entitled to view satellite TV for the remainder of the paid contract period ?

Only in Thailand.

Best regards, the ol’ Captain, retired at last.

(I beta test video compression codecs for Hi Def transport files.. Fancy a 30 GB download today ??) audio / VoIP / Streaming..

Is this a hobby of yours ?

Yes it is.. I moderate the nets largest Home Theater PC forum, hold the dScaler (open source video deinterlacing and scaling SW) domains, am a Microsoft MVP for thier media division, play around with video codecs and compression, calibrate and beta review projectors and high end video display devices, etc..

I just think its mildly annoying for someone to say 'why on earth would you need broadband' when I personally have broadband as an essential ultility to any prospective area I would live in.

Even a basic web user must see the benefit for web radio or 100's of other applications impossible over narrow band.


Sounds great! What speeds do you get uploading and downloading? :o ericjt

(I beta test video compression codecs for Hi Def transport files.. Fancy a 30 GB download today ??) audio / VoIP / Streaming..

Is this a hobby of yours ?

Yes it is.. I moderate the nets largest Home Theater PC forum, hold the dScaler (open source video deinterlacing and scaling SW) domains, am a Microsoft MVP for thier media division, play around with video codecs and compression, calibrate and beta review projectors and high end video display devices, etc..

I just think its mildly annoying for someone to say 'why on earth would you need broadband' when I personally have broadband as an essential ultility to any prospective area I would live in.

Even a basic web user must see the benefit for web radio or 100's of other applications impossible over narrow band.

Hear Hear! Having just come from the USA in March, even for simple Internet browsing I refuse to use anything less than broadband. Dial-Up just doesn't cut it for me.

(I beta test video compression codecs for Hi Def transport files.. Fancy a 30 GB download today ??) audio / VoIP / Streaming..

Is this a hobby of yours ?

Yes it is.. I moderate the nets largest Home Theater PC forum, hold the dScaler (open source video deinterlacing and scaling SW) domains, am a Microsoft MVP for thier media division, play around with video codecs and compression, calibrate and beta review projectors and high end video display devices, etc..

I just think its mildly annoying for someone to say 'why on earth would you need broadband' when I personally have broadband as an essential ultility to any prospective area I would live in.

Even a basic web user must see the benefit for web radio or 100's of other applications impossible over narrow band.

Hear Hear! Having just come from the USA in March, even for simple Internet browsing I refuse to use anything less than broadband. Dial-Up just doesn't cut it for me.

So if you had the choice between dial-up and no Internet at all... you'd do without it completely? There are places in the world still where you can't get broadband. And apparently Thailand without a WP is now one of them.

(I beta test video compression codecs for Hi Def transport files.. Fancy a 30 GB download today ??) audio / VoIP / Streaming..

Is this a hobby of yours ?

Yes it is.. I moderate the nets largest Home Theater PC forum, hold the dScaler (open source video deinterlacing and scaling SW) domains, am a Microsoft MVP for thier media division, play around with video codecs and compression, calibrate and beta review projectors and high end video display devices, etc..

I just think its mildly annoying for someone to say 'why on earth would you need broadband' when I personally have broadband as an essential ultility to any prospective area I would live in.

Even a basic web user must see the benefit for web radio or 100's of other applications impossible over narrow band.

OK, what I did a bit more than a year ago was this;

I acted ignorantly and set up a sattelite feed with a 10mbps connection. I bought a corporate package from a well known sattelite supplier. So its 10 mbps down and 2.5 mbps up. I also saw downloading more important than uploading.

I pay for it by the Gigabyte of Download + a discounted Upload fee (why the upload is discounted is beyond me)

I found out recently that buying wholesale bandwith was technically illegal in this country. What I need to do next is get a lisence to be an ISP. The road I am taking is I am going to provice very cheap broadband to the local village in Issan and the school. That has been well received in the local ampour, so they are supporting the application.

So of course, No W/P and no Visa was asked for as offshore companies don't care about that sort of thing. I actually think its a good thing to make it all proper and give basicly free broadband to the village, the cost will be minimal.

Good luck with your endeavours. Having the big pipe is so much better than Dial-up or GPRS. Mind you, when the atmospheric conditions are too bad, GPRS still gets a signal through, when the dish can't - I only have a 12 foot dish.

The down side is that the only time I can get a true 100% utilization of the pipe is when I am on a server being hosted by the sattelite company.

