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The Mercedes Mentality.


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Dont know who's worse....the merc for trying to overtake or you for trying to cause an accident by speeding up and shutting him out.

I agree its annoying when someone does that but after describing your own actions I dont really think I'd want to be your passenger.

And that comes from someone who loves speed.

HL :)

Point-taken mate. It would have been different if I'd had a passenger onboard, and there was the brakes there if the road-width I had left between Big-Man Merc and the kerb narrowed beyond uprighteousness, but this was such a blatant attempt that I took a chance on closing the gap on that maniac. That's why it stuck in my mind enough all afternoon that I needed to share, so I started a thread on it.

Once again, the reason that so many motorcyclists are killed in Thailand is because the majority of road users are motorcyclists, and the minority of car drivers do not care if they drive straight over them. It is not the motorcyclists that are to blame for motorcycle deaths. It is the car drivers that consider a motorcyclist's life of less value than their own wing mirror.

Cars and motorbikes are not animals. Cars are not a higher lifeform. They both need humans to ride or drive them. Some people get confused by Buddhism, I'm sure.

Why floor it for the sole purpose of preventing someone from taking you over? That's incredibly reckless and dangerous.

I saw what the fool in the Merc was trying to do when he floored it into the gap in the left lane. He only wanted to get in front of me, and nothing more. There was a line of traffic for another 100 metres in front, but he wanted to get in front of me, even though I was riding slow to follow the traffic in front.

He had nowhere to go. He was incredibly reckless and dangerous, so that is why I started this thread.

So i don't quite get what this thread is about. At first glance one would assume it is about Mercedes Benz drivers. But then reading on it appears it is about reckless driving. To lump all Mercedes Benz drivers into this group is absurd. Reckless drivers sit behind the wheel of all sorts of makes and models sunshine. And as my old Dad used to say "two wrongs don't make a right".

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In most countries Mercedes drivers are the most hated ones, ALWAYS very arrogant people, not rarely it's the lowest part of society who uses an oversized old Mercedes as EGOBOOSTER, so not only because they are favorite for pulling trailers, hahaha.

Here Mercedes is a little degree worse then the poor sukkers who need a Fortuner or Camry to show their financed fortune (and lack of integrity)

How primitive can we be...

what a lot of twaddle

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In most countries Mercedes drivers are the most hated ones, ALWAYS very arrogant people, not rarely it's the lowest part of society who uses an oversized old Mercedes as EGOBOOSTER, so not only because they are favorite for pulling trailers, hahaha.

Here Mercedes is a little degree worse then the poor sukkers who need a Fortuner or Camry to show their financed fortune (and lack of integrity)

How primitive can we be...

what a lot of twaddle

what car you drive ??

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In most countries Mercedes drivers are the most hated ones, ALWAYS very arrogant people, not rarely it's the lowest part of society who uses an oversized old Mercedes as EGOBOOSTER, so not only because they are favorite for pulling trailers, hahaha.

Here Mercedes is a little degree worse then the poor sukkers who need a Fortuner or Camry to show their financed fortune (and lack of integrity)

How primitive can we be...

what a lot of twaddle

what car you drive ??

What does it matter what car i drive? You think I'm defending Mercedes drivers? You're wrong Sunshine. I'm simply pointing out the stupidity of your generalizations.

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So i don't quite get what this thread is about. At first glance one would assume it is about Mercedes Benz drivers. But then reading on it appears it is about reckless driving. To lump all Mercedes Benz drivers into this group is absurd. Reckless drivers sit behind the wheel of all sorts of makes and models sunshine. And as my old Dad used to say "two wrongs don't make a right".

Thanks for asking, and I realise that 'The Mercedes Mentality' might be a bit obtuse. I picked the title for two reasons:

1. that the episode on the road yesterday did indeed involve a dirty black Mercedes, and

2. the initial action of the driver of that vehicle demonstrated a mentality that I have observed regularly in Thailand by drivers of prestige cars, of which Mercedes probably has the honour of being the most likely prestige brand to attract that sort of mentality.

It's a certain kind of reckless driving that ensues when they believe that they have the right to drive recklessly because of the car they're driving. That is why I used that title and the caption below.

One life, one road, one law, I say.

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In most countries Mercedes drivers are the most hated ones, ALWAYS very arrogant people, not rarely it's the lowest part of society who uses an oversized old Mercedes as EGOBOOSTER, so not only because they are favorite for pulling trailers, hahaha.

