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Ignore User Automatic Notification To The Ignoree


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On occasion, I use the Ignore User feature. I know others do as well. Without getting into the reasons of why people use the ignore user facility, I have encountered an etiquette problem with using it. I have always felt that the person being ignored should be NOTIFIED that they are being ignored so that they no longer expect any replies from the person doing the ignoring. As a basic courtesy. However, experience has shown me that informing the ignoree either by post or PM tends to understandably aggravate them.

Thus this new feature request.

I think it would be a nice feature if when you ignore a user, that the system itself automatically sends the ignoree a message about the event, so that the person doing the ignoring can do the deed and not worry about the netiquette of it.


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It's not hard.

You put them on ignore, then you block them from sending you a PM. I think you have to actually get a PM from them to do this but you don't have to read it.

Then the only way they can attack you is on open forum where...

i) you cannot read the attacks.

ii) with a bit of luck it will get them banned as well.

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It's not hard.

You put them on ignore, then you block them from sending you a PM. I think you have to actually get a PM from them to do this but you don't have to read it.

Then the only way they can attack you is on open forum where...

i) you cannot read the attacks.

ii) with a bit of luck it will get them banned as well.

Good points, but they do not address the issue I mentioned in my OP. I would like a way to NOTIFY the person when they are on ignore that is not personal, but just part of the software here. Sort of like a friend request kind of thing, automatic notify. Otherwise they have no way of knowing why you are no longer replying to them if you have been replying to them in the past.

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JT, send them the final PM, and then block them.

Then hotheads typically make a stink about it on the board, talking about getting an "unsolicited" PM as if their honor has been violated by getting a PM. I am not making this up. Anyway, my suggestion is on record.

Edited by Jingthing
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JT, send them the final PM, and then block them.

It's a trap. Don't ignore anyone. Just take a few days off to cool down.

I disagree. I think it is a VERY USEFUL tool when used with discretion and cause, especially for more high profile/controversial posters (like myself) who tend to attract a steady stream of snipers, sometimes an occasional stalker.

Personally, I have eleven users now on ignore. Each one was done for very good cause. I don't think that's a bad ratio given the many thousands of members here. I actually do often READ the posts of ignored users (select the post to read an ignoree's post) but the ignore part of it reminds me to not reply to them. Recently I unignored a member when I realized how worthy his posts were, and that has worked out well. I read here that one member ignores any user that ever posts a post with only emoticons. That's his choice, but that seems like a silly reason to me.

Edited by Jingthing
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JT, send them the final PM, and then block them.

It's a trap. Don't ignore anyone. Just take a few days off to cool down.

I disagree. I think it is a VERY USEFUL tool when used with discretion and cause, especially for more high profile/controversial posters (like myself) who tend to attract a steady stream of snipers, sometimes an occasional stalker.

Personally, I have eleven users now on ignore. Each one was done for very good cause. I don't think that's a bad ratio given the many thousands of members here. I actually do often READ the posts of ignored users (select the post to read an ignoree's post) but the ignore part of it reminds me to not reply to them. Recently I unignored a member when I realized how worthy his posts were, and that has worked out well. I read here that one member ignores any user that ever posts a post with only emoticons. That's his choice, but that seems like a silly reason to me.

Mr JT, you do stand out as one of the few stars of this show, and I understand your reasons to need a little security from the lowlifes who seem to have nothing better to do than nip at the toes of the heroes, but you may as well just close your eyes or else turn off your PC and walk away, as ignore the trolls when you're the big fish and they are just remora.

The ignore function is there for good-hearted young ladies to allay the advances of too many suitors and keep the peace graciously. It is not there for men like you or I to hide away from too many trolls in the same week. If we need a break from the incessant onslaught, then all we need is a few days away from the forum.

Trolls come and go. We meed to stand our ground and just get used to their comings and goings.

Noli Illegitimi Carborundum JT.

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Of course, one can just publicly let the general population know that you have placed someone on IGNORE for the act of simply disagreeing with you, as per:

(Him) Don't even begin to presume the ways in which I actually do disagree the way in which you characterized the US situation
. (Me) How presumptuous of me to characterize anything... especially the Thai private health insurance system for which I am entirely grateful and about which I will no further characterize... especially as whether they should be compelled to take on sick people as new subscribers.

(Him) Note -- I have put the above poster on permanent ignore. I am posting this publicly so people understand why there won't be any further replies to him by me

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