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The Hunt For Female Viagra


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The hunt for female Viagra: Drug giants are ploughing millions into the search to boost women's sex lives...but could it ever work and do we really need it?

When Liz Canner was offered a job making erotic videos for women, she admitted she was interested - especially as it was all for what sounded like a good cause. The films were for a drug company called Vivus, which was developing an 'orgasm cream' to boost women's sex lives. They needed some female-friendly erotica to test sexual responses in women before and after treatment with their drug, to find out if it worked.

But the job didn't turn out the way Liz expected. Instead, she ended up making a shocking but hilarious film of her own, Orgasm Inc, which is causing a storm in America as it sets out to expose the drug companies and doctors who are now locked in a race to produce a 'female Viagra' - a treatment that promises women a super-charged sex life in a pill.

'The whole idea of these drugs is twisted,' she reveals. 'It's not about sexual empowerment for women, it's about exploiting women and making billions in profits for drug companies. They're creating a false idea of what constitutes a "good" or "normal" sex life just so we can all feel abnormal and then go and buy their products.'

One doctor in the U.S. has invented a machine he called an ' Orgasmatron', which inserts electrodes into the spine and can be operated at the touch of a button for, so it claims, an instant climax 'in the car, while you're doing housework - anywhere you like'. :)

Full story.

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Should one feel sorry for the derailment of a small part of the "Elle" and "FHM" Society, gathering on the virtual Facebook Party grounds, who think that they are the core of utmost importance of it all?

Who cares?

Exploited or not, climax or not, those who need chemicals or other tools to induce "happiness" are failures, losers anyway!

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Should one feel sorry for the derailment of a small part of the "Elle" and "FHM" Society, gathering on the virtual Facebook Party grounds, who think that they are the core of utmost importance of it all?

Who cares?

Exploited or not, climax or not, those who need chemicals or other tools to induce "happiness" are failures, losers anyway!

Honestly, I couldn't agree more. but please, lets not be hypocrites and include all those sad losers who use viagra too. Whats sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

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Should one feel sorry for the derailment of a small part of the "Elle" and "FHM" Society, gathering on the virtual Facebook Party grounds, who think that they are the core of utmost importance of it all?

Who cares?

Exploited or not, climax or not, those who need chemicals or other tools to induce "happiness" are failures, losers anyway!

Honestly, I couldn't agree more. but please, lets not be hypocrites and include all those sad losers who use viagra too. Whats sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

Here we go sbk you have started something now


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Who me? I don't think so. I am agreeing with Samuian. People who need chemicals to improve their sex lives often need to look to themselves first. Sure, some cases are real but most are due to weight, age, poor health, other emotional factors etc and if you can't fix yourself first without resorting to a pill then. Well I think Samuian probably was a little harsh with the term "loser" but it just seems that we are all looking for a quick fix rather than confronting the real issues.

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Who me? I don't think so. I am agreeing with Samuian. People who need chemicals to improve their sex lives often need to look to themselves first. Sure, some cases are real but most are due to weight, age, poor health, other emotional factors etc and if you can't fix yourself first without resorting to a pill then. Well I think Samuian probably was a little harsh with the term "loser" but it just seems that we are all looking for a quick fix rather than confronting the real issues.

How do you fix age?

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Drat! If any such orgasm machine is perfected, then really, there is no purpose for men anymore!

Lol sorry sub..but i kinda thought for many women, with regards to the female orgasm, that was already the case. :D:)

...But seriously...this gives me a good opportunity to post some photos I took on my mobile of an article i was reading in Loas. I planned to google and read more, but never got round to it. ANyway..the article had some interesting and valid points the female orgasm, and the concept of a female viagra.




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For those of you who didn't read the whole article (which was about drug companies making billions of dollars out of women by making them feel inadequate), there was this gem towards the end:

"The only treatment that will cure a lack of desire for a man you don't like is a divorce." :)

Suddenly I'm reminded of Sex and the City, and the scene where Samantha is having sex after taking viagra and the scene suddenly cuts to an opera diva singing a very high note...

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Bah sub, im not that much of a cheapskate :D It was a few months old mag that i read at the hotel whilst eating breakfast. So wasnt going to be on sale anywhere. I would have loved to have nicked it, but that wouldnt be right :D Im a good girl!

Edit: ..and yes, 28 is a great age to be! :)

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Suddenly I'm reminded of Sex and the City, and the scene where Samantha is having sex after taking viagra and the scene suddenly cuts to an opera diva singing a very high note...

:) Ok..so...does anyone actually know of any woman who has taken viagra, to know if it really does have some added effect?