I hope this may help you in the quest for big bandwith. :o


I take it that you (mattnich) are not getting this service from IPStar? This kind of bandwidth from them would be prohibitively expensive (like any other corporate level service from any Thai ISP). If it isn't IPStar, then can you PM me the information?

Thailand actually started offering consumer broadband a long time ago, at about the same time Korea and Japan started their services. Look at us now, still crawling along at sub-par speeds and lousy service, while Japan and Korea have had 100mbit service to the home for several years. Even our neighbor Vietnam has shown more progress. You don't have to go far to put the blame... CAT (now CAT telecom, but still with the same stripes) and the bureaucrats that run it. They make communications in (and out of) Thailand unrealisitically expensive (and they have the force of law), and the burden is passed to the consumer.


I will send you a PM.

I take it that you (mattnich) are not getting this service from IPStar?  This kind of bandwidth from them would be prohibitively expensive (like any other corporate level service from any Thai ISP).  If it isn't IPStar, then can you PM me the information?

Thailand actually started offering consumer broadband a long time ago, at about the same time Korea and Japan started their services.  Look at us now, still crawling along at sub-par speeds and lousy service, while Japan and Korea have had 100mbit service to the home for several years.  Even our neighbor Vietnam has shown more progress.  You don't have to go far to put the blame... CAT (now CAT telecom, but still with the same stripes) and the bureaucrats that run it.  They make communications in (and out of) Thailand unrealisitically expensive (and they have the force of law), and the burden is passed to the consumer.


Ok, here is a tip for you guys that want to use GPRS as a modem. All you need is pretty much any modern GPRS mobile, and a way of communicating with the phone (bluetooth works pretty). The modern Sony Ericcsons work well (T610, etc). WinXP SP2 comes with bluetooth built in, and I highly recommend the Billionton USB bluetooth adaptor (this chip is used by most USB bluetooth adapters). WinXP SP2 will recognise the Billionton without an additional drivers required.

Here is the tip:

-Use Dialup networking, and connect to your Bluetooth modem. Dial *99# (this is a number known to GPRS: using GPRS as a modem). This works will all GPRS networks I have connected to around the world. Connection is instantaneous, although DNS, etc, may take a while to kick in.

-If you have more than one GPRS connection set up on your handset, you may need

to add an additional string in the "dial-string" settings field on the modem

device to select the APN: +CGDCONT =1,"IP","apn". Unfortunatly, with MS

Windows, this setting has to be put with the modem rather on the connection. So

if you are changing operators all the time, or dial services that use differing

APNs, you will need to change this setting each time you swap sim cards/use a

different APN.

-You may have to define manual DNS servers (although GPRS will assign an ip

address for your ppp connection). You can modify this in the TCP/IP section of

the dialup networking connection.

-Finally GPRS is just a digital version of using multiple voice channels to get additional bandwidth. Thats why its called 2.5G, because it uses existing technology. Not sure how Edge works, but I have heard its good.

-Operator may require you to perform web access via a proxy server (eg like WAP; WAP is effectivly a proxy).

Settings for AIS:

-APN: internet

-Usn: <none>

-Pwd: <none>

-WAP Gw: Not required

-DNS servers: and

Last time I tried AIS, they were not charging for GPRS on prepay!


How pathetic are we really gonna get in this country... Like its the 'farangs' who are the bad payers...

I sometimes get so sick and tired of their racist thought that they are superiour and better and making it impossible for foreigners to do anything other than spend money on useless things...

Same thing; what's this new law about not beign allowed to go on the internet when intoxicated?!?!?!? Are we completely flipping Mr. Toxin?

Just another case of TIT... Amazing... really amazing

(I beta test video compression codecs for Hi Def transport files.. Fancy a 30 GB download today ??) audio / VoIP / Streaming..

Is this a hobby of yours ?

Yes it is.. I moderate the nets largest Home Theater PC forum, hold the dScaler (open source video deinterlacing and scaling SW) domains, am a Microsoft MVP for thier media division, play around with video codecs and compression, calibrate and beta review projectors and high end video display devices, etc..

I just think its mildly annoying for someone to say 'why on earth would you need broadband' when I personally have broadband as an essential ultility to any prospective area I would live in.

Even a basic web user must see the benefit for web radio or 100's of other applications impossible over narrow band.

OK, what I did a bit more than a year ago was this;

I acted ignorantly and set up a sattelite feed with a 10mbps connection. I bought a corporate package from a well known sattelite supplier. So its 10 mbps down and 2.5 mbps up. I also saw downloading more important than uploading.

