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I Was Violently Attacked For My Cell Phone


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I got attacked just outside my apartment Wednesday night at 23:45 by a young Thai man of about 22 years old with a stick.

I live in what is considered an upper middle class Thai neighborhood in central Bangkok. The attacker was a small guy, about 60 kilos, 165 CM, dressed in scraggly black jeans, and probably even whacked out on drugs.

I was walking to 7-11 just 150 meters away from my apartment building and was going to get some late night bits while talking on my cell phone when it happened.

The first time he hit me I had no idea what was going on. I thought it was a case of mistaken identity. I got whacked 3 times in total pretty hard and ended up with some cuts on my face, ear, shoulder, and the back of my forearm had enough skin torn off after 3 whacks to look like I was in a nasty road accident. So I basically got pretty badly bruised up and my bones hurt now when I lift anything with that arm.

The stick had some rusty nails sticking out of it (nice extra touch aye?) so that is probably what did the most damage and punctured the skin on my shoulder as well as my head next to my ear.

The little monkey wanted my cell phone but I didn't give it up. Eventually he fled on a motorcycle of an accomplice of his who was hiding in the wings. I think it was a red or pink colored Fino type scooter.

The stick broke when it hit my arm so you can imagine how hard of a blow it was to my arm bone in the first place. Lucky I had the instinct to put my arm up and protect my head when he started swinging or things could have been much worse. I just can imagine being in a coma now if his stick with the rusty nails hit me clearly across the head as he was clearly attempting to do.

I was born and raised in a rough city in the West, but I have never had anything like this ever happen to me before over there or anywhere else in the world. Obviously Thailand is not as safe as it once was. Welcome to Bangkok 2010!

Edited by JohnnyJohn
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Sorry to hear about this. In case you don't know this, you should consider a tetanus shot due to the rusty nail wounds.

If you step on a nail or suffer a wound that is deep and dirty, and haven't had a tetanus shot in the past 10 years, you need help fast. Seek medical attention immediately and rinse the wound with tap water. Do not cleanse with soap or apply antiseptic to a deep wound.


Edited by Jingthing
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I think threads like this should be considered as candidates for stickies, or more likely, be put in bunches someplace like the front page of this website with a header like "Dangerous sides of Thailand" so visitors don't only think Thailand is about parks, temples, and $5 massages.

It would be good if you described the location, street or whatnot, but perhaps you have a need for a bit of privacy.

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Eventually he fled on a motorcycle of an accomplice of his who was hiding in the wings.

This just goes to show that in Thailand if you are thinking of fighting back as a means of protecting yourself, try and have a look around to see if there's that two or three accomplices who could jump in.

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i don't think it's the cell phone they were after. just a thought. i've walked around the mean streets of bangkok with a smart phone worth more than what most thais make in 3 months, and not one of them attacked me for it. however, the motorcycle, tuk-tuk and taxi drivers are quite annoying. what kind of run-in did you have earlier that day or that week?

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Eventually he fled on a motorcycle of an accomplice of his who was hiding in the wings.

This just goes to show that in Thailand if you are thinking of fighting back as a means of protecting yourself, try and have a look around to see if there's that two or three accomplices who could jump in.

a thai would never have the balls to attack if he did not have his friends close by.

Your best bet is to lash out fast and hard then run!

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This sounds like another case of mistaken identity. If you haven't done anything lately to severely piss of a Thai guy or make him lose face, I think they might have thought you were someone else.

I know from talking to Thais, that those who don't have much contact with foreigners tend to think we all look alike. I think there was another case of this within the past month. Wasn't there some guy on here that was randomly attacked with a bottle in Khao San?

This is something I think about from time to time, as it's random, and could happen to anyone. I don't think Bangkok is inherently more dangerous than any other big city, (in fact, I find it much safer), but things like this can happen.

Keep aware of your surroundings, and I hope you heal soon!

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I carry A knife with me everywhere I go.They might hurt me but they'll know that they were in A fight.Also when I use it I don't just try and just hurt em.And like ya said run away quick.

Let us know your favourite lunch meal. We'll try to get it to you up at Chaeng Wattana on sundays as a treat!!!

What a LOON :)

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I carry A knife with me everywhere I go.They might hurt me but they'll know that they were in A fight.Also when I use it I don't just try and just hurt em.And like ya said run away quick.

Let us know your favourite lunch meal. We'll try to get it to you up at Chaeng Wattana on sundays as a treat!!!

What a LOON :)

Some people need help. Bless him!