I imagine that even if reg viagra has some effect on women, she still needs to be turned on in the first place?

Im a firm believer that for most women foreplay begins before even touching starts. Foreplay and the desire for sex comes from how a man treats her, how he looks at her, his choice of words, his smell, his smile...tons of factors. Any woman can lie there and think of England/Thailand/Shopping or do the whole fake performance thing. But real desire and passion come from really wanted a guy. Id say thats the difference between sex and mind blowing sex. Up to guys to put in some effort if they want the latter.

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Women can always fake enjoyment, but if a guy wants a woman to really enjoy herself then he's got to put in some effort himself. Sure it takes two, don't think anyone was saying it didn't, just that some guys don't seem to understand that for most women, its not just about the act itself. There's loads more going on beforehand. Or there should be :)

As for drug companies trying to make women feel inadequate, well they certainly did a good job promoting viagra to make men feel the same so why not aim their site on women now? Who are we to avoid feelings of sexual inadequacy too?

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Whowww... come on people don't be so mean.

I think this idea of "they want to make us feel inadequate" is not really true. I do believe there's definitely more than your biology to sex, but you can't just ignore that part, it's not all "spiritual". And some people might just not have what it takes. What's wrong with giving them some help?

Congratulations to all of you who have a fantastic sex life just because you have the right partner. It doesn't happen to everyone. Or maybe some would just like to be able to "perform" a bit more because it's so enjoyable.

I for one wouldn't mind taking a pill if there was an effective one out there, just to get more of what I like. It wouldn't make me feel "inadequate" in any way, in fact that wouldn't even have occurred to me until I read that article.

Is it a "plot" of the drug companies to make us buy the products? In that case you could say that about every company there is in this world. Yeah, that's what they do, they sell products. Is that news?

As for the disdain for using chemicals to be happy, does that mean that you people never drink alcohol??? Does that make you "losers" for wanting to have a good time??

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Suddenly I'm reminded of Sex and the City, and the scene where Samantha is having sex after taking viagra and the scene suddenly cuts to an opera diva singing a very high note...

:) Ok..so...does anyone actually know of any woman who has taken viagra, to know if it really does have some added effect?


I had a girlfriend nearly four years ago who liked to eat a small nugget of Kamagra (a locally manufactured Viagra knock-off) before sex. She would cut a pill in half, then cut one half in half, then cut one of those halves in half, so she ended up taking a very small dose. It was plenty.

She claimed that the Kamagra engorged her clitoris (these were not her exact words, but my rendition for what I consider to be a PG-rated website), and I can attest that it did make her extremely horny. Extraordinarily horny. And I can confirm that her clitoris appeared positively enraged. Simply blowing on it caused her to shudder with pleasure.

I am not a doctor, so I cannot testify to the pharmaceutical effect of Kamagra (or Viagra) on women, but Viagra does increase blood flow to the erectile tissues of the male penis. It might make sense that it could do the same for the clitoris in the case of a woman.

I do not recommend that all you men out there start crushing a small dose of Kamagra into the som tam of your girlfriends, but... if a small nugget accidentally made its way down the esophagus of a girl with whom you are intimate, it might be interesting to know the results.


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perhaps might be better to suggest that its the woman's choice to do so, as it was your girlfriends? Most girls would not be receptive to finding out they'd been slipped any drugs, regardless of what those drugs may be.

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ma91c1an, i LOVED your post, until however, that last paragraph. Even if meant as a joke, its not a funny suggestion. Im sure most women who feel safe and comfortable with their partner would be interested to try out the drug..by choice.

..anyway..it is food for thought..and now its got me pretty curious. :)

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Suddenly I'm reminded of Sex and the City, and the scene where Samantha is having sex after taking viagra and the scene suddenly cuts to an opera diva singing a very high note...

:) Ok..so...does anyone actually know of any woman who has taken viagra, to know if it really does have some added effect?

I imagine that even if reg viagra has some effect on women, she still needs to be turned on in the first place?

Im a firm believer that for most women foreplay begins before even touching starts. Foreplay and the desire for sex comes from how a man treats her, how he looks at her, his choice of words, his smell, his smile...tons of factors. Any woman can lie there and think of England/Thailand/Shopping or do the whole fake performance thing. But real desire and passion come from really wanted a guy. Id say thats the difference between sex and mind blowing sex. Up to guys to put in some effort if they want the latter.

Very true. It's also true for men. If there is a slow build up of anticipation it heightens the desire. But, if a person is not interested sexually in the partner then it's difficult to fake it. It's hard to keep any interest with a bored partner. From what I understand, Viagra only works physically on men. It doesn't work mentally to increase one's interest in the partner. It would be the same with a woman. If she is not interested in sex then there is no way she will have an orgasm.

