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Vdo: Thanboke Khoranee National Park In Krabi

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VDO on http://thainews.prd.go.th/newsenglish/prev...hp?news_id=1296 or

Intro: The Andaman coastal provinces of southern Thailand offer abundant natural resources in the form of sun, sand, sea and waterfalls or even cliffs. Today we capture the stunning beauty of the Thanboke Khoranee National Park in Krabi. Let’s enjoy:

Tape : A mixed tropical forest consisting of mangroves, & waterfall streams located within a community in Ao Luek district is known as Thanboke Khoranee National Park of Krabi. A typical scene and outstanding for visitors is this large emerald pond, Sa Bok Khorani, after which the park is named. The source of the stream providing all year round water comes from the Tham Num Pud and Thum Petch, located about 4 kilometres away. Annop Homkamol, the park official explained to us: “The pond is similar to a lotus shape with stream. So it’s named Than Boke Khorani – a stream flowing from lotus.” Apart from crystal clear water in the pond and diverse vegetation, the park also houses a shrine of Chao Pho Toh Tuan – Toh Chong with an imprint of Lord Buddha’s foot displayed. People also visit this place to pay respect. The park also provides about 1.8 kilometres of natural trails for visitors to appreciate diverse flora and vegetation. Annop told us more: “Being fresh and shady amidst lush tropical vegetation with cool clear water in the pond is the obvious charm of the national park.” This month of January until April is ideal to visit the park to cool off. Try it out.


weekly Andaman News NBT TV (VHF dial) at 8.30am & repeated on satellite C Band (usually net black) frequency 4134 Mhz at symbolate 2530 at 1pm & perhaps repeats on Phuket Cable TV channel 1 at 3.30pm, 7pm, 1.30am & 6.30am, broadcast to Phang Nga, Krabi & Phuket provinces & maybe Mazz Radio FM108 at 7pm in Phuket, Friday 29 January 2010 & http://thainews.prd.go.th/newsenglish/ & www.YouTube.com/AndamanNews

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