Here Mercedes is a little degree worse then the poor sukkers who need a Fortuner or Camry to show their financed fortune (and lack of integrity)

How primitive can we be...

what a lot of twaddle

what car you drive ??

What does it matter what car i drive? You think I'm defending Mercedes drivers? You're wrong Sunshine. I'm simply pointing out the stupidity of your generalizations.

I guess in this case it matters yes.

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what sort of weird thoughts go through these dickheads minds that they risk the lives of others just to get in front of the motorbike ahead, even when there's a convoy of traffic and they can't go any further or any faster than just kill the bloke on the motorbike?

Ummmm........ Conversely what sort of weird thoughts or ego bruising does someone suffer by being passed? Or is it a power play to be so self righteous in an attempt to control everyone else around them? That made me think the same thing about your response to the dick head trying to pass you.. From my vantage point I don't see the difference both are dick heads in my book..Live and let live TIT.....Not where ever you escaped from..

Well said,

and maybe the person in the hospital that the person in the merc was trying to see..... died before her or she could see that individual in the hospital for that final good bye.

I was letting some people make a U turn today, and the wife starts her usuall nagging.... "cut them off, don't let them go, I have things to do...." I replied, "I was just being nice, and I am sure they have things to do too, I doubt people drive in this shet hole of a city for leisure..."

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Sounds like you have a problem with Daimler-Benz (or at least what you envision is the type of person who drives one, which is silly because they are as varied as Honda drivers), as I've seen that kind of mentality in all makes and models.


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Sounds like you have a problem with Daimler-Benz (or at least what you envision is the type of person who drives one, which is silly because they are as varied as Honda drivers), as I've seen that kind of mentality in all makes and models.


Honda drivers probably win second prize as most-likely to believe they have the right to drive recklessly on Thai roads, from what I've seen. That's the cars, I mean.

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Sounds like you have a problem with Daimler-Benz (or at least what you envision is the type of person who drives one, which is silly because they are as varied as Honda drivers), as I've seen that kind of mentality in all makes and models.


As for me, I hate Merc, love BMW, and I drive a Nissan Sunny, and my leisure vehicle is a 4 yr old Honda Wave 125 cc complete with a child seat. Its a real babe magnet. The second car is a Nissan Camry....

Niether car would I care to ever wash, they just don't deserve it, & both cars are crazily over priced.

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Sounds like you have a problem with Daimler-Benz (or at least what you envision is the type of person who drives one, which is silly because they are as varied as Honda drivers), as I've seen that kind of mentality in all makes and models.


Honda drivers probably win second prize as most-likely to believe they have the right to drive recklessly on Thai roads, from what I've seen. That's the cars, I mean.

Really? I find that it's Makro shoppers, anyone drinking those 3-in-1 type drinks, and those who paint their homes with TOA ES174 (Deep Umber) trim who have the worst attitudes.


Edited by Heng
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Sounds like you have a problem with Daimler-Benz (or at least what you envision is the type of person who drives one, which is silly because they are as varied as Honda drivers), as I've seen that kind of mentality in all makes and models.


As for me, I hate Merc, love BMW, and I drive a Nissan Sunny, and my leisure vehicle is a 4 yr old Honda Wave 125 cc complete with a child seat. Its a real babe magnet. The second car is a Nissan Camry....

Niether car would I care to ever wash, they just don't deserve it, & both cars are crazily over priced.

Definitely would (and am toying with the idea but probably won't) get a BMW before a Merc.


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Why floor it for the sole purpose of preventing someone from taking you over? That's incredibly reckless and dangerous.

So true mate and even more dangerous on a motor bike!

My courageous, heroic reaction to this devil-on-four-wheels I had to suffer on my way back from the hospital yesterday was a carefully administered response to gently remind the rapscallion that his/her behaviour on the roads shall not be tolerated.

You can imagine what might have happened if I'd simply hit the brakes and displayed the middle finger in his/her rear view mirror? Remember the German in Chiang Mai?

I thought I did quite well in helping one of the dangerously reckless drivers remember not to do such a stupid thing again, although it was only by risking my own life that I could provide such a lesson for the poor soul behond the wheel of that dirty black Mercedes.

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Sounds like you have a problem with Daimler-Benz (or at least what you envision is the type of person who drives one, which is silly because they are as varied as Honda drivers), as I've seen that kind of mentality in all makes and models.