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For those of you who didn't read the whole article (which was about drug companies making billions of dollars out of women by making them feel inadequate), there was this gem towards the end:

"The only treatment that will cure a lack of desire for a man you don't like is a divorce." tongue.gif

Suddenly I'm reminded of Sex and the City, and the scene where Samantha is having sex after taking viagra and the scene suddenly cuts to an opera diva singing a very high note...

I think you are a bit unfair when you give the impression that such a drug would have no positive impact for women.

Sexual pleasure is of "here and now" nature, whereas relationships, marriages, etc. should last longer.

But people and relationships change, mostly married couple lose the sexual passion at some point. It is not that the sex with the partner is bad, it is just boring, like going to the same restaurant every day, while other things in the relationship stay as good as before or even improve.

Most people are not ready for a separation of sexual pleasure from the love relationship:

"Darling, I quick go to get some orgasmic satisfaction! back in two hours, ok? kiss you!!"

And beyond feelings of love & jealousy, I would like to add that a quick and soon forgotten romp is easier for men than for women.

That's because while men have their instincts wired to impregnate as much women as possible, women's instincts tend to concentrate on finding one stable partner who will be able to provide for the children.

That's why female adultery is almost always emotional in nature (women don't like one night stands).


I think such a pill would be useful for reducing frustration in married women and possibly give some relations some more "good" ears.

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Whowww... come on people don't be so mean.

I think this idea of "they want to make us feel inadequate" is not really true. I do believe there's definitely more than your biology to sex, but you can't just ignore that part, it's not all "spiritual". And some people might just not have what it takes. What's wrong with giving them some help?

Congratulations to all of you who have a fantastic sex life just because you have the right partner. It doesn't happen to everyone. Or maybe some would just like to be able to "perform" a bit more because it's so enjoyable.

I for one wouldn't mind taking a pill if there was an effective one out there, just to get more of what I like. It wouldn't make me feel "inadequate" in any way, in fact that wouldn't even have occurred to me until I read that article.

Is it a "plot" of the drug companies to make us buy the products? In that case you could say that about every company there is in this world. Yeah, that's what they do, they sell products. Is that news?

As for the disdain for using chemicals to be happy, does that mean that you people never drink alcohol??? Does that make you "losers" for wanting to have a good time??


Your reply was to intelligent for this topic.

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Someone needs to clue in the drug companies that they are barking up the wrong tree.

It's not a demand side problem, it's a supply side problem

Specifically, the quality of the supply :)

unless/until that improves, why would women want to increase their libidos?!

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<br />Should one feel sorry for the derailment of a small part of the "Elle" and "FHM" Society, gathering on the virtual Facebook Party grounds, who think that they are the core of utmost importance of it all?<br /><br />Who cares?<br /><br />Exploited or not, climax or not, those who need chemicals or other tools to induce "happiness" are failures, losers anyway!<br /><br /><br />
<br /><br /><br />

thats a bit harsh my friend don't you think so?

there's chemicals in the air and just about everything else too.Including ones own brain. Did you know our body manufactures a chemical that if processed/extracted is illegal.Therefore- we are all in procession of an illegal drug.Unfortunately I deleted this fascinating topic send to my by my yoga friend.

And the term failures and losers is also a bit harsh and a bit general.

Do people who take pills for pain, or because they are bipolar "failures" losers" And people who drink and smoke.

I think so long as it does not hurt anyone one should free to do whatever they choose to find happiness, from smoking something,to Viagra if they are having "difficulty's".

One should know what one is doing of course and not jump blindly in.

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Should one feel sorry for the derailment of a small part of the "Elle" and "FHM" Society, gathering on the virtual Facebook Party grounds, who think that they are the core of utmost importance of it all?

Who cares?

Exploited or not, climax or not, those who need chemicals or other tools to induce "happiness" are failures, losers anyway!

Honestly, I couldn't agree more. but please, lets not be hypocrites and include all those sad losers who use viagra too. Whats sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

I think it is only fair to mention that as men mature not all parts of the body respond as they do when you are younger. Now for a lady the same age a little KY and ready to go. For a guy it is like pushing a rope down the road,, it just doesn't work well. Without Viagra or other drugs they would have to cover it with epoxy and let it harden to perform. :)

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There is a female Viagra.

Obviously is works differently .Its a sort of gel that a lady applys over time to sensitive that area.

I am awful in bed- apart from everywhere else and my ex took it.

She said it really worked as did some other friends of her.

It is not made here and can be obtained from an exceedingly nice gentleman named Jacky

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