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The Old Favourite: Burning Off In Cm


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Hi Folks

I realise that this field has been well trod on this forum, but I'm looking for some definitive advice on when best to spend a month in CM within the period Dec-Mar without running into smoke haze (all my previous visits have been June through September). I've read in some places that the problem doesn't emerge until late February, but some posts here complain of smoke haze in early January. What do you guys think?

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It depends on how sensitive you are. Some people are hardly bothered by it at all, others complain all year long when everyone else is really comfortable.

To me, it seems that the symptoms are sometimes psychosomatic, but I am in the not-bothered - much group, so maybe my judgment is off.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I live about 20 kilo out of town and when I can see Doi Suthep on a daily bases the pundits are defiantly full of BS. It's been a lot litter this year and the visible air pollution is down but we still have the get threw February and March. It rained last night and the air is clear. Come on up to Chiang Mai.

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BLUEEYEDTHAI, you may call 0-5340-9345 to report the incident. I live in the Nimmanhaemin area and sometime early in the morning the fume was just unbearable only I've not been able to locate the source.

But will this have any effect?

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BLUEEYEDTHAI, you may call 0-5340-9345 to report the incident. I live in the Nimmanhaemin area and sometime early in the morning the fume was just unbearable only I've not been able to locate the source.

Now that's this is being discussed AGAIN, could somebody please translate this text into Thai:

'If you live close to other residential properties your garden burning may cause nuisance to your neighbours if the smoke drifts onto their property. That is just common sense and may be averted by not burning when there's either very little wind as the smoke may hang around unpleasantly, or when the existing wind blowing at the time causes smoke to enter other nearby properties.

Always be sensitive to the fact that for fabrics hanging to dry in a neighbor's garden only very short exposure to smoke might mean the clothing absorbs a smokey odor, and many some peoples's smell senses are highly tuned, and highly disgusted by these smells.'

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On the subject of pollution this is the Ping in front of Muang Mai market at 10:00 this morning:


Chiangmai Rose of the North... (disturbing yes I know)

Dzjeeesussss... that looks terrible !

For me it would be a reason to sell the condo and leave, can't see that depressing view and would feel very emberrased to my guests.

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On the subject of pollution this is the Ping in front of Muang Mai market at 10:00 this morning:

Showed the pic to few friends around the world, they all find this very schocking and a big shame... you could expect this in some industrial zone, but not in the middle of a city !

Guess you should report this, the shocking evidence speaks for itself, but don't ask me where, even a local greenpeace staff would not be interested.

In Europe newspapers love this for sure... but here... all just all the same cr**.

This is very, very schocking !

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It depends on how sensitive you are. Some people are hardly bothered by it at all, others complain all year long when everyone else is really comfortable.

To me, it seems that the symptoms are sometimes psychosomatic, but I am in the not-bothered - much group, so maybe my judgment is off.

Im with you on this one, I like the smell of burning stuff. I'm so tired of the Thai's burning this or that and why we should change it threads.

Just deal with it...Or? (Don't want to say it)

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On the subject of pollution this is the Ping in front of Muang Mai market at 10:00 this morning:
I have a theory about what has happened here....

This pipeline was built about two years ago and joins up with the smelly canal that I mentioned in a recent post  (it runs North-South parallel to the river and ends up near the Duang Tawan Hotel in the Night Bazaar). The pipeline runs from the river to this canal (Mae Khaa canal) near the President Hotel.

I think it was intended as a means of diverting water from the Ping during a time of flooding. I think that after the big rains last night someone has opened the gate to flush out this smelly stream. As I have said before, that stream is a black stinking cess pool. It may be a bit cleaner today, but it has gone somewhere - now we know where.

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Umm, what I was really talking about was the burn off related to the cultivation cycle, not how the neighbours choose to get rid of their garbage....which can be pretty much any anywhere, anytime (or all the time) problem I guess ( my neighbour a couple of years ago here in suburban Canberra tried to save tip fees by burning an old mattress in his backyard...the City Rangers came and hosed it down, and then he had an old, wet and charred mattress to get rid of and it served the cheap arsed bastard right!)