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I carry A knife with me everywhere I go.They might hurt me but they'll know that they were in A fight.Also when I use it I don't just try and just hurt em.And like ya said run away quick.

You are a menace and a danger, to yourself and others.

Your professed attitude is most likely going to result either in your death or your incarceration for a long period.

I can only hope that you aren't as foolish as you seem.

A good example of this is to consider whether the poor chap who was attacked would have been better of if he were armed with a knife. I can see many possible 'loser' outcomes, but no 'winners'.

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I don't think its useless. Its a reminder to be more aware of our surroundings most anywhere at night. I am not saying this attack could have been prevented, but some attacks can be prevented by projecting a I see you, don't f*&%& with me persona. This was a nice area so it could happen anywhere.

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Thank you all for your kind concern and good sentiments. The purpose however of me posting the account of my attack earlier this week was not to seek sympathy, medical advice, or speculation on how or why it happened. I conclude that it was a random act of violent crime in an effort (based on words he shouted at me) to steal the cell phone I was speaking on. And he was able to catch me by surprise simply because I had my guard down way too much. I refused, he got a bit scared, and eventually took off after hitting me 3 times.

The reason for posting my story was simply to alert people that it is apparent these kind of things happen here, even in what might seem to be the safest areas of Bangkok. The second, and more important point, is that Bangkok is no safer than any major city in the world. Many of us live here under a false sense of security. And this event that occurred is a loud testament to that. Be safe and be careful and let's hope none of you ever have to endure the bodily harm I did. Peace.

Edited by JohnnyJohn
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Sadly this it is commonplace to be attacked like this, but it very rarely gets reported as it is generally accepted that will be done by the police.
BS : it's very rare in Bkk. even in Phuket or Samui !

much rarer than in the west, where you really must be on your guard at all times.

I feel sorry for the OP. As you said, the guy was probably high on a Ya-baa binge. Hope you'll feel better soon, and that it won't prevent you from doing things now. Don't be scared, it was just the wrong place at the wrong time, you will be ok now :)

Edited by sunsamourai
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Sadly this it is commonplace to be attacked like this, but it very rarely gets reported as it is generally accepted that will be done by the police.
BS : it's very rare in Bkk. even in Phuket or Samui !

much rarer than in the west, where you really must be on your guard at all times.

I feel sorry for the OP. As you said, the guy was probably high on a Ya-baa binge. Hope you'll feel better soon, and that it won't prevent you from doing things now. Don't be scared, it was just the wrong place at the wrong time, you will be ok now :)

lol.. I'd agree completely, it is very rare that a single Thai male would attack, and especially only armed with a stick..

Usually they would not attack a farang unless there was at least 4 of them armed with sticks, bottles, bricks, and perhaps a firearm (just to be on the safe side). :D

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The OP reported on his post that the attacker had at least one accomplice waiting on a motorbike.

Well that the OP doesn't want to give the location it does lower the credibility of the report. Perhaps he doesn't feel like walking around in his neighborhood and being spotted with several white bandages on, farangs looking at him and knowing who he is(?). I wouldn't, but I still think giving the location adds much needed perspective.

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Again, thanks to all who took the time to write their views, opinions, and voice their concerns on what happened to me. Sorry, I am not going to provide the location of where I live and was attacked.

One final point worth nothing. I think the threat of something like this happening in the better neighborhoods in Bangkok like mine is more likely than it happening in the poorer local neighborhoods where it would be more expected.

I believe this because people like the guy who attacked me are carrying out premeditated, violent robberies. So they are not going to do it right in their own lower wealth neighborhoods where they live and would be easily recognized by other locals if they were spotted.

So they are likely to do it in another neighborhood where nobody might know them and where the potential victims would be less suspecting and carrying more expensive valuables than in their own neighborhood.

So better to think twice if you think living in a higher class neighborhood in Bangkok makes things any safer. My attack is evidence of that.

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These attacks are on the increase. My friend was attacked without provocation on Sukhumvit road. He was punched in the back of the head but the attacker fled quickly so he didn't have a chance to retaliate.

much rarer than in the west, where you really must be on your guard at all times.

It depends where in the West you are talking about. There are many safe places and many dangerous places. Thailand is no different.

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The so called "prime sukhumvit area" from emporium to nana is nothing close to higher middle class area since many years. The riffraff has taken over until soi 11 turning it to good old fashioned slum and it is spreading as we speak.

Now where is the crackdown when we need it. Several days now if you don't count the one in Phuket...

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