As for me, I hate Merc, love BMW, and I drive a Nissan Sunny, and my leisure vehicle is a 4 yr old Honda Wave 125 cc complete with a child seat. Its a real babe magnet. The second car is a Nissan Camry....

Niether car would I care to ever wash, they just don't deserve it, & both cars are crazily over priced.

Definitely would (and am toying with the idea but probably won't) get a BMW before a Merc.


My Bro-in-law grew up around Merc, his dad always had one. He later bought one himself, big V8 AMG I think a 500 SL or some thing... 4 pipes out the back. I had an M3, and after he took that for a spin.... he promplty bought an M5. My father had Mercs for a long while, but now he made the switch to BMW's.

In the the US he has an 530 and in Dubai he sports an X5. Really once you go with the B you will not go back.

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Fair is fair, I used to do the same thing when I was younger, until I have seen the destruction that goes into a few crumpled cars, not to mention the body bags... I hate it still when people cut me off, but I have learned to accept it. In the end, he may get somewhere a few minutes earlier than I do, but in the worst case, I do not arrive at all, so I learned...

Choice of car is for me a Mercedes, had a few in the past, but I refuse to pay the ridiculous amount they ask for it here, so I drive an American monster for the time being.

OP will also learn from this experience, he has been bashed enough.

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Fair is fair, I used to do the same thing when I was younger, until I have seen the destruction that goes into a few crumpled cars, not to mention the body bags... I hate it still when people cut me off, but I have learned to accept it. In the end, he may get somewhere a few minutes earlier than I do, but in the worst case, I do not arrive at all, so I learned...

Choice of car is for me a Mercedes, had a few in the past, but I refuse to pay the ridiculous amount they ask for it here, so I drive an American monster for the time being.

OP will also learn from this experience, he has been bashed enough.

Well said. My dear departed Australian GrandFather's dream was to one day own a Mercedes, and I never managed to ever buy him one to make his dream come true before he died. I don't knock the splendid marque of automobile, but just the misguided sense of privilege that seems to be taken to the roads here in Thailand.

They're top-class cars, but that doesn't give anyone the right to get away with murder. That's what I'd like to see come to an end in Thailand. Not me, nor they those hi-so drivers, but their attitude.

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Op! I agree with what you say and am quite sure I would have reacted the same way. From the replies I read it would appear there mostly from car driver. He was riding a bike!!!! I’ve been a bike rider for a long time, unlike cars, a lot of times on a bike with some power it is far safer to accelerate and go forward out of trouble than brake and drop back. The only way to ride a bike is offensively to stay safe, basically ride proactive not reactive like so many car drivers. As for 10-15m stand off from the car in front, loads of room he’s on a bike, Op doesn’t say what he’s riding, but if its modern he could stop it in less than half the distance you could a car. Fact is. Bike riders, whether in a car or on a bike are better road users, they are more aware of what happening 360 and there reaction time is better, we in the bike world call it “self preservation”. (Thai small bike riders excluded from the last statement) So! OP, take no notice of the, I’ve been a car driver for 20 years and, blab, la, bla. Guys! Take a bike test, ride a bike for a few years, I think a lot of comments would have changed in two years.

I don’t think anyone who rides a bike regularly would have reacted any different then you. Now you can put Mercs on the watch list as well as Volvos.

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A co-worker of mine got hit by a Mercedes while he was on a zebra crossing, fortunately he was not seriously hurt. When the Police arrived the woman driver tried to get my colleague to fork out money to pay for the damage inflicted on her car..all the while giving no thought to the damage that was inflicted on him. My friend was eventually "allowed to leave" after the woman had left. No money changed hands, no charges were laid and my friend was left bruised and angry.

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Op! I agree with what you say and am quite sure I would have reacted the same way. From the replies I read it would appear there mostly from car driver. He was riding a bike!!!! I've been a bike rider for a long time, unlike cars, a lot of times on a bike with some power it is far safer to accelerate and go forward out of trouble than brake and drop back. The only way to ride a bike is offensively to stay safe, basically ride proactive not reactive like so many car drivers. As for 10-15m stand off from the car in front, loads of room he's on a bike, Op doesn't say what he's riding, but if its modern he could stop it in less than half the distance you could a car. Fact is. Bike riders, whether in a car or on a bike are better road users, they are more aware of what happening 360 and there reaction time is better, we in the bike world call it "self preservation". (Thai small bike riders excluded from the last statement) So! OP, take no notice of the, I've been a car driver for 20 years and, blab, la, bla. Guys! Take a bike test, ride a bike for a few years, I think a lot of comments would have changed in two years.