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Well, the 'dry' season is advancing rt now anyway, so if you want to plan a visit, best just do so. The pollution gets way way waaay more lip (finger) service on TV than it should. So far this season has been both unusually warm and then unusually windy and rainy at different times. Overall the skies have been some of the best in a long time. Anytime you come, you are chancing it as inversion builds up fast and can make things look worse than they are in just a day's time. Some days you see Doi Suthep clearly, the next day it's a bit obscured. Clearly this is not all pollution from one day, but atmospheric haze from the skies in general. Unless you're super sensitive - as UG suggests - don't worry about it, n come up and enjoy yourself some CM relaxed atmosphere and nature.

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Some days you see Doi Suthep clearly, the next day it's a bit obscured. Clearly this is not all pollution from one day, but atmospheric haze from the skies in general. Unless you're super sensitive - as UG suggests - don't worry about it, n come up and enjoy yourself some CM relaxed atmosphere and nature.

Come now or better wait until May or June. During the worst of the burning Doi Suthep gets "a bit obscured" meaning you can't even see the outline of the mountain from 2 km away. The next day... same same.

However, you can overcome your super sensitivity (sometimes treated with antihistamines and antibiotics) by investing in some property here or, better yet, running a business that depends on tourism. Then you won't even notice the alleged air pollution that prompts some expats to complain and many Thais to wear masks.

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Some days you see Doi Suthep clearly, the next day it's a bit obscured. Clearly this is not all pollution from one day, but atmospheric haze from the skies in general. Unless you're super sensitive - as UG suggests - don't worry about it, n come up and enjoy yourself some CM relaxed atmosphere and nature.

Come now or better wait until May or June. During the worst of the burning Doi Suthep gets "a bit obscured" meaning you can't even see the outline of the mountain from 2 km away. The next day... same same.

However, you can overcome your super sensitivity (sometimes treated with antihistamines and antibiotics) by investing in some property here or, better yet, running a business that depends on tourism. Then you won't even notice the alleged air pollution that prompts some expats to complain and many Thais to wear masks.

Beat me to it!


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However, you can overcome your super sensitivity (sometimes treated with antihistamines and antibiotics) by investing in some property here or, better yet, running a business that depends on tourism. Then you won't even notice the alleged air pollution that prompts some expats to complain and many Thais to wear masks.

That would explain it. I don't feel any ill effects of pollution, even when I'm running around a tennis court three days a week, because I own property and a business. Case solved. :)

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The guy wants to know when to visit for timing - now in the current season. Right now is just fine. We've had at least 20 out of the last 30 days beautiful up here. SOme of them stunning... enough to make you feel like you're on Prozac.

And yet all the complainers..... still live here ?!

KH, you n me both. I've started running a couple days a week. Been out enjoying the cooling evening air and the golden light from 4-5.30pm. Going great. I didn't even have to buy property.

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I lived in Chiang Mai and did not have business for 10 years without being bothered by pollution. If it were not for all the harping on the internet, I would hardly ever even think about it for more a day or two in March every year. :)

okay so for the Record UG is NOT actually bothered by the pollution.

Please everybody make a note if you missed his previous 500 posts stating the exact same thing.

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I lived in Chiang Mai and did not have business for 10 years without being bothered by pollution. If it were not for all the harping on the internet, I would hardly ever even think about it for more a day or two in March every year. :D

okay so for the Record UG is NOT actually bothered by the pollution.

Please everybody make a note if you missed his previous 500 posts stating the exact same thing.

Don't forget me!! And the argument that it is because I/we have a vested interested is a bit simplistic.

First of all, how many people do you think are put off coming to Chiang Mai because of what is said on ThaiVisa? 10? 12? I don't think that what is said here affects my business any way, shape or form. 

Secondly, don't forget I live here too, and I have family living here (a new baby on the way, to make me a grandfather for the second time!). If it was making me ill, it would concern me, especially if it was affecting my family and ....... my ability to win at tennis. :)

If it affects you, I'm sorry for you, but fortunately it doesn't seem to affect me.

FYI, I also thought that H1N1, and SARS was over-rated. :D  

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I lived in Chiang Mai and did not have business for 10 years without being bothered by pollution. If it were not for all the harping on the internet, I would hardly ever even think about it for more a day or two in March every year. :)

okay so for the Record UG is NOT actually bothered by the pollution.

Please everybody make a note if you missed his previous 500 posts stating the exact same thing.