I pay for it by the Gigabyte of Download + a discounted Upload fee (why the upload is discounted is beyond me)

I found out recently that buying wholesale bandwith was technically illegal in this country. What I need to do next is get a lisence to be an ISP. The road I am taking is I am going to provice very cheap broadband to the local village in Issan and the school. That has been well received in the local ampour, so they are supporting the application.



Can you PM me your setup too, as this is exactly what I would like to do up in the North (Lampang province).

I have tried to get telephone lines and/or ADSL installed but seems impossible (smoothing the way with under the counter payments had no effect either). I even enlisted the local MP who assured me he would 'have a word', but nothing (in over 6 months).

If I lean out of the window of the house I get a reasonable mobile connection from which I have been using Prepaid GPRS (AIS do charge!), which costs me about 100 baht per day for downloading basic emails etc. It's too slow to do anything more!

So, satellite is my last option, otherwise I will have to rent an office in town and go there to use the internet.

In Bangkok, I have CSLoxinfo, which is, so far, very reliable and ok on speed. I signed up for it myself, without showing my WP, and the phone is in my Thai wife's name. I had a big argument with them about the equipment that could be connected, they wanted to install a USB modem but I bought a wifi router. They said I was restricted to one computer, to which I said that there was only me using the internet, but I have 2 computers (laptop and desktop). Eventually they let me have the router (so now I can have loads of PCs accessing the net! :o

The word "preung nee" was mentioned several times which I understood to mean "tomorrow". I have a feeling though that it means more like "some other day", because it took 12 preung nees to get the line installed. Even then, the line was full, of knots, only about 2 cm from the power lines lines

Preung Nee is like mañana in Spanish, excpt it makes the Spanish version look very fast. :o


Restrictions on Bank transfers.

All Bank Transfers going out of ANY country are subject to

that Country's Goverment Exchange Control Regulations.

Many Countries have relaxed their Controls

so that Private individuals can make transfers

without restrictions.

But a few years ago Thailand intrduced New Restrictions.

The result - even if you want to send a few dollars to

a friend outside of Thailand thru Western Union

- there are documents to be provided / declarations to be signed.

All monetry instutions whether Domestic or Foreign

have to comply with Goverment Exchange Control Regulations!

How pathetic are we really gonna get in this country... Like its the 'farangs' who are the bad payers...

I sometimes get so sick and tired of their racist thought that they are superiour and better and making it impossible for foreigners to do anything other than spend money on useless things...

Same thing; what's this new law about not beign allowed to go on the internet when intoxicated?!?!?!?  Are we completely flipping Mr. Toxin?

Just another case of TIT...  Amazing... really amazing

This level of "racism" is really nothing compared to what foreigners face in the US. From the mandatory visa applications, the "reciprocal" visa fees (ha!), the fingerprinting, and all the supporting evidence needed just to get into the country (and many times, your visa application is rejected). Not to mention what you face after you finally manage to get in. Thailand? Get a stamp while passing immigration. Done. Yes, TIT.

Look at it in the provider's point of view: A local needs to present his citizen's ID card to get service (and to get the ID, he must have done a lot of paperwork). This means that he must show where he lives, permanently. If he defaults, it's a simple task to take legal action, using local police and local laws. It's not that he can skip the country on whim.

A foreigner, on the other hand, if he simply presents a passport, what does that guarantee? It gives a name and a country. No permanant address. No nothing. He can sign up for the service, pay the required initial fee, then use it without paying anything more until it's cut off. He can then move (he doesn't own the house), and nobody can track where he is. Legal action? How? Track the guy back to his home country and cooperate with local authorities? He isn't even there.

Of course, True should have made a clause to allow people with student and retirement visas to apply, but True can be clueless sometimes. Perhaps they didn't put a lot of resources into this because foreigners account for so little of their user base.



Just another case of TIT... Amazing... really amazing


Go home .....


Of course, True should have made a clause to allow people with student and retirement visas to apply


Little bit stupid, don't you think? Why discriminate people staying here for years and years on TRs, Non-Bs or transit visas?


To the general manager of TRUE,ADSL have a fix mounth fee NO? so it's it so difficult to let us pay 3 mounth garantie fee i think NO, but what i think that is rasisme yes Dear mister TRUE that is it,Hope Mister chinawatra will read that and i think that will not a good day for you,yes i'm really very angry but will respect you, but there is a border on all... :o

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