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Thaksin Refused £20million In Tsunami Relief Aid

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Well, we looked into the mechanism of some major UK charities (University of Manchester, Dept. of Social Studies) in the early 90s. I recall that only about 5% of the donated funds were actually available for use as intended. ** In Germany, Der Spiegel published that canvassers of 2 major charities, (Red Cross & Samaritans) get 85 and 75% respectively of the collections. ** Personally, I knew a guy who travelled to Tiflis, Georgia first class - paid for by a Dutch charity. First thing was, he bought an office, a leather boss' seat and a Mercedes. A year later, no tangible success could be reported. Meanwhile, my late mother and other idealists flew over and tought locals how to become a nurse... At their own expense, of course.

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