I don't think anyone who rides a bike regularly would have reacted any different then you. Now you can put Mercs on the watch list as well as Volvos.

There is quite a difference between driving a car and riding a bike, I notice. In a car, I can relax and drive along feeling quite calm enough to even switch on the radio and listen to some music on the way.

Now, with two scars in my forehead from two different hospitals in Thailand after altercations with cars in Thailand, everytime I get on the Honda; a little 125 2-stroke; it reminds me of the start of a motocross race, like I used to do as a kid back in Australia. It's not about being offensive so much as completely alert as if in a race with 50 other crazy motocrossers. The winner of the race in here in Thailand though, is not who gets there first, but who gets there on two rolling wheels.

Still it's a godsend that this little Honda accelerates quicker than anything I've had before, so there's usually quite a bit of open road between traffic lights because by the time the speeding cars have managed to catch me, it's almost time for the next red light. Good acceleration is a bonus in an emergency to get out of harm's way, and it's also a good preventative measure, providing you don't race off blindly on the green.

Just coming into Ban Chang yesterday at the intersection at the west-end of Maptaphut, when the light went green, and there was an orange pickup crawled up on my left (in the left-hand turning lane) who took off quick while I hung back, and there was a truck and trailer went through the red so orange pickup hit the brakes, luckily. Always look both ways before taking off at a green light.

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I never ride my scooter on any large roads, just some back roads down in the village.

(Notice I did not confuse a "scooter" for a, "bike or motorcycle)

I have one motorcycle that gets me everywhere. I'm not a great fan of scooters, except for recreational use for kids or whatever. Not my idea of good transport, but in Thailand, most people ride motorbikes because that's all we can afford to buy.

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Dont know who's worse....the merc for trying to overtake or you for trying to cause an accident by speeding up and shutting him out.

I agree its annoying when someone does that but after describing your own actions I dont really think I'd want to be your passenger.

And that comes from someone who loves speed.

HL :)

This has nothing to do with the vehicle or Thailand,you met a person who wasnt driving safetly and you changed your ways of driving to,and became very unsafe too.

This is a person mentality not a merc/thai mentality

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Dont know who's worse....the merc for trying to overtake or you for trying to cause an accident by speeding up and shutting him out.

I agree its annoying when someone does that but after describing your own actions I dont really think I'd want to be your passenger.

And that comes from someone who loves speed.

HL :)

This has nothing to do with the vehicle or Thailand,you met a person who wasnt driving safetly and you changed your ways of driving to,and became very unsafe too.

This is a person mentality not a merc/thai mentality

Well yes I suppose I am just that kind of person who will sometimes risk what little life I have left for the safety of others. I would rather a peaceful existence, but that's not always the way with city-life.

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Hello Sean,

I don't think you can single out one particular vehicle or model driver here in Thailand. Like everyone else here I have seen every type of car and model driven insanely. From pick-ups to BMWs to coaches to scooters, without exception. You might excuse ignorant drivers of broken down vehicles but I might have thought that someone affluent enough to own a new BMW or Merc to have more sense, but in Thailand it seems to make no difference. Of course every country has bad drivers driving expensive cars, but 'bad driving' in Thailand is something very different to bad driving in our home country's.

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Hello Sean,

I don't think you can single out one particular vehicle or model driver here in Thailand. Like everyone else here I have seen every type of car and model driven insanely. From pick-ups to BMWs to coaches to scooters, without exception. You might excuse ignorant drivers of broken down vehicles but I might have thought that someone affluent enough to own a new BMW or Merc to have more sense, but in Thailand it seems to make no difference. Of course every country has bad drivers driving expensive cars, but 'bad driving' in Thailand is something very different to bad driving in our home country's.

Yes, and I guess I just got lucky to find the ratbag driving the most likely brand of vehicle on mky way home yesterday, but that's the mentality I threaded about. The "My car looks expensive so I feel rich and powerful and I have the right to murder you with my automobile because you are just some poor grasshopper on a motorbike." mentality, which I have dubbed the Mercedes Mentality, because they don't sell many Rolls-Royces in Thailand.


Must go and get some dinner soon. Back at 20:00 if the highway is kind to me. See you then.

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