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From Burma With Love.


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The characters portrayed in this thread are entirely purely fictional and any resemblance to real persons living or dead or virtual forum members such as myself is purely coincidental entirely.

Suppose that a gentleman was on a bus one day, and happened to meet a young lady also on that same bus, and they got to talking and before long made arrangements to meet for lunch the next day. After a few lunches, they fell in love, (well, fictionally anyway), and this gentleman was a tourist in a foreign country (a fictional country not unlike Thailand) whilst the young lady bore a resemblance to those of the local population, but was in actual fact not a citizen of that fictional country, but from a neighbouring country, and perhaps indeed technically an illegal immigrant to that fictional country, although gainfully employed albeit at below minimum wage.

What procedures would the aforementioned lady and gentleman be wisest to take in order to continue the relationship? Is there a Burmese Embassy in Thailand? The fictional gentleman described above told me quietly this morning that he believes that she doesn't even have a passport. I responded to that fictional chap that it's unlikely that she would have much success in getting on international flight at Suvarnabhumi without one. She told him to tell me she doesn't want to return to Myanmar for the next 5-10 years so that option is a slim chance, but maybe a possibility with a little encouragement. What should they do?

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She should get legal in Thailand.

He should get a grip on reality and stop planning his future on a short conversation he had with an illegal immigrant on a bus.

yes but you know how us farang like to save women in distress,and in fact it is a noble deed.I feel really sorry for the burmese,they've had a rotten deal for so long.If only burma was more strategic to western needs,and not in the shere of chinese influence the west would have gotten rid of the generals a long time ago.This guy is in a hiding to nothing though,the lady in question sounds like she is illegal in thailand,and with no passport ha nowhere to go except back to burma,very sad for them both.

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She should get legal in Thailand.

He should get a grip on reality and stop planning his future on a short conversation he had with an illegal immigrant on a bus.

yes but you know how us farang like to save women in distress,and in fact it is a noble deed.I feel really sorry for the burmese,they've had a rotten deal for so long.If only burma was more strategic to western needs,and not in the shere of chinese influence the west would have gotten rid of the generals a long time ago.This guy is in a hiding to nothing though,the lady in question sounds like she is illegal in thailand,and with no passport ha nowhere to go except back to burma,very sad for them both.

You think someone who has to take the bus in this country can save someone? Cant even save himself?

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She should get legal in Thailand.

He should get a grip on reality and stop planning his future on a short conversation he had with an illegal immigrant on a bus.

I have to agree with this post. I met a lovely Lao lady last year who was working illegally in Thailand. We had a great time together, but because she can't get a work permit in Thailand, or have a passport that allows her to travel by plane it was difficult to continue the relationship. I'm not traveling ANYWHERE that I have to sit on a bus for longer than 4 hours. And, I'd hate to be on a bus somewhere in one of those road blocks in the boonies and have her taken off the bus. Being a gentleman I would only feel it right to get off with her and I can't do that.

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