I feel like many people on Thai Visa are hesitant to state their true opinions about certain things because they are attacked by certain self righteous posters who do their best to cower others into not admitting that certain issues are not as one sided as they would like to pretend (and I am not refering to CobraSnakeNecktie in any way).

A lot of us have seen how Priceless is ridiculed on a regular basis for providing statistics that prove that pollution in Chiang Mai is not nearly as bad as many people have claimed. He is a very intelligent, very personable man - with no business or so forth -no reason not to be honest - who is simply trying to present evidence for something that he has been studying for some time. However, some posters who resent his feedback mock him as some sort of evil scientist manipulating figures and actively working for the pollution industry.

Yes, I do comment frequently on some unpopular ideas, hoping that posters with much more expertise - like Priceless or Kevin - will jump in and add something to the debate. Some very learned people just like to know that they are not alone in their opinions and others could not give a fig. There are a lot of people out there who only are only mildly irritated by the air and only for a few days a year.

Kevin does not think that what we say on here affects real life one way or another, but I feel that maybe it does. Ten years ago, Chiang Mai was not thought of as polluted, but the internet has changed all that. If some people are purposely exaggerating the problem, what is wrong with trying to get to the truth of the matter? We all want Chiang Mai to be a clean city - each and every day - , but chasing away tourists with lies, exaggerations and false impressions is not going to help Chiang Mai get any better.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Comes to mind today - Willie Nelson 'Nothing but blue skies.....'

(not the biggest fan, but heard it at a wedding)

I open the curtains and break into "Oh what a beautiful morning, Oh what a wonderful day...." (Oklahoma). :)

Sometimes, it's not technically 'morning', but nonetheless....

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Yes yes hard line everything is peachy keen in Chiang Mai is understood..

I have more intense cases of Bronchitis every year I get colds.

Though could be because of age. My wife was diagnosed with Asthma

and now my 2 1/2 year old.

Medical groups back

Oregon field burning ban Oregon is dealing with the same issues...

"The Oregon Medical Association believes particulate pollution can

aggravate asthma," said Paige Webster, spokeswoman for the

organization that is made up of 7,300 physicians statewide.

Field burning "constitutes a major threat to public health in

Oregoni". (and I believe Chiang Mai)

He was joined at a news conference by Dana Kaye of the American Lung

Association of Oregon, who said there's scientific evidence showing a

link between exposure to particulate pollution and increased incidence

of asthma and heart disease.

"It doesn't have to be a weeklong exposure" to cause health problems,

Kaye said. "We're seeing things happen in just a few minutes or


I lived in Chiang Mai and did not have business for 10 years without being bothered by pollution. If it were not for all the harping on the internet, I would hardly ever even think about it for more a day or two in March every year. :)

okay so for the Record UG is NOT actually bothered by the pollution.

Please everybody make a note if you missed his previous 500 posts stating the exact same thing.

I feel like many people on Thai Visa are hesitant to state their true opinions about certain things because they are attacked by certain self righteous posters who do their best to cower others into not admitting that certain issues are not as one sided as they would like to pretend (and I am not refering to CobraSnakeNecktie in any way).

A lot of us have seen how Priceless is ridiculed on a regular basis for providing statistics that prove that pollution in Chiang Mai is not nearly as bad as many people have claimed. He is a very intelligent, very personable man - with no business or so forth -no reason not to be honest - who is simply trying to present evidence for something that he has been studying for some time. However, some posters who resent his feedback mock him as some sort of evil scientist manipulating figures and actively working for the pollution industry.

Yes, I do comment frequently on some unpopular ideas, hoping that posters with much more expertise - like Priceless or Kevin - will jump in and add something to the debate. Some very learned people just like to know that they are not alone in their opinions and others could not give a fig. There are a lot of people out there who only are only mildly irritated by the air and only for a few days a year.

Kevin does not think that what we say on here affects real life one way or another, but I feel that maybe it does. Ten years ago, Chiang Mai was not thought of as polluted, but the internet has changed all that. If some people are purposely exaggerating the problem, what is wrong with trying to get to the truth of the matter? We all want Chiang Mai to be a clean city - each and every day - , but chasing away tourists with lies, exaggerations and false impressions is not going to help Chiang Mai get any better.

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