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Be Brave, Hm The King Tells Judges

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Be brave, King tells judges

By The Nation

Published on January 26, 2010

His Majesty the King told judges yesterday to be brave and clever until their last days performing their role maintaining justice. They should conduct their duties with strict neutrality and adhere to principles of justice and reality.

The King said judges should adhere to promises made before him while officially performing their duties, so the country could progress without problems.

"Justice means when you judge something, you know what is just and what is not. Actually, it is not easy because everybody has their own ideas and desires. But you have to stay in the middle," the King said.

"Sometimes your judgement may lead to criticism. The judgement may not satisfy all sides. But the significance of your job is being neutral and just. If you can do it, that means you are doing your duty; but if you can't, it's tantamount to betraying justice. You may be viewed in a bad light and that is ugly," he said.

"If you can perform your duties by correctly realising what is fair and just, you will win in reality. So you should maintain justice and perform your duty bravely. If you lack bravery, for whatever the cause, that shows a lack of justice and points to ignorance."

His Majesty was speaking to a group of newly-appointed judges from the Central and Supreme Administrative Courts who had an audience with him at Siriraj Hospital. The group was led by Supreme Administrative Court President Ackaratorn Chularat.

The King, who is recovering from an illness, looked bright and alert while giving his speech that lasted 10 minutes.

In concluding, the King asked the judges to maintain their standards of justice "every time and instant until you die" for the sake of their merit and peace in the country.

The country's top courts are hearing important cases involving major businesses and politicians. The Supreme Court's Criminal Division for Political Office Holders is scheduled


-- The Nation 2010-01-26


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