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What's With Grace International School?


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I don't have a problem with people of any faith doing selfless work to help other people. I have a big problem with self-proscribed 'messengers' from God receiving more money in a month for doing their God's work than the people they are preaching to earn in a lifetime. Did these Christians read the parable where Jesus distributed the loaves and fish EQUALLY? Big houses, two-car families, private schools for their children, servants to clean their dirt, cooks to make their food, Duke's to serve them 1,000 baht meals. It is hypocrisy and moral corruption to an extreme. No wonder their God has punished them.

4000 missionairies in CM. How many are in Lamphun, Lampang, and Phrae combined? I would like to know, but I would say a lot closer to 100 than 4000. And it does bug the shiite out of me that they aare sponsored from their church congregations to live in a country club environment and shop at Rim Ping Market, and drive SUVs. Most would be living in something more like a trailer park back in the States.

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